Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 468: despair! Unexpected rebels!

Mu Xiaoxiao's plan is that Tibetans from Oishi, Akasaka, Irie Kyosuke, and Tomitake Jiro lie in ambush in one place, and then they will attract Takano Sansi and double-team her! The most important prerequisite of this plan is that the Eagle Wild 3rd and 4th Meeting is the same as before, haunting himself, and as expected, Mu Xiaoxiao was right.

Things are very simple now. As long as they reach the place where the Dashi Tibetans ambush, the mission can basically be said to be completed. If the Coyote troops are protecting her around Yingye Sansi at this moment, the Dashi Tibetans and others will help absolutely. There is no big problem, and you can fight for it! What's more important is that Ewha and the others are safe, so it can be a lot easier here.

If the Coyote troops were not there, but to capture Ewha, then it would be even simpler. It would be easier to take down Eagle Ye Sansi. With her as a hostage, the coyote troops would not dare to let them go! Thinking about it, Mu Xiaoxiao's mouth formed an arc and walked behind Yingye Sansi, looking around.

Are the Coyote troops around? The surrounding area is completely dark, you can't see it at all, but it doesn't matter, whether you are there or not, it doesn't matter, Takano Sansi, you are doomed to fail! So... what would you do? How will absolute will allow you to win in this situation? Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help narrowing his eyes.

"Ha, haven't you arrived yet?" Takano breathed a sigh of relief. They had gradually entered an unmanned mountain road, and the strange and silent atmosphere around them seemed a little terrifying.

No, it's not silence, because there is a voice that sounds more terrifying than silence...


It was just the sound of ordinary cicadas, but it made Mu Xiaoxiao's heart "puff puff puff", I don't know why. A depressed atmosphere rang with the sound of cicadas.

"It's coming soon." Mu Xiaoxiao twitched at the corner of his mouth. A few drops of sweat leaked from his forehead, and he suppressed his heartbeat, gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "When it gets there, it will be very interesting..."

"It's funny? I think it's very miserable," said Takano Sansi who was beside him with a faint smile, and said calmly. "What do you think? Little brother..."

For an instant, Mu Xiaoxiao felt her heart stop beating, and her pupils shrank suddenly! Then he reacted in an instant, and his body rushed towards Takano Sansi who was not far from him, his eyes flashing with chills, and he gritted his teeth and was about to pull out the dagger he was carrying, but... ..

"Bang Bang——!!!"

"Don't move! Raise your hand!"

"Papa, papa--"

Suddenly, countless people in overalls emerged from the surrounding area, it was the coyote troops, with guns in their hands. After several shots of demonstrations were fired at the feet of Chao Mu Xiaoxiao, he immediately shouted.

"...You..." Mu Xiaoxiao stopped quickly. He stared fiercely at Takano Sansi who was smiling at him, but turned away in his heart. What's the matter? Why...Why would Takano Sansi know his plan! There is no flaw in his previous behavior.

Even if the Coyote troops were following her, they seemed to have said everything from the beginning, as if they had seen everything through. Mu Xiaoxiao could be sure that Yingye Sansi had already known exactly what his plan was, and who was it? The secret? ! There was more and more sweat on his face, and his whole body stiffened.

"Do you really want to know who revealed the secret to me?" Yingye Sansi smiled and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, but her body slowly backed away. She knew very well that she would become a hostage if she got close to the other party. That's great. I want to work with others to solve me. When I heard this news, do you know how shocked I was, little brother?"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao did not answer her, and was silent. Sure enough, did she already know everything? Mu Xiaocao was chilling, so it was certain that someone had leaked the secret!

"But I'm still very curious, brother, where did you learn so many secrets? Some of the news that they don’t even know about Jingsuke, but you know everything, and speaking of it, brother, your origins I am also very mysterious, and I am becoming more and more curious about you..."

"..." Who is the traitor? To be sure, this plan of my own only told a small number of people. Apart from Meiyin Rika and the others, there are only four of Oishi. Meiyin and the others are obviously impossible. Then, the internal traitors are the Oishi Tibetan, Irie Kyosuke, Akasaka Wei and Fu. Take Jirou the four people? Mu Xiao carefully thought about it, thinking about it.

"Are you still guessing who the informer is right now? Give up, you can't guess it," Takano Sansi smiled, covering his mouth.

"..." The Dashi Tibetan...he couldn't possibly, and the same is true for Iriya Kyosuke. He won't get along with Takano, and Akasaka will naturally have no problems, then... It's Tomitake Jiro! Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes dazzled, and that's right, Futake Jiro loves Takano!

Even if the original work is on Ewha's side, it is hard to guarantee that he will not rebel against him this time. Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help gritting his teeth. Is it Tomitake Jiro? ! I told all of them to Takano Sansi. Sure enough, this time, the last chance, is this going to be lost... Wait! Tomitake Jiro and the others did not know their arrangements for Ewha and the others!

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and suddenly remembered this incident!

In fact, neither of the plans on the four of Dashi and the plans on Ewha's side was told to the other party. That is to say, Tomitake Jiro did not know the situation of Ewha and others, and Ewha and others were the same! With that said, since the Coyote troops are here, then Ewha is safe!

Have the opportunity! Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes gradually became frantic, as long as he escaped from here, he met Lihua and the others! The road to heaven is endless, this time it is not easy to say whether it is a failure or a victory! Mu Xiaoxiao clenched his teeth! You can win, as long as you can escape from here, you still have a chance! There is a silver lining!

"Little, you can't guess who the whistleblower is, and," Suddenly, Takano smiled strangely, "Are you thinking that Ewha and the others are safe? After all, they are hiding in Sonozaki's home, but Very safe..."

"What?!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who heard these words, finally couldn't help but screamed, his face changed drastically, and soon his face was pale with a sigh, because in his line of sight, Old Rika, Maehara Keiichi, Ryugu Rena, Sonozaki Shion, Sonozaki Meion, Hojo Sadoko were tied and pushed out, with a piece of cloth stuffed in their mouths and gagging, after seeing Mu Xiaoxiao, he said, "Uuuuuu" He yelled, but he wanted to struggle, but the coyote troop behind him held his head with a gun, and didn't dare to move.

"Why..." Mu Xiaoxiao was already completely in place, his eyes blank, he couldn't understand why Lihua and the others were caught, it was like...

"It's like, everything about you has been seen through, right?" Takano Sansi smiled and said, "It's very simple, didn't you say it before, because you didn't guess who the informant like me was? Didn't you find among these people, who is missing?"

He turned his head and glanced around Shaduzi and the others in a daze. Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes trembled suddenly, "Wait...difficult...could it be said..."

"That's right...come out..."

A figure walked out of the grass, exactly the same as Mu Xiaoxiao's impression, wearing a black coat, but the specific appearance that could not be seen clearly revealed a familiar smell, Mu Xiaoxiao's body was trembling, looking at this person He took off the black cloak, revealing the boy with short golden hair.

"Enlightenment...Enlightenment history..." Mu Xiaoxiao's lips trembled, "Why..."

"I'm really sorry, Xiaoxiao, I betrayed you, betrayed everyone, no, I can't say betrayal," Hojo Satoru's face was very calm, but the eyes of Mu Xiaoxiao flashed with complexity and hatred. "Because I have been on the side of Miss Takano from the beginning!" (To be continued...)



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