Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 449: Keiichi Maebara 1

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"Xiaoxiao... are you telling the truth?" Gushou Lihua looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with wide eyes, with a look of horror on her face, and Yu Jin sat there with her face behind her. It was also full of shocking expressions.

"Of course it is true," Mu Xiaoxiao nodded.

"Miss Eagle Ye... is actually the master behind the scenes... how could it happen?" Gushou Rika was still a little unbelievable, but watching Mu Xiaoxiao's face didn't seem to be lying, she felt like she was lying. Believing more than half, "Xiao Xiao, what should we do then? It will be the Mianliu Festival soon, when the time comes..."

"Don't worry, Takano Sansi's purpose is not us, but to study Hinamizawa Syndrome, and will not act on us for the time being," Mu Xiaoxiao touched her head, "Ewha, calm down, I will tell you this. One thing is to hope you can beware of her, after all, after the research on Hinamizawa syndrome is completed, her first goal is to kill you!"

"It turns out..." Gushou Pear Flower gripped Mu Xiaoxiao's clothes tightly, "It turns out that every death of my reincarnation... is she doing it... Little..."

"It's okay, don't be afraid, Ewha, I will protect you," Mu Xiaoxiao hugged her and said, "Also, don't tell anyone about this matter. I'm afraid of accidents. The syndrome is resolved first, and then we can tell them about it."

Only after solving everyone's Hinamizawa syndrome, there is no risk of getting sick. To be able to tell them everything. Then unite and fight against Eagle and Four.

"I see. Little, I will keep it secret," Rika nodded obediently, "Also, I will also be careful of Takano Sansi..."

"The main thing is to watch out for the Coyote troops," Mu Xiaofiction wrote, suddenly hearing the door bell, and hurriedly stood up. "Oh, he seems to be here."

The doorbell rang, and Mu Xiaoxiao went over to open the door, and saw a young man standing in front of the door, waving at herself, "Oh, Xiaoxiao, why did you call me here?"

The new transfer student, and the new boy who moved to Hinamizawa-Maehara Keiichi.

"K1, come in and talk about it." Mu Xiaoxiao poked her head out and looked around and found that there should be no one. Especially the tracking of the Coyote troops, this closed the door.

The first goal is naturally Keiichi Maehara.

As I said before, every Hinamizawa Syndrome suffers from an outbreak of l5, there will be an opportunity, or the source, the opportunity for the outbreak of L5 by Hojo Satoru and Hojo Satoko is to be abused by Hojo Teppei, Sonozaki Shion l5 The reason for the outbreak was that the bear gave Rena as a reward for club activities, but did not give Meiyin, which caused Meiyin's sadness and reminded Sonozaki Shion of the disappearance of Goshi, in the original plot.

The opportunity for Ryukiya Rena's l5 outbreak was that after his parents divorced, his father was cheated by a woman and spent all the money he saved. Because he didn't tell everyone, Ryukiya Rina was too depressed and finally l5 broke out.

As for Keiichi Maehara, who is sitting at the table now, the opportunity for the outbreak was the suspicion and distrust caused by everyone's concealment, because everyone concealed the annual killing of Hinamizawa, but Keiichi Maehara got it from the criminal police Dashi Tibetan. Knowing, finally led to suspicion and distrust of everyone.

As long as these opportunities are circumvented, then everyone will not burst into l5. In fact, in the "Killing" chapter in the chilling solution, the world took the initiative to evade everyone’s burst of opportunity. After saving the last Shaduzi, everyone did not burst into l5. , And then they could break their fate with only one step, but unfortunately they didn't know the true identity of the black hand behind the scenes was Takano Sansi, so they could only die and fail.

Knowing the black hand behind the scenes, Takano Sansi, as long as we help everyone solve the problem of the outbreak of Hinamizawa Syndrome l5, then... relying on everyone's unity, we can basically create miracles and break fate. ..... Of course, this unity is not just a few people, but the unity of everyone including the whole village, the Yusanjia, the criminal police and so on.

"Ewha is here too," Maehara Kei said hello after seeing the ancient hand Ewha sitting on the side, and then sighed, "Little, I really envy you, I can live with Ewha, and Shatoko often Come, and it seems that Meiyin and Rena are the same? How can it be repaired! You damned winner in life!"

"...Hey, you think too much, it's not as exaggerated as you said," Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "but I will accept the title of winner in life without any kind of politeness."

"..." Maehara Kei looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with reluctance, "So Xiaoxiao, what did you want to say when you called me? Isn't it just to show off?"

"How is it possible, I just called you to talk about a very important thing," said Mu Xiaoxiao with a weird smile on his face, "Now, k1, do you think we are friends?"

"Isn't this of course? Of course we are friends? What's the matter?" Maehara nodded and said immediately.

"Since they are friends, shouldn't they be able to hide anything before each other?" Mu Xiaoxiao continued smiling.

"This..." Maehara nodded after hesitating, "It should be... if it is a friend, you should not be able to hide it..."

"In that case, then k1, why are you hiding from us?" Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao's face became gloomy.

"Wh...what?" Maehara Kei's face was stiff.

"Do you still want to pretend to be garlic?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled coldly, "I know everything very well, who was in K1 before I came to Hinamizawa? I really can't think of... K1 is also a big man... actually did something like that..."

"Xiao...Xiaoxiao?" Maehara Keiichi's body trembled, his pupils shrank, and he looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in fear.

"K1, who used to live in the city, heard that it has been attacking those children, and this incident has shocked the entire city. Not only was it reported to the news, but also all the children who went to school went to school together...unexpectedly k1 You started to deal with Lori at such a young age, you really deserve to be Lori..."

Keiichi Maehara, who was very scared at first, was stunned. The more he listened, the more something went wrong, and he waved his hand quickly, "Wait...wait! What did you do to Lori? What are you talking about, Xiaoxiao? ?!"

"Abnormal..." It was the first time that Ewha next to her heard this kind of thing, and said lightly.

"What's wrong with a man's metamorphosis...Ah no, I'm not a metamorphosis! After all, I didn't even hit Little Lori at all?!" Maehara Kei shouted.

"Aren't you specifically targeting the little girl at the intersection?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and asked.

"That was just an attack with a pistol!" Keihara Maehara yelled, "It's not what you said!!"

"What? It turns out it's just this kind of thing." Mu Xiaoxiao exhaled and patted him on the shoulder, "k1, I didn't think I had misunderstood you. It turns out that you are not the perverted Mr. who attacked Lolita, I'm really too ...I am so relieved!"

"..." I don't know why, Maehara Keiichi always felt a little bit malicious.

"That... Xiaoxiao? Don't you care about the things I did in the past?" After hesitating, K1 asked in a low voice, "And I haven't told you..."

"Of course I don't care," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "After all, everyone has their own secrets, which even friends can't tell so you don't need to mind the previous ones too much. The important thing is that it’s right now."

"The short story is good, Keiichi," Rika nodded, "Friends don't have to say everything to be a friend. Everyone has an unspeakable conceal that he doesn't want to say, so you don't need to care about this k1. , We understand you."

"Um...Xiaoxiao...Ewha..." Maehara Kei looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and Gushou Ewha with emotion.

"Of course, if you are the pervert who attacked Lori, I will definitely publicize your noble deeds. What a pity..." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head regretfully.

"..." Keihara Maehara looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a jealous look, before spitting out a word, "Little, you devil!" There are more fresh content on the website, and there is also a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the top right "Add Friend", search for the official account "qdread" and follow, hurry up!) (To be continued...)



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