Alien paradise

Chapter 186 True Faith

At the gate of the church, Xue Quan was directing his men to guide the residents who had fled here into the resting place.

Although these people were not allowed to enter the church, Chaoyang did not expel them like a plague. Instead, they set up temporary shelters outside the church - hundreds of tents were arranged from the entrance square to Faifu Street. At both ends, blazing bonfires completely drive away the night. Citizens who come here to take refuge can not only drink boiled water, but also use coins to buy food such as rusks.

As for the injured, they will be sorted by the nuns and sent to the church.

For a time, this place became the most noisy area in Glory Castle.

In fact, the military strength of the temple is quite limited. There are only thirty-five guards currently trained. They can only fight with spears and cannot deal with evil objects at all. But when people fleeing in the dark see a bright bonfire and many similar people, they will spontaneously feel at ease. Even if no one else comforts them, they will take the initiative to comfort themselves.

This is what containment means.

But not everyone is a good, law-abiding citizen.

In particular, a large part of Nancheng District belongs to the territory of homeless people and gang members. They are afraid of cultists, but not ordinary residents and church militia.

They even robbed the refugees in front of Xue Quan.

"Hand over your valuables, hurry up! The city guards can't take care of you now!" I saw a man with tattoos on his face leading a dozen aggressive thugs to surround a tent. , threatened loudly. Seeing that the other party refused, he even leaned in and pulled out a seven or eight-year-old child. He put a sharp knife directly on the child's face and said, "I'll give you three seconds, otherwise your child's face will be bruised." It’s a pattern!”

"Stop!" Xue Quan quickly stepped forward and shouted, "Try touching him!"

"Idiots, you are just taking money to do things, do you need to work for those nuns?" The other party did not take the church security personnel seriously at all, "Why don't you just follow the Green Faced Ghost Gang and rush in later? In the church, those nuns can let you have as much fun as you want! Isn’t this better than being humble and receiving a salary?”

Xue Quan sighed imperceptibly.

Sometimes it's not a good thing if public security in a city is too poor. Although you can act without any restrictions, people who have adapted to this set of rules will become more and more indifferent to the law, such as the gangster man in front of you. In his eyes, even if the guards hired by the temple did not want to join the gang, they would most likely not conflict with a large group of armed men for a small robbery.

Without saying another word, he pulled out the pistol from his waist and shot the man in the forehead.

Within a distance of three meters, even a short gun would have a hard time missing the target.

There was a loud bang, and a blood arrow spattered from the tattooed man's forehead, and his body collapsed.

Then Xue Quan took a big step forward and pulled the frightened boy into his arms.

"They killed Brother Locke!"

"Revenge for big brother!"

The opponent immediately exploded, wielding machetes and swords, and started to kill Xue Quan and others. Although the total number of the escort was superior, most of them were scattered throughout Favre Street, and there were only three people following him.

Fifteen against three, even a gangster can squeeze out some courage.

The surrounding refugees screamed and fled away, fearing that the killing would affect them.

"Guards, set up your guns!" Xue Quan shouted, and then fired five more shots, killing the two gangsters at the front.

The training over the past few days has paid off. Facing an enemy several times his own, the team member who was originally a miner did not follow his instinct to escape and beg for mercy. Instead, he shivered and thrust his spear forward.

The advantage of length came into full play here. The gangsters in front wanted to get around, but the ones behind were still pushing. Their heads changed shape in an instant. One person was knocked to the ground, and the others scattered.

This gave Xue Quan an opening to continue shooting.

But at this moment, a gangster set his sights on the tent he had previously robbed. He pulled off the oilcloth with his hands, revealing a frightened man and woman inside. Then he glanced at Xue Quan coldly, raised his ax and struck it on the head!

Xue Quan's heart sank. It was already too late to turn the gun!

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you!" Suddenly a loud roar came, and a Triton woman was seen jumping towards the gangster, even faster than her legs could run! The moment she finished speaking, she arrived in front of the pair of refugees. Not only did she smash the ax struck by the gangster, she also cut off half of the other's head.

The flying blood made the people around scream and frightened the gangsters under siege.

No matter in terms of skill, strength or skills, this woman obviously wanted to be at a high level first, and no matter how many hooligans there are, it will be difficult to defeat a real warrior.

What's more, she has a group of people behind her!

Then the situation instantly turned to the side of the church. It didn't take much effort for the escort to capture all the remaining gangsters and tie them up one by one.

Xue Quan was free at this time and shook hands with the other party enthusiastically, "Thank you for your help. Why did the Brotherhood also come to visit the temple? Are any of you injured?"

The visitors were none other than Hai Qi, Lovisya and others.

"Our people are doing very well, and the injured have basically been cured by the nuns... No, I'm here to ask questions! Where is Mr. Chao?" Hai Qi puffed up her cheeks and asked, "Why did the city guards know about us? Did he dig a detonating hive in the sewer? Did he tell the secret to the city guard?"

"I heard him mention this... Do you have any losses?"

"There are no personnel, but the holes we finally dug have been covered with cement!"

"This is actually a request from the park," Xue Quan said decisively. "The fear is that the cultists will take advantage of it. Look, isn't there a big problem today? Fortunately, we are one step faster. In addition, Mr. Chao is leading a team to support City Guards, I don't know exactly where he is now. How about you go to the north and look for him?"

"Forget it, I'll just wait for him here."

Xue Quan raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise, "That's fine, but both I and the nuns are very busy, so I'm afraid I won't be able to greet you all..."

"Just tell the truth, why are you trying to hide it there?" Lovisya said with a smile, "Mr. Just do any chores. Although Hai Qi only hired a hundred people, this is all the manpower the Brotherhood can mobilize."

One hundred people... This is definitely great news for the manpower-short church!

However, Xue Quan didn't understand, "Why do you want to help the Holy Church?"

"If you want to help, just help. Are there so many reasons?" Hai Qi pouted.

It wasn't until Lovisya glared at her that she scratched her head, "Okay, okay... When there was an explosion in Nancheng District, I noticed something strange in the city. Later, when I sneaked into the city, I realized that it was the cultists who were doing evil. . At that time, I happened to see the reinforcements with the Gate of Destiny flags guiding the people to evacuate. Even though most of the people were penniless poor people, they did not give up. I felt... This is what the superiors should do... Oops, can you stop talking about it? That’s it anyway!”

"Let me finish it for her." Lowesya raised the corner of her mouth. "She felt that this was the right thing to do and something that had never happened before, so she decided to let the Brotherhood join in. Mr. Xue, what do you think? how?"

The memories of the past emerged and overlapped with reality, making Xue Quan slightly trance-like.

But he quickly brought his thoughts back.

This kind of experience was not unfamiliar to him, but it was the first time he had been in a different world. After smiling slightly, Xue Quan made a gesture of invitation, "Of course it's the best. Come on, the paradise welcomes you."

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