Alien paradise

Chapter 172 Your wish

"...Is this really possible?" Zhang Zhiyuan frowned, "Wouldn't that mean using it to commit crimes..."

"You can achieve an impeccable and perfect crime." Naruko Asahara spread her hands, "Fortunately, there is no such thing on earth."

"Maybe we should actually test the effect." Xue Quan suggested, "Can you still use it?"

Cui Zhenen put her finger on the cross again. This time it stayed in place quietly and did not pounce on it again.

"I think it's saying hello to me. But these abilities come at the cost of flesh and blood. If Mr. Host is willing to provide his body for free..."

"Let's leave this matter here for now." Chaoyang stood up and said. He just wanted to figure out the function of Gewei's weapons so that he wouldn't have no defense against any conflicts in the future. Now that he had the answer, it was better to return to the topic. He doesn't mind spending some effort to help players improve their combat effectiveness, but he has more important things to do now. "A new round of tasks will be released next."


A pop-up window popped up in front of everyone's eyes.

A cardboard box was slowly opened, revealing an orange scroll inside.

"The mission system has been fully updated. As long as you collect the scroll, you can obtain relevant information, and it is imprinted in the brain in the form of memory, and no additional points will be charged. The color represents the mission level, and orange means the event is important."

"I thought UI-free design was a characteristic of the park." Cui Zhenen raised her eyebrows, "It turns out that I didn't have time to do it before."

"When will the paid skins be ready? As I said, money is not an issue." Anthony shouted, "Even if there are technical difficulties, can you first make us look like the Zhang family boy, with a fixed look every time? ?”

"Because Mr. Zhang Qiang is already highly related to the Holy Church, this is the plot setting. When you find a plot that is closely related to you, you will also receive the same treatment."

Chaoyang replied seriously.

Zhang Zhiyuan was naturally too lazy to protest. He stared at the scroll and tapped it with his hand. When he found no response, he opened it silently in his mind. In an instant, a memory that did not belong to him squeezed into his cerebral cortex!

He saw a hazy, tall steel liner—at least for this world.

"Cultists...possible source?" He unconsciously recited that memory.

"There are so many rewards." Zhou Zhi murmured.

That’s right, Chaoyang has set up a total of four rewards this time, namely investigating the evil god’s information (1000 points), ascertaining the cult’s activities (1000 points), capturing Mr. X alive (3500 points) and killing Mr. In addition to showing that the park is well planned, it can also provide players with a little enthusiasm.

"Speaking of which, the ability of this evil god is quite exaggerated. It can actually make people young again? It makes me want to give it a try." The Russian sighed.

"That's not the kind of ability you want, right?" Zhou Zhi joked.

"Hmph, when you reach my age, you will naturally understand the importance of youth."

"Generally speaking, getting younger is just a cover-up. If you weren't the one to support me, you probably wouldn't be able to enjoy this kind of treatment." Zhang Zhiyuan still had that calm tone.

"Who knows, this is an unknown world." Anthony looked at Xue Quan, "right, Mr. Xue."

"You make sense. Since gods are not illusory things, then the operating logic of the world must be very different from what we are familiar with." Xue Quan smiled, "Besides, I won't go. There are many more here at the Gate of Destiny. There is work to be done, and my points can be used to replace your equipment.”

"Very good, I will definitely avenge the cult this time!"

The atmosphere in the base is quite lively. Compared with dealing with ordinary people, the pressure of cleaning up the cultists is obviously lighter for them. This is the opposite of people from other worlds.

Among all the people, only Naruko Asahara looked solemn, with extremely complicated emotions in her eyes.

Chaoyang noticed something strange about her.

After everyone returned to their rooms, she was still in the base hall, waiting for his arrival.

"Is this what I pray for..." Seeing the host appearing alone, Asahara Naruko couldn't help but ask, her voice carrying a hint of uncontrollable excitement.

When Destiny Gate Pharmaceutical Company was established, Chaoyang sent a message to all players - Zhang Zhiyuan was not the only one he was talking to.

From then on, the rewards given by the park were no longer limited to game points, but entered reality.

What Zhang Zhiyuan chose was simple: a ticket to explore a different world. The ores, flowers, plants, insects, microorganisms in this world...all the materials that are not available on the earth can be used as rewards.

Anthony chose a seat, a seat that would never be shut out of Paradise. He longed to live in this completely new world in another body.

But what Naruko Asahara wanted... was much more difficult.

What she promised was the "magic" that would make people immortal.

"You have to confirm this yourself." Chaoyang said noncommittally, "But I must remind you - it is full of many variables. What works here may not necessarily work on the other side. Even if it works, it is The price of what you get after trading with the evil god may be completely reproduced. This will be a double-edged sword, not to mention returning to youth does not mean eternal life. If the price is too high, the people you want to help may actually hate you. you……"

"No, he won't." Naruko Asahara shook her head, "Because he is my father..."


"Yes." Her voice became extremely firm, "I know him better than anyone else. As long as he can survive, even for ten more days and a half, he is willing to pay any price."

Naruko Asahara paused, "Mr. Host, I actually lied... I don't believe there is true immortality in the world at all. After all, if the time is stretched out long enough, even thousands of stars will be extinguished, let alone us. ? I made this wish just to give myself an illusory hope, so that it would be easier to accept when I am disillusioned."

Because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment? Chaoyang didn't answer.

"So the moment I saw the mission information, I was extremely sure that I needed this. For a moment, I even thought this was a reward deliberately arranged by the park for me..." She took two deep breaths and gradually calmed down her tone. , "If according to the information in the intelligence, people change their age after bathing in divine light, then what should I bring back? A emblem that emits divine light?"

"Yes, it's best to find out the reason for this change." Chaoyang shaped a square box and handed it to her. "Considering that you may not be able to come back alive, put the things you got into this box. No matter how you hide it later, I can recover it whether it's on a boat or thrown into the ocean."

It is essentially a sealed steel box with an embedded rubber isolation layer that is both waterproof and fireproof. But the most important thing is that there is a piece of chewing gum chewed by Elodie at the bottom. This is equivalent to establishing a Beidou beacon that can be positioned in a world without electricity.

"I understand." Naruko Asahara nodded and solemnly accepted the box.

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