Alien paradise

Chapter 184 Victory with Firepower

The enemy also responded immediately.

They moved four or five strips of cloth in front of them and flew the grenades away at a speed invisible to the naked eye. However, what they faced this time was not one or two grenades, but a swarm of grenades! Even though seven or eight were blocked, more warheads had already fallen around them.

Then there were continuous explosions—short and bright firelights kept flashing, and dozens of flaming flowers bloomed on the ground from the splashing molten metal shrapnel!

This is the difference between vehicle-mounted weapons and individual weapons.

The larger the barrel diameter, the stronger the ammunition can carry!

Zhang Zhiyuan held on to the trigger tightly, letting the burning smell of gunpowder smoke fill his lungs. He poured out all the anger he had been holding back on these two monsters.

The shrapnel of high-explosive grenades is by no means as simple as making a small hole in the body. They can penetrate wooden boards and brick walls, and can also cut off muscles and bones.

The monster was completely suppressed.

Their tentacles were crumbling in the explosion and fire, and their lower bodies were shattered into pieces. Maybe they felt Zhang Zhiyuan's overwhelming hostility, but they could no longer jump tens of meters in front of the car like they did when they killed Naruko Asahara.

And this fierce firepower also shocked those who were fleeing.

They stopped involuntarily and looked back to see the monster that seemed to come from the depths of a nightmare being beaten to the point of being helpless. The fear in their hearts suddenly disappeared a bit.

Pitchforks can't penetrate, machetes can't hurt, and muskets are almost useless. If all means of self-protection are ineffective, what else can they do except run for their lives?

But now they saw a weapon that could destroy their enemies, a tank that could save them.

——When they realize that the enemy is no longer invincible, the fear from the bottom of their hearts will naturally be suppressed by reason again. The crowd that was about to collapse gradually stabilized, and some people even raised their hands and cheered towards the chariot!

When a box of grenades was finished, Zhang Zhiyuan released the trigger, "Zhou Zhi, help me change the bomb!"

There was only a pile of debris in front of the street. Many corpses were ignited by grenades, giving off a burning smell. As for the evil potted plant, only the potted plant was left at this moment, and the entire lower body was blasted into rubbish.

"Wow! They can kill monsters!"

"here you go!"

"Great, can I join you?"

More and more people join in the cheers, turning the battlefield into a celebration ground!

"It's not safe here. Go to Fafu Street to take refuge first. Don't stop, let alone follow us!" Zhang Zhiyuan shouted to the people around him.

"Brother Zhang, stand this up." After Zhou Zhi brought in a box of new ammunition, he handed him a flagpole.

The latter unfolded the flag and found a black door-shaped pattern painted on the white cloth - that was the trademark of Destiny's Gate Pharmaceutical Company.

"Where did you get it?"

"I drew it with ink, and there are several pairs in the base." Zhou Zhi replied, "I originally wanted to insert it on the Lady of Joy, but the situation was slightly different from what I expected."

Zhang Zhiyuan gave him a funny look - he didn't expect that he would still be thinking about tinkering with such things when he was preparing logistics affairs. But the flag is indeed useful at certain times. After thousands of years of continuation, the flag has become a symbol of unity. Zhang Zhiyuan tied the flagpole to the machine gun mount on the roof of the car, and the black and white flag of the Gate of Destiny unfolded in the night wind, becoming a beacon of hope in the eyes of many refugees.

Elodie drove all the way north and arrived at the Lord's Castle in less than ten minutes.

It is more like a city within a city, surrounded by two-meter-high walls. There is a spacious front yard after entering. You often have to go through several checkpoints if you want to meet the city lord. But now, the iron gate of the front yard is wide open, and discarded weapons can be seen everywhere.

"Stop, who is it!?" Suddenly several soldiers wearing full body armor sprang out from the shadows on both sides and blocked the vehicle. The steam guns in their hands were trained to aim at the driver's position.

Chaoyang recognized at a glance that these armors were carefully customized, with not only gear patterns on the chests, but also a row of screw-like decorations on the shoulders.

They are followers of the Shenmei Cult.

"I'm looking for Gawei, she knows me."

"Ah... you must be Mr. Chao who sent someone to report the news." At this time, the believers also recognized him and quickly asked their companions to put down their weapons, "I'm sorry. Lady Gewei is in the castle, but she ordered us to protect those in front. At the scene, this large strange structure...may not be suitable for entering."

Chaoyang didn't insist, jumped out of the car with Elodie and Reske, and walked straight into the courtyard.

After walking a few steps, a strong smell of blood hit my nose.

I saw mutilated corpses everywhere in the flowers, and the coagulated blood dyed the gravel on the roadside black. Judging from the costumes of the deceased, not all of them were city guards stationed here, but some were attendants and scholars. They seemed to be trying to escape from the castle, but ended up with their heads missing.

"These cultists actually dare to assassinate the lord..." Reske murmured, "Do they plan to turn Glory Castle into the next acropolis? What good will this do to them?"

"Can't cultists survive in the foggy area?" Elodie asked.

"Unless you live like a savage, picking wild fruits and drinking mountain dew, even then, you still have to face all kinds of wild beasts and poisonous insects that have become accustomed to the foggy environment. Cultists also need to eat, drink, and defecate. Without the support of civilization, They can’t hold on.”

The three of them walked into the castle, and under the guidance of the Divine Machine Cultist, climbed the blood-stained stairs to the second floor. They then walked through the long corridor and arrived at the lord's study.

There was only one person standing inside.

It was Gewei.

Her cross was freed and integrated with her arm, but there was no enemy across from her, just a torn corpse. In the other corner of the room, a black cloth belt collapsed.

She looked up when she heard footsteps.

"It's you."

An unpleasant premonition came to Chaoyang's heart - the ornately decorated study room was now in a mess, with fragments of tables and chairs scattered everywhere, the chandelier fell from the roof, smashing a big hole in the wooden floor, and the wall , deep cuts can be seen everywhere on the ground. There is no doubt that a fierce battle broke out here.

He nodded and walked towards the body, confirming its identity with just one glance. Although I have never had close contact with this person, posters posted everywhere in the city and news photos in newspapers have made this person's appearance widely known.

He is the lord of Brilliant Castle, Count Li Qiong Aura.

"The ones who turned into evil things were his housekeeper and a bed-warming maid." Gewei removed the cross, put it back on her back, and said in a calm tone, "When I arrived, the killing just spread to the courtyard. If not With your notice, I’m afraid the Shenji Church not far from here will be attacked.”

There were injuries on her face and her arms were still bleeding. The battle was obviously not as peaceful as she said.

"Does Sandra know the news?"

The other party shook his head, "I haven't sent anyone to notify her yet. Because I don't know how to tell her."

Chaoyang also fell silent. The city guard is an army loyal to the lord. No matter how loyal Sandra is to the earl, if the lord is dead but the defense officer is still alive, if this news spreads, she will definitely be at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion. Not to mention her reputation will be ruined. His military career was ruined here.

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