Alien paradise

Chapter 174 Albovich

At this time, a guard walked into the banquet hall quickly and whispered a few words in the steward's ear.

The latter's expression immediately became serious.

He clapped his hands and shouted to everyone, "Quick, quick, quick, you still have ten minutes to prepare, the guests will be coming in soon, finish the work quickly! Otherwise I will spank your butts!"

After setting up the last two tables, the six people were driven into a small room in the corner of the hall by the guards.

"Listen, don't make any noise later, and don't attract the attention of the guests. Unless the steward needs you to come out to do something, you must not touch the door! When the banquet is over, someone will naturally let you out. Do you understand?" the guard asked fiercely. road.

"Yes, we understand the rules." Elodie responded proactively.

The latter slammed the door, and then there was the sound of chains sliding outside the door.

Obviously they don't trust the crew's promises too much, and the chained door is undoubtedly more reliable.

"If something happens to this ship, I guess no one will remember us." Cui Zhenen sighed.

"You'll know it when you see this room." Anthony snorted.

The cabin they were in was about six or seven square meters, but most of it was filled with wooden boxes, shelves and kitchen utensils. The five of them could only squeeze into a space of about three square meters. The way to rest was to sit facing each other or even lie down. Can't do it. There was no light in the room, only a string window leading to the outside. The window was welded shut, and the moonlight reflected in was only the size of a palm.

"I've played a lot of games with history set in modern times. It's just like climbing up from the bottom and saving the world all the way... But it's only when you are treated like a slave that you realize how good a civilized society is." Cui Zhen'en's tone was full of emotion. .

"You are not considered a slave. The miners at the bottom of Gaotian are." Zhou Zhi added.

"The evil sister is still amazing. She can actually blend into the role and not be frightened. I couldn't play it." She looked at Elodie sideways. "When that idiot was causing trouble for Anthony, I thought that as long as he takes action first, I can't do it." I have to go up and slap that person twice."

"That's okay, because I've experienced worse." Elodie said with an easygoing smile.


"Stop chatting and listen, the guests have already entered." Zhang Zhiyuan put his ear against the door, "We have to find a way to see outside."

Everyone fell silent, and sure enough, there were noisy footsteps and laughter coming from the hall.

The soundproofing effect of this door is not strong. When they listen carefully, they can even hear what the guests who are close are talking about.

"Hey, actually, I've already observed it." Cui Zhenen lowered her voice and said with a hint of satisfaction, "Look at the wall to the left of the door. Is there a small white spot?"

"Did you leave it behind?"

"Yes, most of the partition walls inside the banquet hall are made of door panels, which can be easily punched through with a hand drill. On the other side of the wall is a giant canvas. I cut a hole in the dark and taped it with double-sided tape. I bought a piece of polarized sunglasses.”

"Did you exchange your sunglasses?" Zhou Zhi asked unexpectedly.

"Well, since the mission involves peeping, I think one-way lenses might be useful."

"What about when you look at it from the outside? Are the lenses eye-catching?"

"It's almost invisible. The paint in that area is dark brown. No matter if you look closer or from a distance, it's hard to find that there is something extra on the canvas." Cui Zhenen is quite confident, "Unless they design it with a backlight or Projector lights, otherwise the corners of the hall will always be dimmer.”

"You are quite clever, little girl." Anthony praised.

"It's not difficult to come up with a crooked idea." She became humble instead.

"In that case, leave the drilling job to me."

Zhang Zhiyuan pulled out a backpack from the messy debris - this was the equipment they had hidden in advance. It contained not only unassembled gun parts, but also some common tools, such as screwdrivers, wire cutters and hand drills.

He found the drill bit from his bag, pointed it at the white spot, and slowly shook his arm.

Others also began to assemble weapons. No one knew when the conflict would break out, but it would never go wrong to prepare early.

The friction between the drill bit and the wooden board will make a slight sound, but this noise has been completely covered up by the laughter and laughter of the guests as they enter, and no one notices the changes in the corner of the hall.

Half a minute later, a small peephole appeared in the wall.

Zhang Zhiyuan was the first to approach the hole and put his eyes close to the entrance. After a short period of adaptation, the scene in the hall came into his eyes——

At this time, more and more guests entered the room, conservatively estimated to be over a hundred, and they were distributed around the banquet hall according to the seating arrangement of three people per table. In the center of the hall is the stage. Because the terrain is slightly sunken, Zhang Zhiyuan can see it very clearly. It's a pity that these guests all wear various decorations on their heads, some are veils, some are butterfly masks. Even acquaintances may not be able to recognize them immediately, let alone them who know nothing about the upper circles of Glory Castle.

"There are quite a few cultists who have mixed their feelings with the upper class... Why didn't the city guards notice it before?" Zhang Zhiyuan couldn't help but murmured.

"It's not the cultists who have blended into the upper class, but the cultists who have infiltrated the upper class." Naruko Asahara said disapprovingly, "It's like cancer cells, they are just a few isolated clusters at the beginning and will not have any impact on the body... wait until you find out By the time it got worse, they were all over the body."

So what time is it now? Early stage, middle stage... or has it reached the late stage?

This question emerged in his mind, but he did not ask it in public.

If all these believers turned into monsters, I am afraid that the entire Glory Castle would not be able to survive.

He could only hope that the nobles at the gathering were still in the "bewitched" stage and were not true cultists who dedicated their bodies and minds to the ancestors.

"What do you mean, can you see clearly?" Anthony said impatiently, "Let me take a look."

"Sorry, I'm closer to him. If you want to see it, please queue up." Asahara Naruko did not give in this time.

"Stop arguing, just let him drill another hole and move it about ten centimeters to the left." Cui Zhenen smiled, "After all, there are two lenses in the sunglasses, and I used them all."

"How about it, can you see clearly what's going on in the hall?" Elodie asked with consciousness.

"No problem, I can see all of you at the same time." Chaoyang quickly replied. This time, he chose to sit at the base of the paradise and watch the player's mission progress - he did not need to use his clone to follow him on the ship. This was because he could not predict the route of the Lady of Joy. If he left the land far away and the angel was not around, his body would be in a different state. in quite dangerous circumstances.

Therefore, he can no longer provide real-time support to the players in this round of missions. The weapons and ammunition carried by the latter are all prepared in advance. After the ship leaves the harbor, these items cannot be changed on the spot.

After all the guests were seated, Fogomin stepped onto the stage and shouted loudly with a brass trumpet, "Dear distinguished guests, welcome to this special pilgrimage - it has a completely different theme from the past gatherings. Your Excellency prefers to call it the Advent Ceremony! Because you will witness the arrival of miracles here!"

The scene immediately burst into warm applause.

But when the applause subsided, a discordant sound appeared in the hall.

"Excuse me, Mr. Steward, I recently heard a terrible news, that is, Mr. Abovich, the assistant to His Excellency the Messenger of God, was attacked by the city guards and eventually died in a suburban camp. Is this true?"

As soon as these words came out, the temperature of the scene dropped a bit.

The guests at the meeting are all well-informed people. In fact, this is also a question that many people want to inquire about.

"That's a good question!" Zhou Zhi clenched his fist and said, "The evil god who can't even protect his own people is just a paper tiger in the final analysis."

This is also a common problem of most cults - they are extremely mysterious when they preach, but they are timid when it comes to putting it into practice, and they can't do anything.

"It's true, because I saw it with my own eyes!" Another person said at this time.

Then the man left his seat, walked steadily onto the stage, and took off the wolf head mask on his face in front of everyone.

"However, Your Majesty the Divine Envoy summoned me back from the void to continue serving the great existence. The fact that I can stand here intact now depends entirely on the protection of my Lord."

Chaoyang suddenly took a breath!

The man had an obvious scar on his left cheek, and his facial features and body shape were unusually familiar. He was none other than the leader of Black Steel—Aibovich!

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