Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 445: Hinamisawa Syndrome

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"Um...itchy...Master Mishajin, don't come over! I don't dare anymore, don't kill me!"

Seeing Hojo Goshi who fell on the ground waving his arms wildly, with a look of horror on his face, Mu Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and rushed to shook his clothes, "54? What the **** are you doing? How can there be any Goshrine God? ??! Give me a clearer mind, and don’t scratch my throat! Be careful to scratch the aorta."

"Xiaoxiao...and Dr. Irie?" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao and Hojo Goshi after entering Jiang Jingsuke, he was pleased, and he immediately rushed forward, as if he was planning to retaliate against me. "Great, you are finally here." I just saw that my uncle seemed to be planning to retaliate against us, so I called you," Hojo Satoru looked around nervously, "He probably hasn't come here yet, great!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao, who wanted to explain that this was an illusion, finally sighed helplessly and shook his head. Dr. lo*ic*n received a diagnosis in the hospital!"

"Diagnosis?" Hojo Goshi was stunned, "Do you think I was false? I'm serious! I really saw my uncle! I can't read it wrong! The guy who abused me and Shatoko, what am I? He might admit it! He's all around! Look...look over there," Hojo Satoru suddenly shrank his pupils and stretched out his finger behind Mu Xiaoxiao. "Uncle...uncle... just over there..."

Speaking of Hojo Satoru, his legs softened. Fell to the ground. The happy days didn't last long. He remembered the painful days when he was abused by his uncle and aunt. His body began to tremble with fear. However, Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked behind him, except for the darkness. I didn't see anything.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while before looking at Jingsuke Rujiang, "How?"

"...It's exactly as you said...It's Hinamizawa syndrome." Kyosuke Irrie gritted his teeth, feeling very guilty. "Since it is Hinamizawa syndrome, then it must be correct. ...It must be h173...It must have been missed without destroying all of it, and then I don't know how it was injected by Wu Shijun...It's all my fault.. ...."

The dangerous drug h173 was researched by the river-entry agency, so Jingsuke Jingsuke was so angry, but Mu Xiaoxiao knew very well which Yingye Sansi was responsible for it.

He was silent for a long time before sighing, "What's the use of this now, let's try to find a way to recover it." As Mu Xiaoxiao stepped forward and helped Hojo Goshi up, "I'll take 54 back now. Right..." As he said, he looked at Hojo Satoru in front of him. "Now hurry back to Hinamizawa Village with us. If you go back, your uncle won't follow along. Don't forget that your uncle dared not return to Hinamizawa Village."

"That's true..." Hojo Satoru gasped and nodded, still making trouble in his throat, "Just go back to the village..."

"Let's go then!" Mu Xiaoxiao cast a color on Jingsuke Rujiang, and took Hojo Goshi to the car.

"54, what's the matter with you today? Why did you suddenly come to Xinggong?" In the car, Mu Xiaoxiao asked casually.

"Today I intend to use the money I earned from my part-time job to buy gifts for Shatoko..." Even in the car, Hojo Satoru looked out the window suspiciously, scratching his throat with one hand, blood stained on it, watching Mu Xiao Cao got angry and yanked him abruptly.

"Stop it for me! Do you want to die here?! No matter how itching, you can bear it! Dr. lo*ic*n, go faster," He was temporarily relieved when he saw Hojo Satoru calm down. Then he frowned and continued to ask, "So... didn't you meet Takano...Miss before you came to Xinggong? Didn't she say anything to you?"

"Hey? This..." Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Hojo Goshi's face became stiff, and his eyes slowly became vigilant. Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes became a little weird, "I didn't say anything at the time. ...Just simply asked about the current situation..."

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao squinted his eyes, huh, looking like this, it was indeed the ghost of Takano Sansi. Is it because she used something as a threat or forcibly injected H173 into Hojo Goshi On?

I don’t know if Mu Xiaoxiao’s words made Hojo Goshi alarmed. In short, after he finished speaking, he kept staring at him strangely, with distrust and suspicion in his eyes, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn’t care, and l5 broke out. If you do, you will become suspicious and violent.

When Jingsuke Rujiang drove to Rujiang Hospital, he was carried on a stretcher already prepared nearby. Mu Xiaoxiao, who didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to do, but he walked in and waited in the lobby. If it goes down, it may become the same plot as the original. Hojo Satoru received treatment and was hidden in the river access facility, and the people in the village regarded him as the **** of the gods.

Since you want to break this fate, you must change the plot in any way, that is, you must cure Hojo Goshi, but then again, this can probably be regarded as an'absolute' event created by the strong will of Takano Sansi?


"How is it?" After a while, Mu Xiaoxiao, who saw Jin Jiang Jingjie coming out, stood up immediately, "54 He shouldn't have any major problems, right?"

"Well...Although it has reached the status of l5, it is a bit strange to say that it feels a little weaker than other l5 symptoms caused by h173, and the negative emotions are not so strong. This is the first time that this has appeared. Strange phenomenon......"

"That is to say? There is no big problem, it will not endanger life?" Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and he knew about Hinaizawa Syndrome. Naturally, a scholar who didn't have brain science entered Jiang Jingsuke and asked.

"Yes," Kyosuke Irrie nodded, "Although it is an outbreak of l5, he will not have much problem in his current state. As long as he is the same as Shaduzi in the future, regular injections of drugs will be basically no problem. , It’s really weird, can it be said that this is the characteristic of the Hojo family? It can be recovered from the l5..."

"Most of it is due to your drug, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. Although Shaduzi has recovered after his uncle and aunt left, there are still pathogens in his body, which means he was injected by Yingye Sansi. It will relapse after h173.

This was because Shaduzi did not recover by himself, but with Mu Xiaoxiao's help to solve the troubles that were suppressed in his heart. If it were to break free from the l5 like Ryugu Rena, then the pathogen would be killed.

Today's Hojo Satoru, like his sister, needs to rely on drugs to suppress l5. If he retreats from the l5 state, he still needs drugs to maintain it just in case.

"Anyway, as long as there is no problem," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "It's really troublesome, why is it so troublesome today? Today is a continuous sacrifice, really...but This kind of development is acceptable now. Hey, Doctor lo*ic*n, but you have to be optimistic, don't let him have any accidents, I will go back first."

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was muttering ‘trouble, trouble’, waved his hand, turned and walked outside. It was so late that I could not agree to Ewha’s performance. Regret...

Mu Xiaoxiao did not notice This time, although the appearance seemed to be solved, the hidden dangers...will lead to a series of disasters... .

"Hehe," Ying Ye Sansi sitting in his hotel room looked at a lollipop in his hand, his mouth cocked, "Hehe...Is Mu Xiaoxiao? He is really a funny guy... .... However, anyone who stands in front of me must be ruled out..."

She said that she frowned suddenly and looked at the dark night outside the window. If using her black dog is wrong, she can quickly solve Mu Xiaoxiao, but Yingye Sansi feels that Mu Xiaoxiao always seems mysterious. Secretly, and...

For the first time, Takano Sansi was born with the interest of wanting to play a cat and mouse game with this teenager... There are more fresh content, and there is also a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search for the official account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!)( To be continued...)



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