Alien paradise

Chapter 193 Siege

Both of them knew one piece of information: there was something strange hidden deep in the mine, and Gaotian Mining Company had been trying to dig it out.

"Is this also part of the cult's plan?" Elodie pondered, "The infection effect of that thing is exaggerated, but its range is less than a few dozen meters. And most of the people in the Miners' Brotherhood are in close contact. However, even Lovisia has persisted for so long, in a sense it is not as scary as the Black Death."

Chaoyang turned to look at Reske, "Since you can feel the extent of the evil god's influence on the world, have you ever been to the underground of the Gray Hill Mine?"

"Underground? Are you talking about those mines that are hundreds of meters deep underground?" The other party shook his head, "There are indeed many dead people there, but overall there is nothing abnormal, and I have not set foot further." He paused for a moment, Seemingly seeing Chaoyang's worry, "Is there something fishy underground?"

"That's a long story." Chaoyang directly connected with Lovisya's consciousness, "It's me. Do you know of any secret passage that can lead to the special mining area blocked by Gaotian Company?"

"Mr. Chao! You can actually talk to me directly?" Lovisya looked quite surprised.

He has never used this ability before, just to reduce Lovisya's unfamiliarity with the new body, but now that the situation is urgent, he doesn't care so much. "People who have signed a contract with the Lord of Paradise can interact with each other." Induction, your body is more special and you can talk to me directly. Otherwise, I would not be able to convey the dormant information to you in advance."

"So that's it." Lovisya also adapted quickly. She replied directly without asking the reason, "There are such secret passages, but they require jumping through several abandoned mines. Just saying it will definitely say I don’t know, let me follow you.”

"Where are you now? No... I already know." Chaoyang saw the familiar Yeni Temple through the other party's field of vision, "I will ask Mr. Xue to take you to the suburbs to meet Zhang Qiang and others. They should now Already headed to Ash Hill Mine."

"No problem." Lovisya responded readily.

"By the way, don't let Hai Qi follow you. Your body can be replaced, but hers is different."

"You wouldn't have let her go to such a dangerous place without mentioning it to me. But I really saw you right, Mr. Chao, you are indeed a gentle person."

After Chaoyang cut off the contact, he said to the other two people, "Let's go there too. Let's talk about the secrets in the mine while we're on the road."

In the northeastern suburbs of Brilliant Castle, outside the Ash Hill Mine.

Troops of the city guard were arriving at the outskirts of the mine one after another. The blue light of hundreds of spiritual lanterns was like moving stars, opening up a long and narrow passage in this quiet foggy area.

After a night's rest, the morale of the remaining troops had recovered a lot. Although it was still not as good as usual, it was still capable of encircling and suppressing a mining company. Especially after hearing that many nobles and wealthy businessmen who were colluding with the cult were hiding there, the soldiers' enthusiasm increased significantly.

Since Sandra's injuries have not yet recovered, the commander of this attack fell on Woody. This was also the first time for him to command nearly a thousand people in combat, and he was very excited.

"Your Majesty, the scouts found that the railway track ahead was blown up and there is no possibility of repairing it in a short time!" At this time, a light rider came to him on horseback and said after saluting.

"Broken?" Woody raised his brows and looked forward, his eyes still filled with gray. Neither the mine nor the railroad tracks can be seen from this distance. "How far is the fracture location from the mine gate?"

"Less than a hundred meters!"

This means the cultists are literally tearing down the railway on their doorstep.

Probably because they don't want the city guards to enter the mine so easily... He thought to himself, but the distance is too close. The artillery can easily cover the entire mining area. No one with a little military knowledge would set an obstacle here. here. If it were him, he would have started destroying the railway at least a thousand meters away.

This also shows that the enemy is in a panic and has no choice but to choose a route.

"Inform the train to slow down and stop at the break." Woody quickly ordered, "Let the artillery team be ready to load and unload the artillery on the spot."


The conscripted trains were loaded with a total of four six-inch naval guns. Although they were equipped with wheels and hoeing devices and could follow the army in combat, it was still quite troublesome to arrange them. If the shooting position is determined in advance, this process can be effectively shortened.

With the order being executed in an orderly manner, the city guards quickly established an offensive front outside the Ash Hill Mine. When the train arrived, the huge moonstone on the front of the train immediately became the best searchlight, not only illuminating the army itself, but also outlining the outline of the mine two hundred meters away.

The more than 800 people gathered at this moment are not too many, but they can definitely be regarded as a large army in the Brilliant Fort. With the artillery suppressing the formation, even the black steel security cannot compete with them head-on.

What surprised Woody was that he saw that the mine gate was closed, and no one came to ask about the situation. The mine was also quite quiet, as if work had completely stopped.

The scout cavalry had previously brought him news that five landing boats and many freshly stepped footprints had indeed been found on the southwest coast. This showed that the information provided by the paradise was correct and that some cultists had indeed moved from the south coast to the Ash Hill Mine. field area. As for where the Lady of Joy went, and whether the aristocratic and wealthy businessmen who were guests disembarked, it is currently unknown.

Woody claimed that these rich people escaped into the mine to boost the morale of the team. However, he also had something that he couldn't understand. There were at least two to three hundred people in the mine's guard team, and the number of miners working there was even higher. Qian, why do they have no reaction to the arrival of cultists?

It’s impossible that they are all believers in the religion of cause and effect, right?

"Go and shout something personally and see if you can get them to surrender directly." Woody ordered according to the procedures in military drills.

After receiving the order, a light cavalryman quickly ran towards the main entrance of the mine holding the city guard flag.

Just when he was still about thirty meters away from the gate, several gunshots suddenly broke the tranquility of the countryside. The cavalryman was seen shaking twice and then fell off his horse, and there was no more movement.

"That's unreasonable!"

Woody was furious. The envoys of both warring parties have immunity. Even if they do not accept surrender, there is absolutely no need to kill the envoys.

"Give me the order to have the artillery team blast open the gate immediately! The forward team is preparing to occupy the mine wall and eliminate all movable targets. The city guards will not accept surrender in this battle!"

After the order was issued, the six-inch naval guns began to roar in turn, and the dull bombardments were like thunder rolling through the foggy land.

The walls of the Huiqiu Mine are basically made of red bricks, which is good at preventing the miners from escaping. But when faced with artillery bombardment, they were no different than tofu. In less than five minutes, they were blown up and down, with gaps everywhere. The iron gates were also pierced by shells, and one of them even flew into the air.

Seeing the enemy's "fortifications" collapse, the city guard's forward line also launched a charge in time. Two hundred people were divided into four groups, ran towards the mine from four directions, and successfully climbed over the shattered wall.

At this time, Woody also received a new report.

The "Paradise Soldiers" who originally acted with the city guards disappeared.

"What do you mean they're gone?" He asked while secretly cursing these people for their lack of organization and discipline, "Where are those four-wheeled contraptions they were driving?"

"Still in the same place, but the person is no longer there." The subordinate said truthfully.

"Thank you, Lady Sandra, for trusting them so much." Woody decided to take note of this matter and report it to the commander-in-chief later. "Don't worry about them. To put it bluntly, these people are also mercenaries and opportunists. They can't be expected to be normal at critical times. We can win this battle on our own!"

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