Alien Knights

Chapter 51 The Heresy Trial (1)

Recently, an explosive news spread in the streets and alleys of Wangcheng, as well as the houses in the market.

The legendary Brother Todd will soon come to Silver Ring City.

It's just that the way he appeared was a bit embarrassing, not as a guest of the king and queen, nor as a preacher of the catechumens speech, but as the object of suspicion by the Third Heresy Inquisition, and he was taken into the detention center and became a prisoner.

A monk who studied sacred studies in a monastery, a believer who was conferred by the church as an auxiliary exorcist, a perfect man who was dedicated to the Lord and selfless, was suspected of being a heretic, and was imprisoned in the high wall without authorization.

Different from those who watched the excitement, people who once fought against the enemy side by side with Todd joined the ranks of protests one after another.

The first ones to act were those knights of the Holy See who were so jealous. They walked into the office of the Inquisition and loudly questioned the jury about the evidence for this almost barbarian behavior.

Then, many clergymen of the church also took action. They jointly wrote a protest letter and claimed to appeal the matter to the archbishop of the diocese. Father Rupert even left his church without authorization and went to the St. Ke Cathedral to ask the bishop to immediately suspend this absurd trial.

Once again, some monks from the San Sidro Monastery also organized a group to Silver Ring City. In their view, no matter what mistakes Todd made, he is a monk, and the church should not and has no right to arrest him, not to mention that this method of direct secret arrest without prior notice is really detrimental to the monastery's face.

In the end, church believers, local militia groups, and village representatives also arrived in Yinhuan City one after another, or formally or unofficially negotiated with the church.

Bishop Fabian has been in a state of desperation recently. He, who has lived on the high platform of the temple for a long time, never imagined that the arrest of a small monk would cause so many troubles.

He began to regret more than once, regretting whether the original decision was a bit hasty.

But the current situation has become difficult. If he is acquitted immediately and releases Todd, St. Ke Cathedral and the Third Inquisition, it will become the biggest joke in the church this year; if the trial continues, he is really not sure whether he can be convicted.

For this matter, he called Father Paul almost twice a day for questioning. The latter's repeated promises and comforts did not calm his uneasy emotions at all.

Compared with the noise and hustle and bustle of the outside world, Todd's place is much quieter.

In the history of the Third Inquisition, there were very few cases of trial of clergy. Coupled with Todd's own influence, the trial court treated him surprisingly well.

Instead of being locked in a dark underground room, they restricted their movements to a remote courtyard outside the city; they didn't eat the food mixed with maggots and swill as they imagined, but they had the same meals as the guards.

In the days leading up to the trial, Todd was outwardly calm but internally troubled.

This is like the famous "Russian Roulette" in the previous life. Before you pull the trigger, you will never know whether the firing pin will strike a bullet or air.

Consider the worst-case scenario first, where the Church finds itself the bearer of the "Sutherland Relic". If this happens, there is no doubt that there is only one end-the stake.

But when he thought about it carefully, there were no more than seven people who knew that he had the "Sutherland relic" in his body, and none of them had any reason, and it was impossible for them to betray themselves.

So, next, what else will be caught?

Thinking about every possibility, the monk pretended to walk in the small courtyard to digest food.

Out of the corner of his eye, he inadvertently saw a tall and familiar figure on the hillside in the distance.

That's...Little Jerry...

The figure of this guy is too conspicuous.

Looking at his side again, several figures were faintly visible, hiding in the woods.

Todd could almost guess what the gang was up to.

It's not difficult to save yourself, but the Church's army is nearby, and it becomes unrealistic to flee far away.

And, most importantly, Todd didn't want to abscond.

Once he escapes, it means admitting all "crimes". Everything he worked so hard to manage will come to naught, and he can only live in hiding and running away for the rest of his life. This is not the result he wants.

Gotta find a way to get these guys to settle down.

With such an idea in mind, Todd began to think about how to contact them.

Flying pigeons pass on letters? good idea! But where do the pigeons come from?

Looking for someone to deliver a letter? Where can I find someone in such a short time? Moreover, I am penniless, and I am not familiar with these guards, so this method of bribery will not work.

After much deliberation, he came up with an idea.

First, I visually measured the distance between myself and the hillside, then I used the excuse to go to the bathroom, and then... ran over when no one was paying attention, and then... ran back...

This... sounds like a really stupid idea.

But because of the ability of "speed", this method has certain feasibility.

Moreover, medieval toilets are also very different from today's closed toilets. The scenery there is beautiful, the air is clean, and the water source is pure... To put it bluntly, all defecation and defecation are done outdoors, and there is every chance to temporarily escape the guard's sight.

So, taking advantage of the few minutes of going to the bathroom, Todd ran to the other side of the hillside like a wild horse that had taken aphrodisiacs.

After finding Karin, Huggins, Edgar, Jerry Jerry, and a group of "acquaintances", without giving them a chance to speak, Todd explained the matter at the fastest speed: "Things are not as bad as you imagined, so don't try to save me. Also, the most important point is that this is the sphere of influence of the Inquisition Tribunal, and you must never show the ability of alien species!"

After saying this, the wild horse spread its hooves and galloped back, leaving only a group of people staying in place.

The time soon came to the public trial day. Due to the large number of visitors, the venue was changed from the Third Heresy Tribunal to the main hall of St. Ko Cathedral. Even so, thousands of seats were full, and nobles, knights, church personnel, and monks crowded the entire hall to the brim.

Silver Ring City and the civilians who heard the news from all directions blocked the square of the cathedral.

The presiding judge of this heresy trial was personally served by Bishop Fabian, and the interrogator was served by Father Paul.

Putting it on the ring table, a thick stack of complaints made everyone present feel that things might not be as simple as imagined.

Queen Mary sat on the high platform on the second floor, and a curtain blocked the sight of the outside world. She glanced at the side face of the judged, and asked the maid, "Is that the legendary Brother Todd?"

After getting an affirmative answer, the queen gently pressed her delicate lips like rose petals: "There is a good show to watch."

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