Alien paradise

Chapter 196 The Temple Reappears

Vance also seemed to realize that even if he was blocked by this thing at close range, he would still have to drink a pot. The moment the Russian launched it, he had already made the black strips behind him jump forward, and hit the target thirty meters in front of him. The position is open, forming a pair of "palms" with overlapping fingers.

The next second, a deafening explosion suddenly resounded through the mine, and the sound vibrated back and forth making the ground tremble!

This time it took a full minute for the smoke to disperse.

Vansi's black palm was no longer complete - it had been blown out with two obvious gaps, which were the holes formed after the cloth strips broke.

"If I had known, I should have used armor-piercing warheads!" Anthony spat. Since the people he had to deal with this time were cultists, he exchanged them for high-explosive grenades. Unexpectedly, the enemy's black cloth strips could actually change shape, blocking him like a piece of armor. If it were a shaped-energy armor-piercing projectile, it would probably smash the opponent into a sieve just by relying on the metal jet.

Vance White sensed the danger.

Although this weapon is fired by an individual soldier, its power is not weaker than that of army artillery. Although the death mark given by the gods can regenerate quickly, it cannot withstand the opponent's repeated bombardments. Judging from the shooting interval just now, they may have injured themselves.

Death is not the end, it just shouldn't be now.

Besides, after delaying this for so long, time is enough.

Using the holy symbol of the order of cause and effect as a guide and the will of the gods as fuel, it is enough to create a miracle that attracts the attention of the world!

"I can answer the last of the questions you just asked." He put away the tentacles in front of him, opened his hands and said, "I am here to welcome my Lord."

"You mean the evil god?" Cui Zhenen shouted.

"The distinction between good and evil in human beings has no meaning to the Ancestor God. Its existence is the meaning itself. When you become one with it, you will naturally understand everything I say."

After saying that, he turned around and retreated back into the cave.

"Want to run?" Anthony had already loaded the last grenade. When he saw Vans retreating, he immediately chased after him.

"Wait...forget it, let's follow!" After Zhang Zhiyuan found that verbal dissuasion was ineffective, he could only switch to a rifle and follow the chase.

But before everyone got halfway, they saw a strange light suddenly blooming in the cave - those lights no longer traveled in a straight line, but crawled outward like countless thin snakes, leaving almost a trace of light wherever they crawled. Traces of blood.

Zhang Zhiyuan's heart sank.

Because the area covered by this light was simply the same as the stern of the Lady of Joy last night!

He tried to avoid it, but how could Hikari possibly avoid it? What's more, the snake light is still close to the ground and will not leave any shadows on the concave and convex areas!

Almost instantly, their location was covered by these snake-shaped lights - the entire bloody area formed a rapidly expanding circle with the pyroxene cave as the center.

Then Zhang Zhiyuan saw Anthony's head blooming again.

Damn it, come again! ?

He raised his gun and wanted to shoot out the brain of his companion who crawled out, but he also lost consciousness the next second.

In fact, when the red light swept across everyone, the heads of Anthony, Naruko Asahara, Zhang Zhiyuan and Zhou Zhi exploded one after another, and their heads were like mice, running out of the mine in fear.

At the same time, the ground began to tremble, and cracks hundreds of meters wide opened in the rock formations!

The reaction on the ground was a sudden earthquake!

"Earthquake?" Elodie slammed on the brakes.

Even though they were still some distance away from the Ash Hill mining area, they could still feel the strong earthquake. The ground was rising and falling like waves, and the rails not far away were directly cracked.

If even this place is shaking, you can imagine the situation in the underground mining area.

"Where are Zhang Zhiyuan and the others?"

"It's all gone." Chaoyang said in a deep voice, "It's exactly the same as what happened on the ship, except this time the scope is much larger."

The back deck of the Lady of Joy covers more than 500 square meters, and the huge hole at the bottom of the mining area is at least tens of thousands of square meters. The two are not on the same scale at all!

And judging from the position where the snake-shaped red light emits, the weird thing underground is the source of the mutation!

If the RPG's range cannot effectively threaten the source of red light, and personnel will immediately turn into monsters as soon as they get close, then what other way can they use to counter the enemy?

"Oops!" Reske, who was sitting in the back row, suddenly exclaimed, "I feel an extremely strong evil aura coming from the east! But this level of concentration... how is it possible?

"Is it a very high level?"

"It can no longer be described as high... I can only say that it is unprecedented." Reske murmured, "Even the fog has begun to give in..."

Chaoyang couldn't help but be stunned.

And Elodie had already exclaimed, "Look over there, the fog has lifted!"

He followed the angel's direction and found that for the first time there was a gap in the sky, which had been covered by layers of fog. Behind the gap is the blue sky and white clouds. The sunlight shines in, leaving a few golden light pillars on the wall of mist. It should have been an extremely beautiful sight, but Chaoyang felt a little numb when he thought that its initiator was the Evil God Sect.

Resker couldn't help but take out the Mist Horn.

"This can't continue like this... If we don't fill it with new mist, this place will become a breakthrough for the evil god to pollute the world. Sorry, I have to call the Hidden Mist User!"

"Wait, we haven't reached that point yet." Chaoyang quickly tried to dissuade him, "You promised me you wouldn't blow the horn unless absolutely necessary."

Reske's hand stopped, "But..."

"I'll figure it out, trust me."

Brilliant Castle is his stronghold of will power. It was finally built into the current situation. How could it be easily surrendered to the enemy? Regardless of whether he has a way out in the end, he must be extremely firm at this moment.

It is not that Chaoyang has not considered persuading Yeni Holy Church to relocate to the Old World. However, it is extremely difficult to convince all the nuns to agree. Secondly, if the owner of the paradise cannot protect even a small piece of pure land, the attraction of people to follow the faith will definitely be greatly reduced. decline. What's more, there are cult activities in the New World, but not in the Old World? The vivid example of the Acropolis is right in front of you. It is impossible to just go back home every time you encounter a cultist.

The boy hesitated, and finally put down the hand holding the horn.

At the same time, the surface of the mine site has been shaken to pieces. A large number of rock walls have risen from the ground, carrying a large number of houses, train carriages and mining equipment off the ground and slowly floating into the sky. The Meyer Temple, which had been sealed underground for a long time, finally saw the light of day again!

"What's going on?" Woody was stunned by the sight in front of him, and the mine flew up! ?

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

An inverted mountain range that is as large as half a city is slowly flying into the sky. Groundwater flows out of the mountain, forming small waterfalls. The hundreds of mine tunnels excavated by Gaotian Company are like "windows" on the mountain, and he can even clearly see the cross-sections of these mine tunnels.

The city guard soldiers who had already invaded the mining area also rose to the sky along with the mountain. Some people accidentally slipped and fell, and ended up falling into a huge pit that appeared underground and were shattered to pieces!

"Commander, what should we do?"


"Master Woody!"

Someone kept trembling in my ears and asked.

He slowly turned his head and looked at the fifty or so people who stayed beside him - in their frightened and hesitant eyes, Woody saw himself with the same expression.

"The whole army...retreat."

This was the only answer he could think of.

At this moment, a circle of blood-red light came into Woody's eyes. They twisted their bodies like snakes, crawled out from the bottom of the pit, and rushed towards them with their fangs and claws.

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