Alien Knights

Chapter 53 Heresy Trial (3)


In the auditorium of the heresy trial, there was an exclamation that could blow off the roof.

When the Heavenly Father Church and the Orthodox Church had not yet separated and belonged to the Thai state religion, alchemy was a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. There is no other reason, only because one person has given the church great pressure and blows, and he is the alchemist Sutherland who helped the aliens escape.

Since the success of the Great Escape, the remnants of the heterogeneous species have carried out a series of attacks on the church, overtly or covertly—slandering rumors, stealing holy objects, burning churches and even attempting to assassinate the pope. Therefore, under the deliberate propaganda of the church, alchemy became the synonym of "demon art", and alchemists were also equated with "people who manipulate demons".

As one after another large tables on rollers and covered with white cloths were rolled up to the pulpit in the hall, attitudes towards the accused gradually changed.

The priests who originally chose to stand beside Todd raised the cross on their chests and stepped back; the knights who defended him with honor looked at him with guarded eyes;

Seeing this scene, Father Paul and Bishop Fabian exchanged a satisfied look.

And the center of the vortex - Todd.

Standing there motionless, looking at the white cloth on the big table, expressionless.

The arraigner Paul commanded the church personnel, lifted the white cloth, and the things on the table revealed their true colors. The people in the hall were frightened by everything in front of them, and let out short and convulsive screams, and some even started to turn around and run away.

Different styles of experimental equipment, bottles and jars with unknown uses, and ugly and weird specimen organs.

That's right, these things are only possessed by alchemists, and these are tools for summoning demons.

Paul looked at all kinds of people on the table, held the cross on his chest, took a step back unconsciously, then collected himself, and asked loudly: "Todd! Let me ask you, these alchemy equipment and materials are yours?!"

Todd knew very well that since the heretic judge could find the underground laboratory, he would naturally be able to track his whereabouts in the monastery. Denial doesn't make any sense at this point.

"Yes, these are mine."

As soon as the monk said this, all four were shocked.

Priests, knights, and monks who were familiar with Todd had a fluke mentality, thinking that these alchemy equipment had nothing to do with the true and kind man; others in the hall were terrified by the appearance of a living alchemist in front of them; Paul and Fabian were surprised that the defendant admitted it so easily.

Queen Mary, who was hiding on the second floor, lost her composure for the first time. She pursed her lips tightly, opened her eyes wide, and the folding fan creaked and twisted in her hand.

Paul lowered his face and asked the second question: "So, do you admit that you are an alchemist?"

Todd turned his head and thought for a while, and said, "Yes, at least I think I should be."

Queen Mary leaned back, closed her eyes, and sighed deeply.

At the door of the cathedral, the figures of Huggins, Karin and others passed by.

At this time, Father Paul's heart was already so joyous that he couldn't control himself. His face was filled with a successful smile, and his limbs began to dance because of excitement. He only heard him pronounce the sentence loudly: "So! I hereby announce that Todd's heresy charges..."

"Wait a minute!"

The defendant's sudden words made the originally noisy hall instantly quiet, and everyone turned their attention back to him.

As if watching an animal about to be slaughtered, Paul had a pitiful smile on his face: "What else do you want to say?"

Todd looked into the priest's eyes, firm but not timid, which made the priest feel a little strange.

"I want to ask a question." The monk raised the cross on his chest into the air: "Does the so-called heresy refer to people who violate the will of the heavenly father?"

Not sure what the other party meant by this, Father Paul thought carefully and carefully replied: "It can be said that way."

"Then why can't I find any words in the Holy Father and the Supreme Bible and holy texts that define alchemists as heretics?"

All the church personnel and monks and monks present were stunned.

Anyone who has a little knowledge of church history knows that the words and deeds about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were first written in more than 1,500 years before the Gregorian calendar, and after 1,600 years of revisions and additions, they were finally compiled in the 96th year of the Gregorian calendar. This comprehensive holy book, as the fundamental program of the church, has continued to this day.

And the alchemist was criticized as heresy. It was written in the "Encyclical of the Holy Ministry" issued by the Pope at the "Ecumenical Council" after the "Great Alien Escape" in the 200th year of the Christian calendar.

Sound complicated?

To put it simply, the statement that alchemy is classified as heresy is an internal decision of the church leaders, and has nothing to do with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.

Looking at the priests and monks under the stage, he explained the twists and turns to the people around him. Todd walked up to a knight and said, "Can I borrow your weapon?"

The monk with the long sword in his hand walked around the pulpit. Paul and Fabian looked at the edge of the sword in each other's hands and backed away in fear.

"Who can tell me, is this weapon in my hand righteous? Or evil?"

Todd's question made everyone look at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"A weapon is a weapon. It will only follow the user's palm and arm and swing towards the designated target. When it strikes robbers and villains, it is righteous. When it strikes civilians and good people, it is evil! Alchemy is the same..."

Father Paul suddenly interrupted the monk's speech, and shouted hoarsely: "Alchemy is heresy and sorcery! It is the magic of summoning demons!"

Todd laughed and said every word: "Then I am surprised that alchemy first originated 2,500 years before the Christian calendar. A thousand years later, the Bible, which records the words and deeds of the Holy Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, did not define it as heresy and witchcraft; two thousand years later, a circular letter from the church sent it to the guillotine of evil witchcraft. Could it be that the church is wiser than the heavenly father? It has discovered the truth that even the highest cannot perceive?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Queen Mary sat up straight, a smile slowly spread on her face, her beating heart was like a turbulent lake, and it was difficult to calm down.

Todd glanced at the chemical reagents and material bottles and jars on the table, handed back the knight's long sword, and said to everyone in the hall: "I! Todd, I will prove to you that alchemy has a righteous side! It can be used as a holy mirror to distinguish between light and darkness under the rule of the Heavenly Father!"

Next, he proposed to the trial court to extract a few vicious and criminal desperadoes from the prison, and then find some kind and law-abiding, simple and honest civilians from the square, and mix them together. He can use alchemy to gain the true eye of the Father, which can distinguish good from evil.

This sounds like a fantasy.

Father Paul immediately expressed his objection, but his voice was quickly drowned out by applause and approval.

Those idle nobles have great interest and enthusiasm for this sacred and interesting thing.

Letters to retrieve death row prisoners were quickly drafted and sent to prisons.

And Todd is about to use alchemy to distinguish between good and evil, and soon spread throughout the Cathedral Square. The people are boiling. This kind of thing is simply unimaginable. Evil alchemy can also use the divine power of the Holy Spirit to distinguish between good and evil in the world?

Taking advantage of this opening, Todd walked to the experimental table, and began to debug the so-called "God's Eye" under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Queen Mary moved the chair forward a little, quietly opened the curtain in front of her, and looked at the monk who was busy with the experiment, with a little light shining in her sky-blue pupils.

Soon, the condemned prisoners and innocent people were brought in, and Todd also completed the preparation of the reagents.

The first group of interrogates, a total of five people, walked to the pulpit.

Todd raised the cross in front of them, and read aloud: "Almighty Creator, please send down the holy flame! The sinner will be in the eternal purgatory, suffering unspeakably! His blood evaporates, his bones are broken, and his soul is tortured! He will always be a rootless ghost, lamenting pain, and dying..."

While reciting these scary-sounding prayers, Todd used the ability of "see through" to carefully observe the heartbeat and blood circulation of the five people in front of him.

There are four people who are all normal, only the scarred person on the far left has a violent heartbeat, accelerated blood circulation, and rapid rise in body temperature.

Knowing what was in his heart, he took out a cup of "God's Eye" and dipped their hands into the solution from right to left.

The four people in front were all normal. When Todd grabbed the hand of the person on the far left and was immersed in the solution, his sleeves turned over, and the originally clear water suddenly turned dark brown.

Everyone was surprised to see this change.

The monk pretended to be surprised, pointed at the scarred man in front of him, and said loudly: "The heavenly father sent down the holy edict, you are an evil person!"

Later, the judge announced the result.

As Todd said, that person is a death row prisoner!

Everyone in the hall suddenly boiled, alchemy can really get the real eye of the heavenly father to distinguish between good and evil!

Todd smiled, the so-called eye of God is ferric chloride solution (Fecl3). What I hide in my sleeve is sodium acetate solution (3CH3COONa). The chemical reaction between the two will produce dark brown iron acetate solution (Fe[CH3COO]3) and sodium chloride (Nacl).

There was a person with a gloomy expression who yelled out doubts.

"I want to do it again!" Father Paul glanced at the man with scars on his face, and said, "The judge must wear a black cloth on his head."

The result of the second time was still that Todd successfully found the criminal.

Not reconciled, Paul struggled again, this time to put a black cloth on Todd's head. This unmannered behavior almost caused him to be booed.

The monk didn't care at all, the ability to see through could completely penetrate the black cloth on his face, and the result of the third time was exactly the same as the first two times.

Father Paul collapsed on the ground, his face ashen ashes: "How is this possible? Alchemy can borrow the true eyes of the heavenly father. How is this possible?"

Bishop Fabian covered his forehead with his hands, with a distressed expression on his face.

The heresy trial against Todd has completely failed!

When everyone stood up, or cheered or whistled, to express excitement and salute.

Two church knights escorted a member of the referee onto the pulpit, who was still holding a small gray box in his hand.

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