Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 496: Demon ruins?

"Huh? This is?" Suddenly, Qin Hao looked in a direction not far away. The scene there seemed very messy, and some blood and knife marks could be seen, "Is it possible to say here... ."

"Oh? It's the traces of someone fighting," Xia Luo smiled slightly, "And looking at it, the fight seems to be fierce..." As she said that, she smiled mysteriously and turned her head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao. .

"Yes, but everyone here has already left when I came," Zi Mei sighed regretfully and shook his head. "So I didn't find out what those two people looked like, but one thing is certain, they absolutely did not. Died, but escaped from here..."

"It may be that there was no accident after entering the ruins, or it may be that they fought without entering the ruins, and finally left," Dinessa murmured.

While they were guessing, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a thoughtful smile and remained silent. In fact, he had guessed something before, "Unexpectedly... I would meet her here... .. Mu Xinyi," her first blood family member, Mu Xiaoxiao thought to herself, "It seems that she has suffered some injuries, but there is no big danger..."

"And since I have sensed her, then she should have also discovered that my master is right... so I won't leave too far, and I will see her when this matter is over... ." Mu Xiaoxiao licked his lips and wanted to taste the blood. I wonder if our little relatives had better prepared them.

Sakuya, Dinessa and the others exchanged glances, then looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and guessed in their hearts that they might have something to do with Mu Xiaoxiao. But no one said it. Just put the doubts in my heart. For the time being, Mu Xiaoxiao's family members had not been told about it, and even Qisala did not know it.

"There is nothing to discuss here. If you want to figure out everything, you have to enter this ruin," Liang Xinwu slapped it, "So we are going to enter this strange and crises ruin. Everyone has no opinion. Right?" Liang Xinwu glanced around the crowd, "If there are people who want to quit. It's still too late."

No one wants to quit, and they have all come here. Isn't it all in vain to quit? And because of the dignity of being a seventh-order eighth powerhouse, they didn't allow them to withdraw, so everyone didn't have any special reaction. Liang Xinwu nodded when he saw this scene.

"Then it is so decided. At that time, everyone will pay attention to protect Miss Ziying. After all, Miss Ziying has no combat effectiveness."

Mu Xiaoxiao sneered secretly, not fighting? Nonsense, it's good to pretend, but this fox girl wants to come here so much. Is it for some unknown purpose? treasure? Or something else? Looking at Zi Mei's face hidden under the veil, Mu Xiao cautiously could only determine one thing.

This fox girl definitely understands some inside stories about this ruin.

"Let's go. Let's go in."

On this weird ruin, there is only one closed gate, and on the gate, there is an engraving that has blurred the whole picture. When Mu Xiaoxiao and others walked to the gate of the ruin, Seeing that with the sound of'banging', the door slowly opened, revealing a road to darkness.

"Does this count as asking you to enter the urn?" Xiao Yu smiled faintly.

"But we have no other way, we have to go in," Qin Hao also smiled, "Could it be that you are scared?"

"Afraid?" Xiao Yu sneered, and when he heard the provocative words, he turned his head and glanced at Qin Hao faintly, "I can't find the word fear in my body."

"Well, after all, everyone has great strength," Zi Mei smiled. "Even if there is danger here, it will not be difficult for everyone, so when the time comes, the little girl hopes that everyone can take care of it..... "When she said that, Qin Hao and others also nodded. When the time comes, someone is really in danger, and even Antonio will not stand idly by.

"Miss Ziying, please rest assured, I will definitely protect you then," Shang Guanyan showed a trace of infatuation in his eyes, and then expressed his attitude.

"Really? Thank you, Master Shangguan..."

Only the few people on the side of the elf girl Sonya have always looked very bad, silent and silent. Only Taylor, who was holding a violent mace, stood there, with a naive face on his face. There are not so many worries about his expression, but in Mu Xiaoxiao's opinion, it is probably because of simple mind...

After stepping into the gate, the black stone gate behind them rumblingly closed, and at the same time blue flames lit up around them. They also saw clearly what was happening inside. It was not so much a passage as it was a huge extension. In the main hall, a depressive aura came towards them, causing their bodies to take a short pause, but they would soon recover, and the surrounding huge walls were also engraved with countless weird monsters.

After seeing the monster on the wall, Sonia was taken aback for a moment, and then her pupils shrank. Not only she, but also Yun Ning, the calm and calm woman next to her, showed a shocked look. Not only them, but basically except Mu. Outside the small group of people, everyone exclaimed.


Mu Xiaoxiao looked over. What was engraved on the wall was a black body covered with black scales, two horns on top of his head, two extremely sharp beast claws, and a pair of black wings on the back. A face exudes a frightening atmosphere.

"This...this is actually a demon..." Sonia's face turned pale with a'swish', and her body was about to fall, with a lot of sweat oozing from her forehead, she said desperately, "Devil. ..... That's how it is said. Who can destroy the forest to such an extent, besides the devil, who has this kind of ability... this kind of terrifying sense of depression... .. is the breath of the devil..."

"How is this possible, why did the devil suddenly appear?" Liang Xinwu also paled, her hands filled with sweat, "The passage between the Miracle Continent and the Demon Realm has been sealed for a long time. ......"

"It should be the remaining demons," Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and forcibly calmed his mind. "Although all the invading demon army was returned to the Demon Realm at the time, who knows if there are any fish that have slipped through the net? Find someone quietly. The place has been cultivated for thousands of years, I don’t think there is any big problem..."

"That's right," Antonio also nodded. "This place is likely to be the former devil's lair. I can't think of it... I thought it was just an ordinary mutation event, but it was connected with the devil. Relationship...This matter must be reported, and the whole continent will be boiling at that time."

"Wait, what are you talking about? Devil?"

"Well," Liang Xinwu nodded, "Demons are the most terrifying, cruel and evil creatures. Thousands of years ago, the demon army in the Demon Region launched an aggressive war on the Marvel Continent. Although they were finally driven back, the whole Almost all the land in the Marvel Continent has been engulfed in wars, and nearly half of the empire was annihilated in this war, dissipated in the dust of history..."

"In short, this is a very dangerous monster. This ruin can even threaten the life and death of the mainland. In any case, the news must be sent back!"

"But now we can't get out, right?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the closed door behind him, helplessly spreading his hands, "So now the only option is to move Xinwu, etc. Everyone was silent. Mu Xiao's novels are right. There is no way to leave this place now, they can only go all the way to the west...all the way forward, and Xiao Yu, who was still somewhat relaxed, had to look solemn. After learning that this was the relic of the devil, they were not as confident as before.

What's more, the white bones scattered on the ground are enough to explain the danger here. These bones are probably the corpses of those adventurer mercenaries.

"Devil..." Suddenly, Dinessa frowned, "Little, don't you feel familiar with the atmosphere here?"

"Indeed, I feel that way too," Xia Luo nodded, turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, and then at Liang Xinwu and others, "It seems to be the same as the undead dragon last time... "

"Undead dragon?" Liang Xinwu took a moment to look at each other with Qin Hao and others. After thinking of something, he exclaimed, "Wait, can it be said..." (To be continued...)



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