Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 471: Calculate? Rescue comes

Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao who was facing off with Eagle Ye Sansi, Shion Rena was stunned, except for Gushou Rina. Then, a strange message suddenly flooded into my mind..... .

"..." On the other side, Hojo Satoru glared at Mu Xiaoxiao, and wanted to rush up with a bat, but because of the order of Takano Sansi, he could only stand in place and gritted his teeth. Sha Duzi looked at him and then at Mu Xiaoxiao, crying silently, not knowing what to do.

"Huh...huh..." Mu Xiaoxiao's pale face was covered with sweat and looked very uncomfortable, but facing Yingye Sansi, she remained calm for a long while. After that, he said faintly, "It looks like a minute has passed, Takano."

"..." Yingye Sansi's pupils shrank, and he looked at his watch quickly, staring at the same place, "This... how is this possible... wait One minute! Just wait another minute! You will definitely not be able to stand it! You will definitely not be able to beat Hinamizawa Syndrome!"

"Well, since you have said that, I will wait for a mere minute..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her lightly, not anxious at all, of course this is only the surface, in fact Mu At this time, I feel that my spirit is getting weaker and weaker. Is this how to exercise my mental power? What a torment...

The atmosphere became weird and solemn for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao and Ying Ye three or four people looked at each other, one of them expressionless. One was gritting his teeth, and the surrounding coyote troops looked at the two men one after another, and did not dare to breathe. As for Lihua, they calmed down, still staring at Mu Xiaoxiao worriedly.

"Time... has it arrived?" In such an atmosphere and suffering, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that even a minute was so long, but when he saw that there was no movement from Takano Sansi, he felt inwardly. He was quite happy, he suddenly said as he was counting the time every second. "how?"

"This..." Yingye looked at Mu Xiaoxiao blankly, and suddenly gritted his teeth. Roared, "No! You have to wait ten minutes! Wait ten more minutes! After ten minutes, you will definitely not be able to bear Hinaizawa Syndrome and commit suicide! Absolutely!"

The people around looked at her blankly, and Ewha and the others screamed ‘uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. It took ten minutes to jump all at once, and the behavior of Takano Sansi was too rascal, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't mind at all. After exhaling, he smiled and said, "Yes, after all, you have to be convinced, right? Then I will wait another five minutes..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was even happier after such a delay. The hand he hid in his clothes covering his wound was trembling slightly in a place that no one could see. I was thinking anxiously, the speed should be fast...otherwise...

"Um..." So tired, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyelids couldn't help but fight. Now he can barely feel the pain, itchiness, etc. on his body. If he can, he would rather hope that the itchiness of the previous eruption, so that he may be able to wake up a little.

The effect of making a knife with a dagger may be good, but this way you may become very dangerous, and you may lose blood and die. A stab in the lower abdomen is already the limit, otherwise it will become a burden... Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head slightly. Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly when she saw Ewha's worried eyes.

I don’t know why, seeing them, he regained his infinite power. Takano Sansi still miscalculated. Ewha and the others are indeed their own weaknesses, but this weakness is also the driving force of everything, the absolute destiny created by absolute will. Well...but my will will not lose to you, Takano three or four!

"...It's been ten minutes." Finally, Mu Xiaoxiao slightly opened her mouth and looked at the wide-eyed and pale Yingye Sansi who was standing not far in front of her, and smiled hard." I still don’t have any problems, how? In the end you lost..."

"...Impossible..." Yingye looked at Mu Xiaoxiao dumbly.

"Looking at you, still can't believe it?" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, "Yes, if you still don't accept it, how about waiting for another hour? I can let you take a good look at what you call Hinamizawa The syndrome is just a joke!"

"Impossible..." Takano Sansi still had an unbelievable look, "It's impossible...It's impossible...Why...Hina Sawa Syndrome is unstoppable! No matter who it is, even those people who used to be, the dam supervisors, the ancient hands of the shrines, there is no way to stop it! That's right! Hinamizawa Syndrome is a god! A mere mortal , How can it be possible to resist the attack of God? This must be an illusion! It is an illusion!"

Takano Sansi roared loudly.

"Oh, illusion? I didn't say that. If you think so, then you can wait. No matter how long you wait, I won't be overthrown by this Hinamizawa syndrome. Do you want to try?" Mu Xiao Xiao cocked the corners of his mouth.

"Do not......"

"Are you going to give up?"

"No, of course I didn't lose, how could I lose? Ahahahaha!" Yingye Sansi laughed loudly and waved, the surrounding coyote troops once again pointed their guns at Mu Xiaoxiao, ready to go. "Don't forget! You are the weaker now! As long as you kill you here... I won! My Hinamizawa syndrome won! That's right! No matter who it is, you can't stop it. Me! Even your little brother is no exception!!!"

"...In other words...Are you going to break the contract..."

"Broken the contract? What are you talking about, as long as you kill you here, who do you think still remembers this bet?" Yingye Sansi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao regretfully, "I was really optimistic about you, my little brother. , As long as we are together, no one can stop us, and now we are forced to this point...but it's all your I have no choice but to kill you all Here it is!"

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, her face hidden in the shadows, she couldn't see his expression clearly, and she didn't say anything. She was silent, as if she didn't care about the life and death of Lihua and others at all. It was Hojo Satoru who was next to him who suddenly shrank his pupils and turned to look at Takano Sansi.

"Miss Takano? Why is that? You promised me that you would let Sandoko and the others! Why suddenly..."

"Can I change my mind now?" Takano Sansi gave him a faint glance and said.

"This...why do you want this? You promised me..." Hojo Satoru was anxious. Even though he is now in a state of l5 suppressed, he still worried about Satoko and the others, so he heard this. The words rushed over immediately, but were held up by the two coyote troops, unable to get close to Takano Sansi, "Miss Takano! Please, let Shatoko and the others... they are innocent. Yes, as long as they are released, I will do whatever I want!"

Seeing Hojo Goshi, Rika Rena Shion Meiyin, they all have complex faces, especially Shatoko, remembering that their brothers and brothers also begged to let them go in front of their uncles and aunts, but they were different from that time. Yes, she now feels that she has less reliance and touch on such a brother.

This would only bow his head and beg for mercy, and would not solve anything. This was a truth that Sha Duzi understood, and it was also a truth that Mu Xiaoxiao told her.

"Are you really... Hojo Satoru... You are almost twice as stupid as your little brother, do you really think you are cooperating with me? I'm nothing from beginning to end. I'm just using you. I just want to catch Mu Xiaoxiao and let others go. My purpose was originally the ancient hand Rika and the whole group, including the entire Hinamizawa Village! Even you are no exception, do you think I... ...Will you agree to such a stupid condition? What can you say that you can do anything? You can't do what I want."

"How come..." Hojo Satoru's struggle gradually weakened, staring at Takano Sansi blankly, his eyes blank.

"Then little brother, now I hope you can exit here," Yingye Sansi took out a pistol and pointed it at Mu Xiaoxiao, smiling, but his eyes sparkled, "For my purpose! I can. Abandon anyone! Even you are no exception! Mu Xiaoxiao...Go to hell!"

"Uuuuuu..." Li Hua and the others widened their eyes, struggling, watching Mu Xiaoxiao constantly shaking her head.


Gunshots Gushou Rika couldn't help closing their eyes, and then...

"It's a pity..." Mu Xiaoxiao's voice sounded, "You still can't kill me..."

"What?!" Yingye's three or four eyes dazzled, and Mu Xiaoxiao in front of him suddenly disappeared, and then moved a little distance to the side. At the same time, a little girl with blue hair stood beside him, grabbing Holding his arm.

"Little! We are here!" Irrie Kyosuke's voice sounded. At the same time, the three Tibetans from Dashi suddenly rushed out of the grass and rushed towards Yingye Sansi.


"I'm sorry, Eagle Ye, now, my reinforcements have arrived..." Mu Xiaoxiao, supported by Yu Jin, could barely stand still, and smiled at the stunned Eagle Ye Sansi. (To be continued)



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