Alien Otaku Summoner

Chapter 672: Forbidden place

"How is the mission in the dungeon world going? Young master didn't suffer any harm, right?" On the way, the maid next to Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked.

"It's safe. The missions in the dungeon world are not dangerous, even that..."

"Even that?"

"...No, it's nothing," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, thinking about telling her about the weird shadow, but I guess it's useless if you say it, so let's tell them after everyone enters the dungeon. Otherwise, it also made them worry in vain, "The dungeon is still very safe, and I will not go to some dangerous dungeons until I am not sure enough, so don't worry about Sakiya."

"That's good," Sakiya nodded without further questioning. If that copy is dangerous, Yimu's small character will not take Aisha with him. Sakiya understands this very well, so I feel relieved. .

"Well, it feels like there are more people in God Wind City," Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the bustling crowd in front of her, and she was a little confused, "I haven't said that before..."

"Here is the city where the God of War Academy is located. It is famous in the Marvel Continent. Coupled with the current martial arts competition for the freshmen of the God of War Academy, isn't it natural for so many people to come?" A passerby next to him heard Mu. The little words immediately contemptuously explain.

"..." Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly showed an innocent expression and shrugged at Sakuya.

"Academy of Wars, it's the same after seeing it." Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, "It's boring, even in this different world. After watching it for a long time, it feels like that, nothing new... ...."

"That's because this world belongs to the world that advocates strength," Sakiya said softly, "so in addition to strength, other things..."

"It feels better to stay in the Sky City. You must know that there are a lot of video games I brought from the dungeon world in the Sky City."

"That's what you thought, Master," Sakuya sweated slightly. "I just want to stay at home."

"Yeah, as an otaku, I actually run around every day. It's really an unqualified otaku," the two said, coming to the distribution of mercenary unions, which is one of the most widespread organizations in Miracle Continent. Mercenary union. Even an ordinary small village will have their branch, not to mention the famous Kamikaze city on the mainland.

The decoration of this mercenary trade union is a bit luxurious, although it has not reached the level of magnificence, but the exquisite and unknown metal building almost dazzles the eyes of a small dog.

"The mercenary union...Is it?" Sakuya turned her head and looked around, "Master, do you feel a little weird here?"

"Well, this atmosphere doesn't look like a mercenary union." Mu Xiaoxiao who walked into the mercenary union immediately felt a different atmosphere. Generally speaking, the mercenary union is the kind of noisy scene, but at this moment Inside the mercenary union. There was silence, a group of people gathered around a place, and whispering voices came from time to time.

"It looks like something has happened," Mu Xiaoxiao and Sakuya glanced at each other, and then moved closer, squeezing into the crowd. Soon, a big man in broken armor came into view. At the same time there are two old men next to him.

"Hey, where can I escape from? It's not easy..."

"I thought they would be wiped out, but I couldn't think of it..."

"But now this situation is no different from the total annihilation, right?"

"That's right, after all, it was a Grade A mercenary group with hundreds of people, but only one person escaped. It's a forbidden land..."

"Forbidden area?" Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was stunned, and he caught the word, forbidden area... He seemed to have heard this term from Yu Youyou before, but he only understood it roughly. Forbidden area is a very dangerous one, you can say The most critical place in the entire Marvel Continent, but he doesn't know the details.

Hearing this word now, his mind moved, "Forbidden Land...Do you know Sakiya?"

"I don't know..." Sakiya shook his head, "I'm not that familiar with this world either."

"It seems that I have to ask Xi Qiong when I go back. She has read a lot of books here. It can be said that the knowledge of this world is the best among us," Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, looking up, that armor was broken. The unbearable man, half lying on the ground, panting heavily. There was obviously no wound on his body, but he looked like he was about to die, his breath fluctuating.

If it weren’t for the emerald green magic in the hands of the old man next to him, he might have died long ago. What made Mu Xiaoxiao familiar with was the breath of life in this magic. Like the tree of life in the dark night base.

"What the **** is going on?" The old man next to him looked at the old friend who was casting magic, "Isn't even your healing magic ineffective?"

"No, my magic still has some effect," he withdrew his hand. "At least for a short time, his life will not be in danger."

"That's also a short time, right? He will still..." The two old men are not ordinary people. It is obvious that this is only a temporary solution, but the old man said worriedly, "Even your healing magic It cannot be cured, and it is not a disease at all, and there is no trace of injury, let alone a curse, just like..."

"It's like the end of life and the end of life, the vitality of the body is gradually lost, and then dies, right?" The old man who had released the healing magic took the word, stood up and gave a wry smile, "I don't know what's going on.. .... This weird situation."

"What a joke, his life is dead, even ordinary people are alive and kicking at his age, not to mention that he is still a seventh-order soldier, he is dead or something... are you kidding?"

"Of course it’s not a joke. Even if I ask me to explain why this is the case, I can’t explain it. Don’t forget that the places they go are forbidden places. Forbidden places that existed for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even more, have no one so far. Knowing how those forbidden lands appeared, even gods and demons would not dare to step into this horrible forbidden lands of nine deaths at will."

"If I can explain this phenomenon, then it is equivalent to solving the mystery that even the gods and demons cannot solve the forbidden land. Do you think this is possible?"

"..." My old friend said it was right, because he had just escaped from the forbidden area, and the reason on his body was 100% related to the forbidden area, so it is only natural that the cause of his body abnormality is not clear.

Forbidden area? Gods and demons? It feels like what they are talking about is so tall, but in this way, Mu Xiaoxiao's interest is even more intense. While he was meditating, Xiaoye beside him suddenly moved and a silver flying knife appeared. With the hand, the cold words passed into Mu Xiaoxiao's ears, "What do you want to do?"

"Huh? Ah ha ha ha...Is there something wrong with that... Teacher Mu..."

"Huh? It's Mu Xiaoxiao, who turned around, saw the teacher Bruce who had been with him during the previous assessment. He stood not far from him with a look of embarrassment, raised his hands, next to Sakuya's The flying knife was already on her neck, and she immediately understood something, "I didn't expect you to be here. Let him go that Sakuya, it's a friend of the academy. "

"Understood," Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Ikuya Saki nodded, put away the flying knife in her hand and walked to Mu Xiaoxiao's side, with a face as if everything that just happened was an illusion. Bruce's expression was a little calm, he could only turn his head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao depressedly.

"The maid in your house is really unusual. Even I didn't even react and approached me... and she was also very imposing... I was just here to say hello to you... ..."

"Really," Mu Xiaoxiao pouted, "Who told you to lean over silently, please pay attention next time. If you are accidentally killed, I won't be responsible."

"Understand, I've learned how good your maid is..."

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here?" Mu Xiaoxiao blinked, "Isn't there any freshman competition in the college now? You don't stay there to see how your students got here?" (to be finished) to be continued)

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