Alien paradise

Chapter 200 The final countdown

Beifu, in the conference room of the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Center.

Gao Wei, Xue Quan, Zhang Zhiyuan and Cui Zhenen sat at one end of the round table, and opposite them was a display screen that occupied half of the wall. More than a dozen decision-makers were linked to the meeting through an encrypted network. Their avatars were all black outlines with a question mark. Obviously their identities and positions were confidential.

"Just now, we received a notice from the park saying that there was an emergency in another world, and the park needed to use unconventional measures to deal with it. I hope we can cooperate. What is going on?" As the host, Gao Wei asked first.

To be honest, he was really shocked when he saw the news about the park - not because of the content of the notice, but because the computer screens of all the research units of the prevention and control center suddenly turned into the same picture: a red and black Sichuan opera mask and A letter that jumped out on its own. This was undoubtedly a big mistake for the Security Department. After all, only a few researchers knew about the paradise. God knows how many people opened the envelope and how many people read the contents. Fortunately, the prevention and control center is a semi-closed management. If the confidentiality department talks one by one, this gap can still be made up.

He just hoped that Paradise would not contact them in such a terrifying way in the future.

"Let me tell you first. If there is anything missing, you two comrades will add it later." Xue Quan turned on the microphone and gave an overview of the recent situation in Brilliant Castle. "Before being forced to interrupt, I saw that the Ash Hill Mine was floating in the sky, and there was indeed a rapidly expanding circle of red light on its periphery."

Evil gods, cultists, bizarre ways of death, the fog that never dissipates... these words sound quite far away, even full of psychedelic colors. It is hard to imagine that they will appear together in such a formal meeting.

But that's exactly what happened. No one at the scene regarded Xue Quan's report as a crazy rant, but they were all carefully digesting the content of the report.

Although materialism has encountered challenges in another world, seeking truth from facts will always be a creed that all decision-makers keep in mind.

"Do you have anything to add?" Gao Wei looked at Zhang Zhiyuan and Cui Zhenen.

"That's basically it." Zhang Zhiyuan nodded. "Although I entered the bottom of the mine, I was still a step too late and failed to obtain more effective information. Another point is that the pyroxene produced by this mine The mineral veins are the stones that are exchanged for rewards.”

"I see." The avatar marked No. 2 said, "I heard that this kind of stone can become a superconductor under certain circumstances, and self-levitation is not a problem. Could it be that it is for this reason that the entire mine Rising to the sky? The cultist may have activated the mineral vein in another way."

"We have a general understanding of the situation, but what are the park's response measures? Where does our cooperation need to be?" Question Mark No. 1 asked.

The three of them looked at each other and shook their heads.

Xue Quan said, "Actually, we didn't know much about it. The situation happened very suddenly, and we were thrown back to this world without any warning. We were still discussing the matter when we suddenly received a notice of a meeting. .”

At this time, Zhang Zhiyuan's cell phone vibrated.

He picked it up and looked at it, slightly surprised and said, "It's news from the park, saying that he has made this part of the content into a watchable image. All you need to do is prepare a pair of VR glasses and connect to the Internet."

"How is it possible? This conference room should be in a shielded area. How did the paradise send the news in?" Gao Wei suddenly felt a chill in his back. He is now the liaison director of the prevention and control center, and he will be criticized if he does not do well in keeping confidentiality. They had held many meetings here before, but there was no response from the park. The new communication technology should be able to prevent eavesdropping.

"So the paradise can hear us now?" No. 10's avatar flashed, "The electromagnetic signal is shielded in the room, and there are no cameras installed... Then there is only one possibility to see and hear. One of us is attending the meeting That is Paradise.”

These words made the atmosphere at the scene suddenly tense.

However, No. 1 laughed, "Since you are here as a guest, we should treat them well. I admire the technology that the park can enter here, but what I admire more is their restraint - they can Unhindered access on the Internet will naturally have a huge impact on the world. I think we can continue to believe in this self-discipline. If you can hear me, you might as well come out and say hello."

His voice was calm and confident, immediately dispelling the suspicion at the scene.

The last question mark glowed brightly, and at the same time, the avatar on the screen turned into a mask, "That's right, I seem to be more able to dispel your doubts here."

Zhang Zhiyuan and Cui Zhenen were shocked.

The identities of the participants are absolutely confidential. Not only does the paradise know who they are in advance, but can they secretly replace them?

"I have to ask," said No. 10, "What is the situation with No. 15 now? Quantum encrypted communications cannot theoretically be eavesdropped."

"Don't worry, he just can't connect." The mask replied, "As for the cracking method, I can't reveal it yet, but you should be able to think of it soon."

"I understand, he did not eavesdrop, he just bypassed this line of defense." Number 3 suddenly said.

Other attendees also expressed that this was the case.

"Uh...can anyone explain it to me?" Cui Zhenen muttered in a low voice and looked at Zhang Zhiyuan.

The latter rolled his eyes at her, "You ask me, who should I ask?"

"I guess it's a satellite." Xue Quan lowered his voice and said.


"Yes, although the quantum communication satellite itself can transmit encrypted messages, its control is still handled by the conventional network at the satellite center. I guess the paradise cannot crack the encrypted communication, but they can achieve the same effect by directly invading the satellite. "

"Oh my God...isn't this a cycle of death?" Cui Zhenen said in shock. Tools that send unhackable messages can be hacked. Even if you want to replace the tool, you will face the dilemma of having the same defect in the tool itself. Unless the communication equipment and network systems are completely replaced from beginning to end, it is impossible to achieve complete immunity.

"Your thinking is indeed quite sharp." Chaoyang no longer hides this fact, because it is impossible for human society to abandon the cheap, easy-to-use and mature Internet and microwave communication technologies now. Perhaps a hundred years from now, they will all be short-distance communications. mainstream approach. "But there's not much time left in the world over there, so it's better not to delay on such trivial matters. Once the key node is missed, not only will the city be destroyed, but the ore resources will never be replaced."

All the decision-makers here know that the core superconducting fusion reaction project code-named 907 has been officially approved and has entered the trial production stage of principle prototypes. If you want to improve the success rate, it is definitely more reliable to make multiple prototypes at the same time for comparative testing, and this More supplies of Yao Stone are needed.

If possible, they don't want any unexpected situations to occur in the park.

"How long is the time left that you said?" Number 2 asked.

"One and a half days... or less." Chaoyang said his estimate, "This is already a relatively optimistic estimate."

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