Alien Knights

Chapter 95 Right and Wrong Power

A knight who resists or even hostile to his alien abilities...

Todd touched his chin, which was slightly fluffy, and felt a little headache. Alfonso is undoubtedly a staunch and loyal knight of the Holy See. Perhaps the Church’s long-term publicity to smear the image of aliens, or the psychological shadow of using the "dragon bone" ability to kill his wife, made this person have no sense of identity with the use of alien abilities.

Suddenly remembered something, Todd asked Leslie and Walton again: "How did your boss know you?"

The two looked at each other, and Leslie first said: "The village where I used to live was a gathering place of alien species, and there were less than forty people in the village. One day, the "Relief Society" found us. At first, they persuaded us to join them. After being rejected, they used violence to plunder the population. My father was killed during the resistance. I was loaded into a prison car and transported to the stronghold of the "Relief Society". "

Walton sighed and began to recall: "Adeline's husband and I were friends. We lived in the town east of the Raven Forest at that time. People disappeared from time to time in the town, and we didn't care at first. Until one day, Adeline also disappeared. Her husband and I followed the clues and found her in the depths of the forest. At the same time, we met an heir who had been alienated into a monster. Adeline's husband died under the claws of the monster in order to protect his wife. Master Dekavo who passed by saved his life..."

Hearing this, Leslie protested: "Hey! Did you forget? I was there at that time! I also have a share in saving your life!"

Walton squinted his eyes and snorted: "Save me? I remember you were the first to rush forward like a fool. If the boss hadn't blocked the monster's claws with his sword, you would still be sitting here talking?"

Hearing that the two people in front of him started to quarrel again, Todd slowly stood up from the ground. Alfonso's "character puzzle" has gradually formed a general outline in his mind, and he feels that it is necessary to talk to the knight in detail.

After knocking on the door lightly, Todd walked into Alfonso's hut, and saw the person in question sitting on a chair, holding a stone pestle in both hands, doing arm rehabilitation training.

Adelina, who was boiling water, saw that Todd was the only one entering the room, with a bit of surprise on her face.

"Can you give me a few minutes? I need to talk to you about something." Todd looked at Alfonso De Cavo with a serious look on his face that he had never seen before.

The latter froze for a moment, then nodded to Adelina.

The white-robed woman exited the hut, and the moment she closed the door, she cast a worried look at Alfonso inside.

Todd found a chair and sat opposite the knight, glanced at the thin man in front of him, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Alfonso, I want to know your opinion on alien species."

The man sitting on the chair frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Father Todd, I know what you want to ask. I am not a stupid and rigid person, and I do not agree with the church's definition of aliens—"devil posthumous". In fact, I have seen many kind and upright aliens, such as my three followers."

Todd took a deep breath and said slowly: "You may have misunderstood me, the alien in my last sentence refers to you."

Alfonso slowly closed his eyes when he heard the words, and suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Father, can you imagine the feeling of handing over your body to the control of the 'keel'?"

Todd shook his head.

"A swinging fist can break the hardest rock, and a dancing long sword can split the thickest tree trunk. This sounds like a wonderful thing, but I feel that I am trapped in the "keel", more like an instrument specialized in war, rather than a living human being." Alfonso lowered his head, watched his five fingers slowly clenched into a fist, and sighed in his words: "What scares me more is that I slowly sink into this power, enjoy this feeling, and gradually forget It is a knight's understanding of the source of power. To me, alien ability is a kind of opportunistic approach, and it is the wrong power. To hone oneself and improve one's ability is the way a knight should gain power."

"Mr. Alfonso, did you make a mistake?" Todd rubbed his forehead and said helplessly: "The duty of a knight is to protect the old and the weak, women and children, and fight for justice against injustice and evil. There is no right or wrong for the ability of a different species. It is like a long sword in your hand. It is good when used for justice, and evil when used for treachery!"

Alfonso put his arms on the armrests of the chair and leaned forward: "Father, I don't agree with your point of view. If, as you said, you don't pay attention to physical training and ability improvement, and only rely on weapons and strength, then knights don't need swords and spears to fight. Wouldn't it be more convenient to hang well-armed crossbows all over your body?"

Facing such a knight who recognized death and never let go, Todd also became angry: "If the purpose is to protect the weak and uphold justice, even a knight should raise the damn crossbow and shoot the crossbow into the heart of the enemy! Instead of obeying those rigid dogmas and watching the evil ones slaughter the weak!"

Alfonso was furious, slapped the armrest and shouted: "This is ridiculous! Father! You don't know what knight's honor is!"

Annoyed, Todd stood up, opened the door, looked at the two men and one woman who fell in, and walked out without looking back.

A good conversation ends up being a mess.


For more than a week after that, Todd never went to Alfonso to talk about the alien power. He focused more on the breeding of "keel" parasites and the establishment of "Muxi Mutual Aid Society".

Flipping through the register of relics organized by the deacon, Todd felt more and more strange.

For holders who have purchased the "Muxi Mutual Aid Fund", the 30-day priority purchase period has not yet expired, but more than half of the 1,000 holy bones of the Mutual Aid Society have been purchased.

He bought 50 for himself, Rachel and Karin each bought 50, Hudgens and his 12 subordinates bought 70, Alfonso and his followers bought 80, Edgar and Jerry bought 50 together.

After carefully looking at the purchase list and quantity, Todd discovered that, in addition to the above-mentioned people, several residents among the priority buyers were actually close to the top purchase (the upper limit that a single person can purchase—50 holy bones).

Fifty silver months is not a small amount. Where did these people get so much money?

After asking the deacon, Todd understood the mystery.

Many residents of Muxi Town reached an agreement with those priority buyers. The former voluntarily handed over the money to the latter, and everyone pooled their money to buy 50 holy bones. This involves a bargaining issue, and the priority buyer is naturally unwilling to sell his share of 50, 1 holy bone and 1 silver moon to others at the original price. According to the degree of familiarity and credit history between each other, the price is usually negotiated between 5 times and 10 times.

It might be a bit difficult to say that, but maybe I can understand it with a real example that happened in Muxi Town.

There is a small owner who runs a tavern in the town. I once bought the relic of "Muxi Mutual Aid Fund", but I didn't keep it until the end, and sold it to my in-laws halfway. Then he is naturally not eligible for the 30-day priority purchase period of 1,000 sacred bones in the Muxi Mutual Aid Society. But the boss had money in his hands, and he refused to let go of this good opportunity to make money, so he found in-laws who were qualified to buy. The latter was originally a poor old couple who made wooden cups. Because of their belief in the Holy Son, they finally got 14 silver moons and 79 copper stars with the one holy bone they bought.

The two families sat down and discussed it together. The old couple was willing to take the tavern owner to buy the holy bone together. However, considering the price of the holy bone in the outside world has been heated up, they decided to sell the original 1 silver month price of the holy bone to the tavern owner for 6 silver months. Although the boss felt uncomfortable, he still pinched his nose and spent all his savings of 30 silver months to reserve a share of 5 holy bones. In this way, the old couple has 44 silver moons and 79 copper stars in their hands. In the church's relic subscription, 44 relics were purchased at once.

This kind of thing called "purchasing agent" is not a special case in Muxi Town, but it does not happen often. After all, it is almost impossible for normal people to hand over real money to strangers. "Purchasing on behalf of others" more often occurs between parents and children, family relatives, and in-laws.

Besides, there is another reason. The really rich merchants in Muxi Town are still waiting for their chance. They think the price of "purchasing on behalf of others" is too expensive now. The price of the holy bone will naturally drop in the next auction without the competition of the first buyer. After all, they are the richest people in the town.

Putting down the register in his hand, Todd rubbed his eyes and walked out of the church gate while thinking about the relic auction that would be held a week later.

Rachel and Karin, who were supervising the construction of the "Sister Hotel", happened to see him, and walked over while saying hello. A small head protruded from behind the two of them. Todd still vaguely recognized that appearance. It was the alien young girl he rescued from Viscount Kennard——Pamela.

"I just happened to be looking for you." The dean of the convent folded her arms and looked at the priest with a smile.

Todd, who was pulled by the sleeves by the excited Karin, looked at the woman a little strangely. In his impression, Rachel rarely took the initiative to find him.

Rachel pointed to the hotel under construction next to the nunnery, her face was innocent and innocent, and her words were full of pride: "It won't be long before the hotel that Karin and I funded will be completed."

Todd glanced at the construction site where the brick wall of the hall was being built, and said with some doubts: "I still don't understand why you and Karin want to build a hotel..." Before he finished speaking, he saw the woman's palms facing upwards, reaching out to him, with a document lying quietly in her palms.

Full of doubts, Todd took the document from the other party's hand and opened it. The content inside was that Rachel and Karin voluntarily donated one-third of the hotel's income to him.

"How is this going?"

Hearing the question, Rachel's face showed Todd's familiar little fox smile again, and she said: "Brothers and sisters who are under the same rule of the heavenly father, shouldn't we extend a helping hand to each other?"

Todd looked at Rachel's charming smile, and remembered that when she first came to Muxi Town, he was always worried that the other party would interfere in affairs, even sabotage and espionage. But a few months later, the woman was only training Karin's abilities every day, and taught the girl to read and write, which was never excessive.

Shaking his head slightly for his previous actions, Todd thought for a while, and said to Rachel with a smile: "Do you want the method of making 'MSG'?"

The woman's expression froze, and she nodded slightly after a while.

Taking out a pencil from his arms, Todd squatted down, using his legs as a table, and wrote down the method of making monosodium glutamate word by word on the back of the document.

Next, in front of Rachel and Karin, Todd tore the document in half, handed the half with the formula to the dean of the nun, and put the other half into his arms.

"Remember. I will go to the hotel for dinner in the future, and you are not allowed to take my money."

Seeing the back of Todd turning away, Rachel held half of the document in her hand, put away her smile, and stood for a long time.

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