Alien Knights

Chapter 62 Invaders from the North

Standing on the square, a soldier closest to Bai Bu suddenly noticed something under his feet out of the corner of his eye, and just about to look down, a huge force knocked him to the ground. A moment later, several ferocious figures pounced on him. Blood was mixed with screams, and the sudden scene stunned everyone in place.

"The corpse is back!"

"The demons have taken control of their bodies!"

"They will eat our souls!"

Wilder drew out the long sword at his waist, kicked the "puppet" that was flying over, and shouted at the soldiers beside him: "Back! Back! Stay away from those corpses! Form a battle formation!"

The knights who issued orders played a key role in the chaos. The soldiers found the backbone in the battle, and more and more people retreated towards the edge of the square, forming a semicircular defense line.

It might be better if their opponents were vicious robbers, or pagans who believed in evil gods. However, the faces of the enemy were those who had fought hand in hand with him, which caused the soldiers to gradually fall into a bitter battle.

A middle-aged soldier, looking at the pale-faced infected person walking towards him slowly, burst into tears, the long sword in his hand fell to the ground blankly, opened his arms in despair, and said in his mouth: "Swing the weapon at my only brother... I can't do it..." A few seconds later, the "puppet" threw him down, and a candle of life was extinguished.

Combatants on the front line looked at the face of the enemy on the opposite side, or gave up resistance, or turned around and fled. Fewer and fewer people could muster up the courage to launch an attack.

And those fallen soldiers soon became new "puppets" under the control of the "Hive". The ratio of the numbers between the enemy and the enemy was gradually balanced, and even changed in the direction of reversal.

"Damn it! You idiots! Idiots! These guys in front of you are no longer our comrades-in-arms, but enemies! Raise yours..." Wilder swung his long sword, chopped off the head of an infected person, and was about to find the next target to attack, when the figure walking towards him in his vision made him stop his words and pause: "...Sir Adams...sir..."

Seeing the "puppet" who used to be the commander of the castle walk towards his friend step by step, Alfonso roared anxiously, but the weapon was firmly grasped by three or four enemies, unable to move.

The situation on the battlefield is getting worse and worse.

At this moment, Todella stood on the high platform of the square with Karin, took off his cloak and put down his hood. The priest's robe was particularly conspicuous in the firelight. He held up the cross and shouted to the soldiers: "Father Almighty! We gather together in your name, please save us from the trap of evil, and let the sword and flames redeem the souls of these fallen people! Amen!"

A soldier immediately recognized the identity of the prayer: "It's Father Todd!"

"The Holy Son is here!"

"The Lord has come to save us!"

"Father above! Let the Holy Light save the souls of brothers!"

The long sword swung out, the knife and ax danced, and heads flew into the air.

The battle situation was quickly brought under control, and the "puppets" were quickly encircled and wiped out to none left.

Knight Wilder put down the long sword in his hand, looked at the head of Sir Adams under his feet, took a few breaths, and then ordered his subordinates to count the number of people. Seventeen more died, most of them in the first encounter.

Alfonso walked up to Todd and bowed his head respectfully towards the priest: "I owe you a favor both in public and in private..." Todd was about to say something when he was suddenly interrupted by a voice on the city wall.

"My God! North! North!"

The soldier watching from the guard post pointed his finger in the direction of the mountains, trembling all over, speechless.

The two knights glanced at each other, picked up their weapons, and ran up the city wall along the stone steps. Their first glance towards the north chilled their hearts!

Torches, countless torches!

Winding along the foot of the mountain in the dark night, the direction of travel is the fortress at the foot!

The muscles on Wilder's face twitched a few times, and he suddenly remembered something. He yelled frantically at the stunned sentinel: "Ring the bell! Bastard! Ring the bell quickly! The barbarians from the north have invaded!" The rapid bell rang throughout the entire sky of Fort Watch. The soldiers who had just recovered from the battle raised their weapons and put on their armor, and hurried up the city wall, looking for their respective positions.

Alfonso looked at the defenders who entered the combat position, his eyes were full of worry.

The number of soldiers is too small... The original garrison strength of the fort should be around 225 people, but now it seems that there are not even 120 people. There are quite a lot of empty sections on the city wall, and they are in an embarrassing situation where no one is defending.

Seeing the worry of his old friend, the carefree Wilder did not show any worry. He patted the other person on the shoulder and motioned him to look at the drawbridge facing the north of the castle.

"This castle is built on a cliff, and it is the only road from the north to the south. Look there, do you see it?" Wilder pointed to the huge ravine in front of the suspension bridge: "There is a natural canyon there, and there is a deep abyss below. As long as the suspension bridge is not lowered, no amount of barbarians will be able to enter!"


Before the smug smile faded from the bearded face, there was a deafening metal impact sound from the top of the fortress, causing everyone to close their eyes and cover their ears unconsciously.

Due to the excessive noise, Alfonso could only shout to Wilder: "What's going on?!"

The other party looked at the source of the sound—the winch room above the suspension bridge, his face was pale, and his lips trembled: "Someone is destroying the winch of the suspension bridge!"


Alfonso ran at the forefront, followed by Leslie, Todd and Karin. The non-stop sound of metal crashing in his ears made him anxious and reminded him of Wilder's words just now.

『The one that controls the drawbridge of the Fort Watcher is a room called the Winch Room. There are four huge winches inside, and four iron chains are wrapped around each of them. These four iron chains together pull up the drawbridge of the fortress. If all four capstans are destroyed, the drawbridge of the castle will be lowered completely, and a bridge will be built across the ravine, which the barbarians of the north will be able to follow and enter Keepwatch. At that time, everything will be over...』

A harsh breaking sound made everyone's ears tighten, and the first iron chain broke.

"Hurry up!" Alfonso waved to the people behind him with a big sword on his back.

Running along the city wall to the source of the sound, Todd began to make a complete analysis of the whole incident in his heart.

This small town infection attack looked like a terrorist attack on the residents, but it was actually a well-planned invasion war.

First, he used parasites to cause chaos in the small town and weakened the troops of the Fortress. Then he used the "puppets" gathered at the southern gate to attract the attention of the guards. Then he changed the control object and ordered the corpses of the defenders in the castle to attack the remaining defenders. Finally, he sneaked into the winch room during the battle in the castle, cut off the chains, lowered the drawbridge, and let the barbarians from the north enter the fortress.

Just as I thought of this, there was another ear-piercing cracking sound in the distance, making everyone aware of one thing.

The time left for them is running out...

The BOSS is on! Cavaliers are so strange, thieves pay attention to interrupt, mages don't overflow hatred, priests add milk! What? Todd that stupid X didn't learn milk? Let him cool off and rest!

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