Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 102: Ling Feng and Long Yu finally meet

   "Why didn't you solve him?" Yan Qishi, who was flying in the sky, turned his head and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao behind the black rabbit, "Even if the Tier 8 guy is obstructing it, there is no problem with me and the black rabbit."

"It's true, but," said Mu Xiaoxiao, shook his head and glanced back, "Even if you can kill him, you will be held back for a while. Don't forget that there are countless Tier 8 beasts behind you. If those monsters rush towards us, it will become very troublesome, and our main target is those guys who don't know how to enter the ruins, so we don't need to entangle them too much!"

  "More importantly, I didn't think that guy actually had a protective item to block most of the lightning, otherwise..."

"But don't worry," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Even if Long Lie is not dead, it will be more painful than death. My thunder and lightning made his lower body completely paralyzed. From now on he has no choice. Stand up, let alone do that kind of thing!"

   "That kind of thing?" The black rabbit repeated suspiciously.

   "Hey," Mu Xiaoxiao showed a weird smile, "Black Rabbit, didn't you notice it? It's this kind of thing~"

"Hmm..." The black rabbit was about to ask what was going on, suddenly his face flushed, and water vapor appeared on the top of her head. She couldn't speak, she could feel a hard object against it. I immediately understood Mu Xiaoxiao's words on my hip, and it took a long time before he uttered three words, "Master H~"

"It's just Black Rabbit, your figure is too good," Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have much embarrassment, and it was fun to molest the Black Rabbit. "Hurry up, those thieves are just around the corner. It seems that they have been kidnapped. After Liuli, he started to deal with some treasure in the ruins in the Forest of Warcraft...It was really greedy enough..."

   "They seem to be chasing over," the antlers asked after seeing the movement behind them, "Do you want to get rid of it?"

"...The eldest sisters? Didn't they leave? Why did they chase them?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while before saying, "Forget it, they just follow, anyway, as long as they leave that dangerous place, With their seventh-tier strength, there is no problem at all, so don't worry about it."


   "Speaking of which, Dilu beast, you actually scratched his face. You did it beautifully. It really won my heart."

   "Really small? Hehe..."


"Haha, it's really effortless." On the back of a giant eagle, a man in a blue robe looked at a red crystal in his hand, his eyes showed an unstoppable smile, "Brother Qi Thanks to you for this action, otherwise..."

"My name is Long Yu now," the smiling man on the side said with a slight frown. "Don't call that name now, but even though I got this beast soul, it's still far from our plan. Don't be too smug, watch out for overturning in the gutter."

"Don't worry, Brother Long, you are too cautious," the blue-robed man laughed. "At the critical moment, we have to fight hard, otherwise we can't do big things. Just like this time, we won't win the fight. NS?"

"Yes, we won the battle, but we also offended the kings of the Sea Clan and the Forest of Warcraft," Long Yu sighed, "Fortunately, the king of the sanctuary is not in his own territory, otherwise... ..." Thinking of the endless anger that caused a sanctuary beast, Long Yu felt chills, but as long as he escaped from the forest of beasts as soon as possible, the sanctuary beast would not dare to randomly roam the mainland.

   "Okay, well, no matter what, we can be considered a success. The group of fools behind are now being chased by the group of eighth-level monsters, right? Wow ha ha ha..."

   "Really? I don't think so."



A super-electromagnetic gun suddenly blasted from behind, Long Yu reacted quickly, and instantly propped up a red barrier. Although it only blocked the super-electromagnetic gun for a few seconds, the giant eagle under their seat also reacted. , Screamed, and leaned his body to avoid the super-electromagnetic gun.

   "Boom boom boom!"

Several super-electromagnetic guns lased again, and a magic wand appeared in Long Yu's hand. With a light wave, several roaring fire dragons rushed out quickly, all torn apart by the super-electromagnetic guns, but the blue on the side The man in the robe also caught up, aroused his vindictiveness, waved it again and again, and in the blink of an eye, the super-electromagnetic gun was completely resolved.

   "It's amazing..."


The treetops trembled for a while, and then three figures flew out of it. No, it was four figures, and Mu Xiaoxiao on the back of the black rabbit. Seeing the person coming, the man in the blue robe suddenly widened his eyes, "It's you. !"

"Oh, I was also a little surprised. I didn't expect it to be you, Ling Feng," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled brightly, "Although I have a lot of questions to ask you now, isn't it tired to fly in the sky? antlers!"

   "Understood, master!"

Antlers nodded, frowned slightly on his cold face, opened his arms, and the mud on the ground surged, and then a huge rock floated from the ground. Mu Xiaoxiao thought she would continue to do a chop. The ship knife, but the result was wrong. Under his horrified gaze, light flashed, and a huge black high-tech fort appeared on the ground.

   "Damn! It's against the sky!"

   Antlers flew to the back of the fort, raised his head and stared coldly at the giant eagle flying in the sky, a blue light appeared in his hand, after a pause, Zhu lips lightly opened, "Launch!"


   With a loud noise, a huge bullet flew to the giant bird in the sky.

"Hiss." Seeing that black steel that was several times larger than himself flew towards him at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, Ling Feng blocked Long Yu's body, and the vindictiveness on the long sword burst forth. The black bullet was divided into several pieces, but behind it, countless bullets followed.

   "Damn! Cheating!"

   Ling Feng couldn't help but cursed, Dou Qi Wu was airtight, and then at this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed and he shouted, "Domineering!"


"This..." Ling Feng and Long Yu instantly felt a huge momentum descending from the sky, making it difficult to breathe oppressing themselves, and the giant eagle under them was in front of the overlord's domineering ~ It’s hard to move even if you want to fly.

"Drink!" Realizing that this powerful aura had too much influence on them, Ling Feng and Long Yu looked at each other, and shouted together, a black energy gushing out of their bodies, and they unexpectedly joined the Overlord. Seba resisted, resisted the domineering suppression, settled down, landed steadily on the ground, and was about to escape, only to find that Mu Xiaoxiao had surrounded the two of them in Tuantuan.

"You run, then run?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Ling Feng and Long Yu with a weird smile, jumped off the black rabbit's back and patted her head, "Black rabbit mount, good job. "

   "Black Rabbit is not a mount," Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's name changed again, Black Rabbit grumbled in dissatisfaction.

"Ahem," Mu Xiaoxiao ignored the black rabbit, staring at Ling Feng, who had been smiling stiffly. "I was still guessing who did so many things. I didn't think it was really you, Ling Feng." Mu Xiaofiction squinted his eyes, looked at Long Yu next to him, and found that he was a little familiar, but he still didn't recognize him, and he didn't get too entangled. "What's the matter? Changed to being a human trafficker? First, he kidnapped An Ran, and then again. It’s amazing to kidnap Princess Liuli..."

"I didn't think I would actually meet you," Ling Feng looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, then at the women next to him, his gaze staying on Yan Qishi for a while, "It seems that we want to escape now. Go, it's hard to come by..."

   "What do you mean," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were cold, and he escaped? He won't let him run away anymore, let himself work hard to chase here from the Dead Sea, he must teach him how to be a man!

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