Alien paradise

Chapter 170 Exploration of Strange Structures

"We have to get on the boat to arrest people." Gewei immediately judged, "and the number of people cannot be large, nor can it attract the attention of other nobles. If they are discovered, the activity may be terminated early. Damn... this is the last thing I want to encounter. Scenes."

Chaoyang thinks so.

The priestess is just too eye-catching.

Even if makeup and the removal of the pendant could reduce her features, her weapons couldn't be concealed in any way. If she is not allowed to take the arcane artifact...then her significance as a combatant will be greatly reduced.

"Those who board the ship must be elites. They must at least be able to deal with a cultist who has turned into a monster." Sandra also had a headache. She was the only master-level warrior in the city guard. Although the other soldiers had been trained for a long time, But they basically rely on guns and artillery for combat, and they are really not good at infiltration.

Chaoyang couldn't help but laugh.

Isn’t this what Paradise is good at?

The body used for possession can be transformed into any appearance, and it is a disposable item, so there is basically no concern about exposure. Players are not elites, but with advanced weapons, they are truly elites. No matter how bad they are, they are self-propelled bombs that can destroy a ship by one person, and they are not afraid of killing cultists. As for madness... their fearless attitude should be considered the craziest type in the world.

"Mr. Chao?"

"Leave it to me in terms of action. Five or six people should be enough." Chaoyang thought for a while, "It shouldn't be possible to dress up as nobles. They will probably have a strict invitation process, and they can only be ordinary crew members."

Sandra immediately looked at Jerry, "The crew members are from the shipping company, right?"

"Part of it is." Jerry nodded. "Albovich is responsible for selecting the guards on the deck, the attendants and women needed for the event... I guess he has already decided on the personnel."

"We need your cooperation." She said solemnly, "Since you don't want to become a cultist, then come to our side. I will also guarantee your privacy and safety. Only a few of us are present in what you are doing. People will know. When the Lady of Joy sets out, you have to make sure you have one of our people on board."

"Can I... think about it?"

"Of course, you can even go back and think about it. But you have to act quickly, we have to board the ship before it leaves the port."

"Sir..." Woody seemed to want to say something.

Sandra raised her hand to indicate that he didn't need to remind him.

"Can I really go back?" Jerry asked in surprise.

"Of course." She made a gesture of invitation, "If you stay with us for too long, it will also arouse the suspicion of those who are secretly paying attention to this matter. This is our sincerity and the first step in cooperation."

Jerry was silent for a moment and tentatively walked towards the door.

No one stood up to stop her.

Only Sandra added, "Your bodyguards are waiting outside the station. You can see them when you leave the gate."

Jerry nodded, "Then...I'll take my leave now."

After saying that, he quickly left the reception room.

"I always think it's better to force him to agree first." Woody muttered.

"He is already one of ours, there is no need to push him so hastily." Sandra held a completely different view. "It would be a disaster for him if these news spread. He knows how to choose."

Gewei also agreed, "A verbal agreement is meaningless. If he has to hesitate for a long time before making a choice anyway, it is better to let him go home and think about it slowly."

"Actually, he has made a choice, but he hasn't fully accepted it yet." Elodie said.

"Is this your intuition too?"

"Feeling is not equal to intuition." She corrected the priestess. "Feeling is the conclusion I reached after weighing my personal knowledge and actual experience."

"You two don't have to worry too much about this..." Sandra interjected, "We can't completely trust Jerry Weir, Woody, you send a trustworthy team to monitor the Will family's movements, tomorrow's patrol fleet We have to replace her with an innocent candidate. If Jerry’s side doesn’t work, we have to control the Goddess of Joy even if we intercept her at sea!”

"Yes!" the adjutant said.

After everything was arranged, she slowly lay back in the wheelchair and turned to look at Chaoyang, "I must thank you and the Paradise Messenger... The City Guards owe you a favor."

Gewei covered her mouth and walked aside.

Chaoyang readily accepted, "Cultists are the biggest threat to this city, and the Paradise Messenger will definitely not sit idly by. If there are no problems, I will return to the church first. I still have some things to prepare before boarding the ship tomorrow. .”

"Well, I hope this operation will end in victory." Sandra said happily.

Urgent invitations for a new round of games were quickly sent out. Zhang Zhiyuan and others responded to the park's call immediately. At about 8 p.m., all existing players arrived at the underground base of the temple.

"Will there be new work to do so soon?" Anthony was already gearing up. "I feel like the last round of the game was half a day ago."

"Please don't give us any more lives this time." Naruko Asahara said calmly, "Because of your error in judgment, our hiding place was exposed, and we were eventually forced in front of the monster."

"Wait... you won't fail, right?" The Russian was stunned.

"I don't know, and I didn't survive to the end."

Anthony subconsciously looked at Zhang Zhiyuan.

Zhang Zhiyuan naturally knew that Naruko Asahara deliberately exaggerated the danger. For example, it was her sniper that attracted the monster to jump over. However, considering that it could curb Anthony's own way of doing things, he deliberately followed Naruko's words and said, "Win is a win, win is a big win." It was difficult and dangerous. In the end, all of us exchanged explosive packs and rushed forward to exchange one with the monster, but in fact it took the self-destruction of three people to completely kill the enemy."

"Well, I'm the last one." Zhou Zhi had already contacted Zhang Zhiyuan in real life, and naturally narrated the battle situation, "It was really dangerous. When I got close to the dying monster, it even stabbed me in the stomach. I almost failed. The explosive was successfully detonated."

For the first time, Anthony's expression showed signs of condensation. He clicked his tongue and didn't speak again.

"I always feel that the enemies we are dealing with are getting stronger and stronger." Zhou Zhi scratched his head and said, "At first they were just armored cavalry, but now they have turned into monsters and monsters. Isn't this really a super-realistic game?"

Everyone gave him a blank look.

"I heard what Zhang Zhiyuan said about your camp in the suburbs." Xue Quan seemed very optimistic. "The enemy this time seems difficult to deal with. After all, it is because of insufficient firepower. In addition, the only RPG launcher was destroyed by Mr. Anthony. It's wasted, so the next close combat will be quite passive. Since the players are immortal, I recommend that you consider more explosives in subsequent battles, such as gun-fired grenades, individual soldier cloud bombs and the like."

"Can points be exchanged for these?" Cui Zhenen couldn't remember that there was such a thing in the exchange table.

"I believe the park will make corresponding improvements in every round of the game." He replied with a smile.

At this moment, Chaoyang's shadow also appeared in front of everyone, "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the park. The successful completion of the last additional task was all due to your outstanding performance. Now let's start settling the points."

Except for Anthony's 3,000, he increased everyone's point balance by 3,500. Although the host has the final say on the prices of supplies, he still hopes to give players better and better rewards and more and more things they can buy. The more it feels.

"In addition, this time before releasing the new mission, a test session has been added." Chaoyang continued, "The test itself has no rewards, but it will provide players with a brand new experience. This experience is not only not available on earth, but also in Paradise can only be enjoyed by a few people.”

"Oh? Tell me?"

Everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused.

"The test object is already here."

The rising sun pointed to a corner of the room - there was a tablecloth covering it, and something seemed to be covering it underneath.

Anthony immediately stepped forward and lifted the tablecloth.

A silver cross with mottled scratches on its surface was revealed.

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