Alien paradise

Chapter 167 Black Tea Interrogation Method

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, Jerry Will walked into the city guard station accompanied by a group of followers.

Soon, he was introduced into a luxuriously decorated reception room.

Sitting opposite him were Chaoyang, Elodie, Woody and Gawei.

Jerry glanced at the three of them after sitting down, "What's going on, where is Lady Sandra?"

"The commander is a little uncomfortable, so I will do the questioning on his behalf. My name is Woody, and I am Lady Sandra's adjutant." Woody said according to the script he had decided before, "These are the investigators of the city guard. , responsible for finding out the truth about the Black Steel Building explosion."

"Sorry, I received an invitation from the commander himself. Apart from her, I won't talk to any of you. I'll take my leave."

After speaking, Jerry actually stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute!" Woody couldn't help but said angrily, "Any citizen has the obligation to assist the lord and the lord's army in the investigation, why can't you talk to me?"

"Okay, then you can go and complain to the Lord." Jerry said nonchalantly.

"What if I'm here?"

Suddenly someone said.

The door was opened, and Sandra actually appeared at the door—but she was not standing, but was pushed in in a wheelchair. She was only wearing a single piece of clothing, and there were obvious signs of being bandaged on her abdomen, and there were faint blood spots on her clothes.

Jerry's expression changed, and his voice suddenly became much lower, "Why are you... injured like this..."

"It's nothing. I was accidentally attacked by a cultist."

Sandra's tone of voice was much weaker than usual, but her eyes were still sharp, "I'm here now, can you sit back down?"

Jerry clicked his tongue helplessly and could only sit back.

"You should continue to lie down and rest." Woody frowned.

"Don't worry, I won't die. Especially after Miss Jenny injected me with antibiotics, I feel much more awake." Sandra said with a smile.

This is a psychological effect, Chaoyang thought, no matter how effective antibiotics are, they are never as effective as this.

"Is it my imagination?" Elodie whispered, "I think this person's attitude towards Sandela seems to be different..."

He shrugged, indicating that he wasn't sure.

"Your observation skills are really keen." Unexpectedly, Sandra heard her whisper and replied with the same voice, "This guy owes me a life-saving grace. He was surrounded by pirates while escorting the cargo on the ship. , in the end it was me who led the patrol fleet to rescue him."

"Be careful, this lady has very sharp ears, she can hear even ordinary whispers." Gawei also joined in.

"Which side are you from?"

"What are you talking about?" Jerry asked warily.

"Oh, I'll exchange information with them... After all, with the injury like this, I can't lead the investigation for the time being." Sandela returned to her body, "Please ask me, their problems now are my problems.

Woody opened the pamphlet and said, "Jerry Will, at nine o'clock the night before yesterday, you went to the Black Steel Building to meet with Albovich, and you didn't leave until almost eleven. We want to know what you and him talked about. Something."

"Nothing, just business negotiation."

"What's the specific content?"

"What else could it be? We need a company to transport goods. Cigarettes, alcohol, hallucinogens, Dali Pills... are all goodies that are not produced by Brilliant Castle and can only be shipped in by sea ship."

"Did you know he was a cultist?" Woody asked again.

"Huh? Come on, are they true or false?" Jerry raised his eyebrows, "Oh... yes, there are indeed similar statements in the newspapers, but these are just random speculations by reporters, right?"

"I asked you if you knew!"

"How could I possibly know? Do you think I'm like a cultist?" He looked displeased. "If you continue to slander me like this, I'm going back."

"He knows," Elodie whispered.

"Where did you see it?" Sandra asked.

"Feeling." Angel said concisely and concisely.

The commander was speechless for a moment.

"Believe her, she doesn't feel wrong at all." Chaoyang replied.

"Don't forget that she just felt that you and the Third Young Master have an unusual friendship." The priestess also added.

Sandra glared at Gawei inexplicably. Why does this guy seem different after going to the temple?

"Then do you think there is anything strange about Abwich in recent years? You can talk about it, whether it's his words or his behavior." Woody jumped to the third question.

"No." Jerry Will crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. "That guy is very vicious. I don't want to have a personal relationship with him at all, let alone pay attention to him."

"But we found out that you had visited the bars and brothels run by Albovich on many occasions."

"Ah? How many times, hundreds of times?" Jerry asked impatiently, "There are only a few high-end salons and clubs in Brilliant Castle. If I don't go there, where else can I go? Go to the slums to play with the brats Are you pinching mud? Who has not been to the city with a little bit of money? They are all suspected of being cultists?"

"Can't you answer the question well?" Sandra said.

Jerry's expression softened a little, but he still kept saying the same old words, "I go to those places just to have fun. I may have met the Black Steel boss a few times, but I really don't have any friendship with him."

"In that case, tell me what you know about Albovich...such as when you met him and how you started the black steel business."

"Is this a problem?"

"Yes." Woody said seriously, "We need his information, even if it's a little detail in his life."

This is certainly not the case.

These questions were all compiled by Chaoyang and Gewei. The first three questions were to test the other party's attitude, while the following questions were simply to make him talk more.

The more he talks, the more thirsty he gets.

At the same time, Chaoyang would take a big sip of tea from time to time and lick his lips with lingering interest, just to arouse the other person's thirst.

Sure enough, when it came to the fifth question, Jerry picked up the teacup on the table and took a big sip.

Chaoyang and Gawei looked at each other.

That'll be fine.

Ten minutes later, Jerry's eyes gradually became unable to open. He tried to refresh himself with tea, but it had little effect. "I'm a little tired...can we end here today?"

"Sorry, I still have a few questions to ask you. In addition, the kitchen has prepared a sumptuous lunch for you, you can enjoy it right here."

"No, I want to rest." He tried to stand up, but he couldn't get out of his seat after holding on to the table several times. Only then did Jerry realize that something was wrong. He looked at the people who were not tired, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, "This... you did it? Damn it, what are you going to do? Bodyguard, bodyguard!"

"It's useless. They have been isolated from the station. There are only a few of us here." Gewei said with a gentle smile on purpose.

"Lady Sandra, could you do this? I came here because I trust you!"

"Don't worry, if what you say is true, nothing will happen except to sleep here." Sandela closed her eyes, "Believe me, this is for your own good. If you are evil If you are a believer, death will be easier."

But Jerry couldn't hear the rest of the sentence.

The anesthetic effect of the medicine has invaded his brain nerves.

He shook twice, flopped down on the table, and lost all consciousness in an instant.

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