Alien Knights

Chapter 43 Return

Hudgens and "acquaintances" gathered together.

By the light of the bonfire, everyone watched Todd cut thirteen pieces of paper, and then cut each piece of paper into four identical rectangular pieces of paper with a knife, and then drew patterns of "club", "heart", "diamond" and "spades" on them with a pencil, and finally marked A, 2, 3... .

Glancing at the J, Q, and K representing the prince, queen, and king, and thinking about it carefully, Todd replaced the "Joker" of the big and small kings with the pattern of "big and small crosses".

Considering the difficulty of the game, instead of choosing rules such as "Bridge" and "Upgrade", "Fight the Landlord", which is the easiest to play and has a short game time, was chosen instead.

Of course, a dazzling name like "Fighting the Landlord" cannot be used. According to recent encounters, Todd simply named this game "Knights and Pirates". Pirates are peasants, knights are landowners.

The name isn't the only problem.

Let others learn the size of the cards first, which is a moderate challenge.

After some questioning, none of the people present could understand Arabic numerals. It is said that these figures are somewhat similar to the writing of the southern countries, but not quite the same.

In desperation, the first task is to teach these people to recognize numbers first.

After reading and understanding the numbers, someone asked why the A representing 1 is bigger than 9, and Todd could only stop him with a sentence of "this is the rule".

After understanding the size, someone raised a question again, why the card representing the prince is represented by J (Jack) and why not P (Prince).

After understanding the rules, someone asked again, what is a "bomb"? What is an "aircraft"? Why are two crosses called "Wang Zha"? The veins on Todd's forehead exploded, and he slapped the ground directly, yelling shut up!

The world is quiet, and finally no one has a problem.

Once you understand the cards and learn the rules, as long as you play two rounds, or watch for a while, no matter how stupid you are, you can play the game without any obstacles.

Ten minutes later, a table of cards could no longer meet the demand.

People with itchy hands, cut out the paper, draw numbers on it, and quickly opened the second and third tables...

Until late at night, on Waiheke Island, the fire did not go out, and the voices of people did not stop.

A group of uninvited guests used playing cards to bring joy and laughter that has not been heard for a long time to this island that has been silent for many years.

The next day, Todd opened his eyes, got dressed and walked out of the tent, thumping his stiff back with his hands. It echoed that at ten o'clock in the middle of the night yesterday, when I was fighting at the poker table with a group of infatuated poker players, I shook my head amusedly.

When he walked to the center of the camp, he realized that Huggins was still struggling at the poker table.

When I got closer, I saw that the original paper playing cards with patterns had been replaced with wood chip playing cards with engraved patterns. In this way, it is more convenient to draw cards, and it will not be blown around by the wind as soon as the cards are played like last night. On the ground next to it, someone even carved the transliterated names of technical terms such as "bomb" and "aircraft" with tree branches.

Todd sighed. In order to play cards, these people really racked their brains and exhausted their efforts.

Two days on Waiheke Island passed quickly.

When Todd told Huggins it was time to go back, that was the reply.

"Don't worry, wait until I finish this game."

Before departure, people lit a pile of plants, and the black smoke generated by the burning curled up, which was very conspicuous.

After packing up the tents and utensils, everyone carefully cleaned the traces of the campsite, then boarded the boat and paddled to the eastern continent.


A group of people who received the "news" early in the morning stood on the beach on the west coast in the early morning, looking into the distance.

"I heard people say that there is a treasure hunting team that returned from the northern archipelago today, and the ship was full of gold, silver and jewels."

"The news can't be false, right? I haven't seen the shadow of the ship until now."

"We haven't had a ship go to sea for several years. I think the news is mostly false."

"Then what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"I have nothing to do at home..."

When it was noon, when the sun was shining on the earth, there were more and more people on the coast. People who had been waiting for several hours began to get irritable and impatient, but still not many people chose to leave.

Finally, a black spot appeared on the line between the sea and the sky.

The black spots get bigger and bigger.

Someone first shouted: "Look! There's a boat over there!"

The emotions of the people on the beach were instantly ignited, and the crowd began to jostle and push like boiling water.

The hull is getting closer and closer to the shore, and people with sharp eyes can already see the faces of the people standing on the bow.

"Holy Son! It's the Holy Son! It's Lord Todd!"

The news flew like a winged bird all over the coast, and someone in the crowd began to cry out.

The warship finally docked.

Todd was the first to jump off the side of the boat and stood on the beach. Looking at the many people gathered in front of him, he raised his hands and said loudly: "I came back from the north, experienced strong winds, sailed through rough waves, defeated pirates, and finally discovered the treasures of ancient Tyro! I want to dedicate all these priceless treasures to the noble heavenly Father! Great and high! May glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"

As he spoke, he motioned for the crew to place the crate on the sand and pry the lid off.

The crystal clear, warm and elegant "Crystal Treasure" shines brightly and dazzlingly under the sunlight.

The noise disappeared in an instant. People opened their eyes and opened their mouths wide. The air seemed to be condensed, and there was no sound.

I don't know who it was, but he yelled first: "Heavenly Father is above! Holy Son is above!"

The atmosphere of the crowd was pushed to a climax in an instant, the cheers sounded like a mountain torrent, and the praises lasted like sea waves.

"Father above! Son above!"

"Praise the Father! Praise the Son!"

The carriage that had been waiting for a long time also approached, watching box after box of treasures being carried up, some people chatted enthusiastically, some followed the carriage to see the true face of the treasures again, and more people ran back to the village, trying their best to describe what they had just seen to their neighbors and friends.

Gradually forgetting the excitement, the carriage drove for less than an hour, and the church camp gradually appeared in front of Todd's eyes.

Todd glanced at the wooden box behind him, sank his heart, and thought carefully about what he might encounter after entering the camp for a while, and how to deal with it.

Soon, the carriage passed through the gate of the church camp. Todd ignored it on purpose, the gate guard gave him desperate winks, looked at the gloomy face in the center of the camp, and sneered secretly in his heart.

bring it on! Father Paul! Let me see, who will win this round!

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