Alien paradise

Chapter 18 Strange

Chaoyang has not been idle these two days. Based on Detective Zhang's inference, he first went to No. 958, the Sinclair Theater, to check the situation. Unfortunately, he found nothing unusual.

After some inquiries, he learned that there were three theaters in Brilliant Castle, and Sinclair was the largest of them. In addition to performing fixed programs every day, he also occasionally staged performances customized by dignitaries. It has even taken on the important task of hosting members of the royal family, and the several opera companies it cooperates with are also famous. It stands to reason that it would be difficult for a place like this to cause trouble. If Detective Zhang is not wrong in his judgment, there must be some reason why the criminal chose this place, but unfortunately he still doesn't know it yet.

Afterwards, Chaoyang met with Judy and told her that the results would probably be available in the next two days and asked her to prepare in advance.

Although he didn't know what would happen in the theater and whether the missing reporter was dead or alive, he had already buried a backdoor in the contract and did not limit the missing person's life or death. Even if Court Dann is found dead, it will not hinder the completion of the contract.

Therefore, he only needs to quietly watch the scene play out and provide some "help" at the right time.

The traffic in the city at night was obviously not convenient enough. After everyone found that they could not find a carriage, they decided to run there. After all, the city is not big, and it only takes a quarter of an hour to run from south to north.

At this time, Zhang Zhiyuan pulled the corner of Zhou Zhi's clothes and deliberately fell behind.

"Do you know them?" He glanced at Qiao James and others, "I'm asking about reality."

"Uh... I've met once, but I'm not familiar with it. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just asking. How did you join this game?"

"What else can I do? Just be like you." Zhou Zhi said casually.

Zhang Zhiyuan knew that this was a defensive statement and that the other party did not trust him enough.

"I received an invitation letter. How should I put it? Before I came, I thought the park was exaggerating. I didn't expect to find out after I arrived... They said they were exaggerating." He immediately changed the subject and said in a relaxed tone, "This is not a simple game. If everyone can play it, I can guarantee that everyone in this city will be our own people."

Although everyone was speaking Chinese, there was still a clear difference in their accents. Zhou Zhi glanced at him and said, "Brother, where are you from?"

"From Shoucheng." Zhang Zhiyuan said with a smile, "Why are you so sure that I am older than you? Maybe I should call you brother."

"I can still see this. Your skills in speaking and doing things are better than those of my friends..." Zhou Zhi swallowed it back halfway, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just be my brother." Zhang Zhiyuan waved his hand, "What about you? Where do you live?"

"Jiang Cheng, maybe we can meet in person later."

"I have no problem." He responded straight away, "By the way...have you already entered the park once before? Or are you a pirate?"

"Hey, don't mention it." Zhou Zhi sighed repeatedly, "That time I played for less than thirty minutes and spent most of the time at sea. I finally got to the shore, but I was killed by a group of madmen. Those ghost guys and I I really can’t tell, they find being killed extremely exciting, but I really don’t want to experience the feeling of being stabbed through the stomach again.”

"Then you're still coming? Tickets for this game aren't cheap, are they?"

"You don't understand, what attracts me is something else..."

Zhang Zhiyuan noticed that when Zhou Zhi said this, he unconsciously raised his head and glanced at the back of Naruko Asahara.

"Really?" He didn't continue to ask, "Then you'd better keep your eyes open later, and be careful. I can't guarantee that everyone can survive."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Zhi looked surprised, "Aren't we chasing the murderer? What's more, we have equipment this time. It's calculated by heart but not by heart. No matter how you look at it, it can't be the same as last time."

"I hope so too." Zhang Zhiyuan sighed softly.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Zhi gradually slowed down, "Did you find any other problems?"

"I realized it when I was blown by the sea breeze when I came out. Do you think this serial murder mystery is difficult?"

"Uh, this..." the other party paused for a moment, "I can't tell anyway. But you were able to find the hidden clues on the same day, so it shouldn't be too difficult a case, right? Of course, it's also possible that Brother Zhang has your talent. Extraordinary talent..."

"Don't brag, let me tell you the truth. It's really not difficult. I'm definitely not the only one who can tell." Zhang Zhiyuan lowered his voice, "In fact, I suspect that the reporter also saw the clues, so he disappeared. "

Zhou Zhi couldn't help but shudder, "This should be a setting..."

"But what if it wasn't?" Zhang Zhiyuan disagreed. "The murderer's gang committed crimes continuously and left notices of murders. The time span spanned several months, but so far no one has been arrested. Don't you think this is a bit strange?"

"Brother, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I'm just saying that the case is probably not as simple as it seems, so you must be more vigilant later."

Zhou Zhi was speechless for a moment.

After a moment, he said in a low voice, "But even if you die, you will just exit the game. If something happens to me later, please remember to give me a happy ending."

"What are you talking about? I don't want to attack one of my own."

"Please, this is just a game..." Zhou Zhi emphasized again.

But how different is it from reality?

What's more, Zhang Zhiyuan doesn't think a game can achieve this level.

He thought so in his heart, but didn't say it out loud.

"Speaking of which, my body is really good. I haven't been out of breath much after running for so long. The theater shouldn't be far away, right?" Zhou Zhi said, his expression suddenly changed, and his pace suddenly slowed down a bit, "Hey, where are they?"

Only then did Zhang Zhiyuan notice that the people running in front seemed to disappear out of thin air, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"What should we do, Brother Zhang? We are now——"

Before Zhou Zhi could finish speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out from the darkness and dragged him into the street! Just as he was about to scream, his other hand covered his mouth tightly.

"Silence." A cold female voice said.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhi immediately relaxed, and he even wanted the other party to continue covering him for a while.

The one who pulled him was Naruko Asahara.

Turning around, Zhang Zhiyuan was also pulled in, but it was Jason Taylor who pulled him in, and his mouth was not covered.

"What happened?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

"There are people outside the theater, and you two are too far away from us. I can only go back with Miss Asahara to warn you two." Taylor explained, "Qiao and the Russians are watching them."

"What are you talking about? You are so far behind." Naruko Asahara said with a hint of reproach in her tone.

"Sorry, sorry, it's just nonsense." Zhang Zhiyuan laughed, "What do you mean there are people outside the theater?"

"You'll know for yourself when you see it."

The four of them followed the shadows on the street and quietly arrived at the end of Golden Street. The outline of the Grand Theater looks like a hill in the night, seemingly darker than the surrounding neighborhood buildings. At this moment, almost no one was walking on the streets. The sound of carriage wheels running over the stone road could occasionally be heard in the distance. Other than that, the city was completely silent.

Zhang Zhiyuan immediately discovered the reason why it was darker here: the street lights around the theater were not working.

The lighting in this city is still the ancient oil lamp. Although it requires manual refilling, it is stable and reliable. If someone does not deliberately cause trouble, it is unlikely to go out by itself at night.

In this blinding night, there were actually a few shadows moving around the theater - they gathered together in twos and threes, seemingly loose, but they basically controlled several street corners. No matter which direction other people came from, It's hard to get close to the theater without being noticed. In other words, these people are not just wandering vagrants, but are guarding this area with a purpose.

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