Alien paradise

Chapter 13 Abnormal Crime

"How's it going? Do you two understand what's written here?" Within five minutes, Joe James asked impatiently.

"It should be about a murder case," Zhang Zhiyuan pondered, "and it was a serial crime. The person who wrote these files not only collected the scene at the time, but also added a lot of various information, which he should have obtained by visiting everywhere. "

Unfortunately, by the standards of criminal investigation, these contents are too scattered and superficial, and have almost no analytical value.

This shows that the recorder is not a professional.

"There is another bag of photos here." Zhou Zhi said from the other side.

"Oh? Show us quickly." The American suddenly became excited. After all, he had not taken the translation tofu and could only stare at the transcript. But the picture is different. Everyone can analyze the content of the picture or two sentences.

Photos were quickly distributed to everyone.

It was undoubtedly an image taken by the most rudimentary film camera. Not only was it only black and white, the pixels were also quite poor. But what is refreshing is that the content is undoubtedly a crime scene. In addition to the horrific victims, you can also see some of the surrounding environment.

"This person... is really a pervert." Naruko Asahara frowned.

The deceased were obviously not in their natural appearance when they were killed—not only were they disemboweled, but they were also deliberately displayed by the murderer, and their hands, feet, and bodies were twisted into weird postures. To do this, not only did it take amazing strength to break the bones, but it also took a lot of time. A large amount of time was spent arranging the scene, which is enough to show that the murderer was extremely arrogant. In another world, it would be appropriate to provoke the public security forces.

"I can see that this guy is definitely not killing people for money or anything else." Anthony agreed, "He is completely enjoying it... just like a hunter who enjoys hunting."

"So... the goal of the game is to find him and then kill him?" Jason Taylor said while looking in the direction of the host. "Do we have any tracking skills? For example, we can see unique footprints, or ask questions To the smell of blood and so on -" He suddenly froze, "Wait a minute, where is the host?"

At some point, the spot where the host stood was empty.

"Hidden." Zhou Zhi was much calmer. After all, he had played a lot of games. "Didn't he say it at the beginning? All the clues and contents are recorded on the pages of the book, so what we do next is entirely up to us. , there should be no additional prompts."

"Only rely on these things to identify the murderer?" Taylor spread his hands, "I can understand that the game needs authenticity, but to be honest, even if the park directly puts the murderer's photo in front of us, it will be difficult for us to find the corresponding target in such a large city. Bar?"

Everyone was silent for a moment after saying this.

Zhang Zhiyuan shook his head, "The reason why serial murders are serial murders is that there must be some common factors in each case. In fact, many serial murder cases are solved by discovering this commonality and making arrangements in advance to catch the murderer. . In other words, as long as the murderer commits another crime, we have a chance to catch him directly."

"Isn't the commonality obvious?" Joe James disagreed. "Murderous, cruel, and full of sacrifice, this person either has money or someone. The former can find a rich man with a withdrawn temperament, while the latter We need to find the gang boss, or call a large number of his subordinates, narrow the scope and then call them one by one for questioning, and at the same time call in surveillance to check their whereabouts, maybe we can find some clues. But what can we do now? item?"

"I can't tell that you still have some experience in crime." Zhang Zhiyuan looked at him coldly.

"Hey, why do I think there's something in your words?" The other party suddenly looked displeased.

"Why doesn't the murderer have money or someone?" Zhou Zhi asked puzzledly.

"Because one person can't do this." Zhang Zhiyuan turned around, pretending not to hear Qiao James's rhetorical question, and picked up the photo again. At the same time, he was also a little wary. After coming to a completely unfamiliar game world, he was indeed a little uneasy and almost ignored the real purpose of his trip. "It's easy to simply kill a person, with a knife or a gun." , it can be solved in just one face-to-face meeting. But to make it look like a murder scene is definitely not something that can be achieved in a short period of time. Look at the background of the photo——"

Zhang Zhiyuan pointed behind the deceased, "Nowhere is in the wilderness. Judging from the records in the file, all six murders occurred in urban areas, and they were all in public buildings. The purpose was to allow more people to see them during the day. . In addition, the autopsy results indicate that the murderer committed the crime on the spot, which requires him to be able to arrange security and security to buy himself a lot of safety time."

"So the murderer has to spend money to hire someone, or else he has his own accomplices." Naruko Asahara nodded, "...what you said makes sense."

"But this alone is not enough." The American sneered, "We simply do not have the resources to conduct large-scale screening."

"Maybe you can catch the opponent's tail without screening." Zhang Zhiyuan said solemnly.

"You already have an idea?" Zhou Zhi said impatiently, "Hurry up and tell me."

"We're not sure yet. We have to go to the crime scene."

"Ah?" He couldn't help but be stunned. "The autopsy has been completed. It's impossible for the murder scene to remain there, right? You have also seen that the crime scenes are all in public areas..."

"I don't need to look at the body of the deceased, just the place where the crime occurred. So we don't need to look for the scene of the last murder, as long as it is the scene closest to here." Zhang Zhiyuan replied.

The closest site to them is a church called "Yeni".

It was not difficult to find its detailed location. Zhang Zhiyuan asked seven or eight people randomly on the street, and six of them pointed out the specific direction for them - there is no doubt that this building is quite famous in the local area.

"Hey, someone is watching us." Zhou Zhi whispered.

"I also noticed...our dressing up seems to be incompatible with the people around us." Naruko nodded. Although they had changed their bodies and were wearing simple clothes, they were completely different with the weapons they had just changed. Although there were many pedestrians on the street, few of them carried spears and swords clearly behind their backs like them.

"If these passers-by are all AI, then I have to admit that it has something." Taylor sighed, "Which game's NPC would care so much about the player's dress?"

"So should we put away our weapons?" Zhou Zhi asked.

"No," Zhang Zhiyuan stopped this idea, "If this kind of behavior was illegal, they should have taken action long ago. Since these people were just peeking, it means that our dress did not cross the line, it was just rare at most. But if we hide it in public Weapons may make people suspicious. So at this time, just keep it as it is. If possible, it is best not to refuse to look at others and be more generous. "

After speaking, he took the initiative to look at the person peeping among them. The moment their eyes met, the other person showed a hint of fear, lowered his head slightly, and looked away from him.

Can such subtle expressions be simulated by AI?

Zhang Zhiyuan glanced past the other party and looked into the distance - the street stretched crookedly forward, and the houses on both sides stood irregularly. This uncoordinated arrangement revealed an indescribable sense of coordination: that was because the measurement technology was not up to standard. The result of collaboration with sloppy workers is a representation of a complex world.

There are not all shiny stone roads under your feet. You can see bricks crushed by horse-drawn carriages and puddles formed by sunken pavement everywhere. Due to the large number of people traveling to and from this area, mud and dirt are also brought in. Zhang Zhiyuan could feel the muddy feeling coming from the soles of his shoes and the ubiquitous rancid smell in the street.

He gradually no longer doubted his own judgment.

This is by no means a virtual game, but a real world.

Although the interface shaking in front of him was equally incredible as the weapons and props that suddenly appeared, compared to creating such a real city, the former was obviously much easier to achieve.

Zhang Zhiyuan is convinced that the investigation of the paradise is urgent.

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