Alien Knights

Chapter 35: A Foothold

Back at the smelting field at the foot of the monastery mountain, he drank a few sips of water and breathed smoothly. Huggins stretched his tired legs and pulled out a simple hand-drawn map from his waist.

The location of Muxi Harbor is drawn in the middle of the map, with a dozen black dots to the east and south, representing villages in the coastal area, the endless sea to the west, and the archipelago to the north.

The man first put his finger on the harbor in the center: "This is a desolate place. It is said to be a harbor, but there is only an endless beach."

Move your finger all the way north.

Huggins tapped the islands with his fingertips: "I found that acquaintance who often goes to sea. He told me that there are several tribes of pirates in the northern archipelago. The smaller ones have more than a hundred people, and the larger ones have thousands of people. They are at war with each other all year round. Now the waterway leading to the south is controlled by a tribe called Grayhead."

Finally, he put his palms on the land in the east, and the man thought for a while and said, "I inquired about the villages that were plundered. The northern pirates will determine the time to go south according to the speed of snow melting. Some experienced old people speculate that this year's attack will not wait too long, which is within half a month."

Todd nodded: "Half a month, that is, at the end of January and the beginning of February." After finishing speaking, he waved to Huggins, signaling that the other party would come with him.

The two approached the innermost warehouse of the smelting field, and Todd signaled Jerry, who was standing at the door, to open the door.

To Huggins' surprise, all the windows in the room were sealed by wooden boards. Although it was daytime, it was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers.

Todd lit a torch on the wall, and as the man slowly adjusted to the changing light, he saw the crate lying flat in the corner.

Huggins looked at the other party silently, knowing that there must be a reasonable reason for him to bring himself here.

Todd uncovered the wooden boards, peeled away the piles of straw in the box, and carefully took out an object from inside.

Huggins narrowed his eyes, and saw the true content of the other party's hands through the firelight.

"This is……!"

The man froze.

It looks like a crystal clear crystal, but it has no edges, corners or hollows. The surface is engraved with a line of small characters in ancient Tyro style, "wealth changes hands, gods stay forever", and the eyes of the beholders are dyed with colorful lights.

"This is a treasure from the ancient Tyro period?!" Huggins suddenly remembered something, grabbed Todd's arm, and said seriously: "You must not take this out!" Perhaps realizing his gaffe, the man added: "This will bring us disaster!"

Huggins' words sounded a little out of order and inexplicable.

But Todd knew what he meant.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

Although glass utensils in this world are common, at that time most of them were green glass with many impurities and thick bottle walls (also known as German ancient glass in previous lives), or metallic glass from the south, which was expensive and complicated to make.

But like this handicraft with perfect color and smooth shape, any knowledgeable person can immediately judge the high value of it just by looking at it.

Todd brought the small glass pot closer to the firelight, inspected it carefully, and replied, "This is a glass handicraft that Karin and I just made a few days ago. I engraved that ancient Taylor proverb on it."

Huggins made a gasping sound behind him.

Under the light of the fire, the small pot looks a bit like the wine cup on the wine table in the previous life. It looks decent from a distance, but there are many problems when you look closely.

After all, Karin is a girl with limited lung capacity. When blowing glass, she can’t shape it at will. She can only make some simple shapes. On the glass wall at the bottom of the bottle, some air bubbles are suspended in it.

The treasure in Huggins' eyes is a defective product full of problems in Todd's view. But this guy has selectively forgotten that the works he made before are not even considered "garbage".

Putting the small pot into the wooden box, Todd said: "I understand what you mean, we don't have any ability to protect ourselves, once we sell these things, it is bound to attract others' covetousness. So, I have a plan, listen to it..."

Pirates of the North, Twilight Seaport, Apologists and Exorcists, Glass Products, Ancient Tyro Inscriptions, Ecclesiastes and Ascetics...

The Slavic man opened his mouth wider and wider when he heard the huge "plan" in the mouth of the other party. After listening, the first reaction was to say: "You are crazy!"

After a while, he lowered his head, thought again carefully, shook his head slightly and said, "How could this kind of thing be successful?"

Pacing back and forth in the room, looking at the glass products in the corner again, Huggins fell into deep thought again, stroked the braid on his chin with his hand, and said in an uncertain tone: "Maybe...if we are lucky enough...maybe..."

The man finally gave up thinking, shrugged, and asked Todd: "I don't understand, why do you want to try such a dangerous plan?"

Hearing the other party's question, Todd's eyes were momentarily confused. The encounters of the past few days slowly surfaced in his mind, making his eyes firm again.

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, leaned his body against the wall, and said slowly while recalling the past: "When Master Meris was here, I went to class every morning, went to the underground alchemy room in the afternoon, and fell asleep at night. Repeatedly, every day. Regarding the future, I didn't feel pressure or think too much. Maybe I think it's good that the days pass like that."

The swaying fire light cast Todd's face in a cloudy environment, and Todd's tone became gloomy: "After that, Master Melis left without saying goodbye. The church used me as a tool to invade the monastery, and the monks regarded me as a traitor who was greedy for the world. I'm afraid the monastery can't stay any longer, and the place that belongs to me is like this..."

He stretched out his palms, facing each other, and getting closer: "... I was squeezed and deprived. I gradually understood one thing, that I have always lived in a place of light, and my eyes are always facing the direction of the sun. When shadows strike, my foothold is like this glass, fragile and vulnerable."

"This plan may sound like a joke. But if it succeeds, I may be able to build a shelter for us alien species; if it fails, it's just back to the starting point. How about it? Brother Huggins, are you willing to help me?" Todd stood up straight and stretched out his right hand towards the other party.

The two people in the room looked at each other, and Huggins suddenly asked a strange question: "Todd, do you believe in miracles?"

Todd thought for a moment and shook his head.

The man stepped forward, ignored the other's outstretched hand, hugged his shoulder directly, and said with a smile: "I in front of me are a miracle."

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