Alien paradise

Chapter 163 Let’s unite!

"Uh..." Sandra was speechless.

Would ordinary priests really make fun of their own church like this?

"Do other churches know this?"

"Theoretically, we know that bishops will communicate with each other, but who knows the actual situation, and I am not responsible for dealing with those sects." Gewei spread her hands, "Then there is the seventh one... There is no name for the time being, because we are not responsible for it. All knowledge comes from captured cultists. Its believers often use combinations of plants and human bodies as symbols, such as pine branches and intestines, peonies and hearts... in short, they are all very disgusting things. You also know, In the eyes of a hundred cultists, there are a hundred evil gods. God knows whether these combinations have any meaning. The only thing that can be confirmed is that these madmen should not follow any evil god in the past."

As expected of a professional, Sandra thought to herself. When she was serving in the Old Continent, she often heard about which cult forces the army had defeated and how many believers they had wiped out. In her eyes at that time, these people were equal to murderers and arsonists, only they were crazier, more destructive, and also used some weird and unpredictable magic. Now when she heard what the priestess said, she suddenly understood Sexual concept.

At the same time, a trace of doubt arose in her heart. Now that a cultist can push herself to this point, are all the places that the army raided before really the base camps of cults?

Gewei continued, "There are obvious differences between the believers of No. 7 and those cultists in the past - we have always believed that the reason why people become cultists is because they are inspired by evil gods, or they become hysterical patients. , or die, only a very small number of people can survive to the final stage, so their number is always limited. But now the situation has changed. The seventh believer seems to be following the expansion method of the Zhengshen sect and actively pulling people into the cult. So their behavior is more aggressive and harder to deal with."

"Take the initiative to recruit people?" This is really beyond Sandra's imagination. The evil god also has the word "divine" on the surface, but in fact he can't communicate at all, let alone protect his followers. What does this have to do with joining a crazy club composed of a group of lunatics? the difference? "It doesn't do other people any good at all!"

"But at present, their infiltration speed is quite fast... For example, the leader of Black Steel, a person with status and status like Abvich, does not look like a cultist who wants to give up everything. Obviously we are facing To something incomprehensible.”

"It would be nice if I could find out." Sandra murmured.

In military training, generals always require intelligence collection to be the first priority in combat. Now when facing cultists, this principle should be equally effective. If they can cut off their channels to win over outsiders, then the future combat pressure will be reduced a lot.

"If you can do it, the church will definitely award you a one-kilogram medal, made of pure gold." Gawei sneered, "Don't think so much, this is not a problem that you can consider."

The pain from the wound made Sandra feel a little tired, but she still managed to hold on and asked, "Then how did the evil things that attacked me form? Are they all created by cultists who voluntarily sacrificed themselves?"

"The church is still studying this. However, evil objects like potted black stripes are quite valuable. The wreckage I sent back yesterday should have left Glory Castle by boat today and headed for the Divine Machine Cathedral in the Old World."

Sandra nodded and her voice became lower.

"How do you think the Shenji Cult will respond after knowing this?"

"If this is an important city in the Old World, hundreds of executive priests like me will arrive one after another in three days for reinforcements."

Gewei paused deliberately, "Let's change it to Brilliant Castle...the reinforcements have arrived. It's me."

"Ahem... uh..." She almost choked, and there was a tearing pain from the wound, "Aren't you invited by the lord?"

"He is sending a request to the local Shenji Church, and the church will dispatch available priests in the surrounding areas based on the request. And I am the only executive priest within a thousand miles nearby." Gewei chuckled, "Of course, wait until I After the report is submitted, the news about the seventh evil god cultist may make the headquarters a little more positive."

"Damn it, can't they have some snacks!"

In the past, Sandra would never speak like this in front of a priest. Not only would it appear rude, but it would also easily cause disputes, but now she has a lot less worries.

"It's not that they are unwilling, but that they are unable...there are only so many execution priests. In the face of new threats, the headquarters will definitely give priority to the security of its own base camp."

"That's true... In the end, we have to rely on ourselves." She took a breath, "Actually... I have something I want to entrust to you."


"My adjutant Woody is a reliable person, but his ability is lacking. He is good at following orders, but not very good at figuring out his own solutions. And tomorrow I will recruit the third son of Will Shipping Company to inquire. What will happen next? Someone has to take charge of the investigation, but I’m like this now...I won’t be able to take action for a while.”

Sandra said truthfully.

"You don't want me to be the commander of the city guard, do you?" Gawei pretended to be surprised.

"Of course it's impossible, this is my army." She shook her head, "But I can set up an acting staff position, and you can remind Woody what to do next. In addition, I also want to ask the Paradise Envoy to act with you. His ability to obtain intelligence is beyond imagination, but he lacks professional assistance."

This is undoubtedly a bold decision.

The city guard protects the lord's assets, and the commander should be loyal to the lord. She is like this, but Gewei and the Paradise Messenger are not necessarily the same.

Perhaps Mr. Chao’s words moved her;

Or maybe it was Count Li Qiong's support that gave her the courage to make such a change.

"You are different from before..." Gewei suddenly said after being silent for a while.

"I used to believe too much in the power of the City Guards, but now I realize that many things are not as perfect as I thought. I hope it's not too late to make repairs now."

"Who knows, maybe our world is doomed and the cultists will prevail, just as the New World is shrouded in mist."


Gewei blinked, "I have no problem. But if I'm not here, what should you do if you meet a cultist again? You'll die."

Is this guy... maybe worried about his own safety?

Sandela was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly, "The weak point is the lower body. Explosives are miraculous, right? I can still find a hundred trustworthy soldiers who know how to use explosives."

"In that case, let's do as you say." Gawei jumped off the bed, "I won't waste time here, you can rest by yourself."

The tiredness that had been suppressing suddenly surged into my heart.

But Sandra felt unexpectedly calm in her heart.

If the City Guards, the Shenji Cult and the Paradise Party, who are making their first appearance, can unite, they should be able to give the cultists some color, right?

"Ah, please."

She slowly closed her eyes.

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