Alien paradise

Chapter 213 New Visitors

One month after the explosion.

"One more drink" The pub welcomed a new customer.

"Welcome, you can sit wherever you like. The menu is above your head!" The bartender shouted casually and went back to his work. Obviously business is good tonight. There are quite a few people gathering here to drink and chat. A new customer will not attract much attention.

This is also what Farrelly hopes will happen.

He ordered a plate of fried noodles, a shot of wheat beer and a plate of peanuts, and then sat down at a large long table.

The style here is not high, but it is noisy enough.

People who don't have much money in their pockets like to drink here, not only to satisfy their cravings, but also to pass the time. Especially when someone is talking about stories, drinking a glass of wine for an hour is not too slow. Before Farrellan became famous, the first place he went to every time he arrived in a new city was the tavern in the lower town.

After two glasses of wine, he pretended to be casual and asked the drinker next to him, "Man, I heard that a month ago..."

"Are you from the Old Continent?" the man interrupted directly.

"Uh...yeah, what's wrong?" Farrellan was slightly shocked. Could it be that the identity of travelers from the Old World has become quite sensitive here?

"Hey! Brothers, there is someone from the Old Continent here!" The other party shouted directly.

The other people at the table immediately glanced over.

"You want to know about the explosion?"


"Come on, come on, I'll tell him!"

"How many times have you told me, let me do it!"

"That's good...can we each say a paragraph?" Everyone said at once.

Farrelly was stunned. He never expected this to be the case.

"Don't be surprised." The drinker next to him laughed, "There aren't many guests in the Old World these days. Every one is caught. To brag, you have to have a good audience. Besides, the explosion was really earth-shattering. I survived. In such a long time, I have never seen anything like this——"

"Don't say it!" Others stopped him in unison.

In the end, the whole table finished the story of the explosion while toasting and drinking, and Farrellan's well-timed surprise and exclamation pushed the atmosphere to a new level.

Different from the rumors heard in the Old World, the attitude here towards the drastic changes that occurred a month ago is completely different.

First of all, the evil god and cult believers did cause trouble in the city, and the city guards suffered heavy losses and were almost completely destroyed.

Secondly, the lords and many nobles were suspected of being connected to the cult, and the situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable to Glory Castle.

Finally, at this critical moment, the Lord of Paradise took action. It used a huge explosion rarely seen in the world to destroy the conspiracy that the cultists had planned carefully for several years, and finally saved the entire city. Regarding this explosion, in the words of the locals, it was simply a display of power from the gods themselves. At that time, a fireball brighter than the sun appeared outside the city, eclipsing the sky and the earth. The storm caused by the explosion was like a land tsunami, and its sound was louder than ten thousand thunders.

In short, the evil god was defeated, and completely defeated in every aspect. Compared with the miracles displayed, the floating mine is not as good as the newborn sun; compared with the results, the Brilliant Castle still stands, while the followers of the evil god were killed.

To be honest, even if there were taverns bragging about bonuses, the story would be too exaggerated.

But even so, Farrellan still remembered a term that was mentioned repeatedly, "Lord of Paradise."

"What about the nobles?" he asked with a loud tongue, "These damn vampires are not enough to plunder money, but they are colluding with the cult. We can't let them go!"

This was unanimously recognized by everyone.

"Man, you are absolutely right. If you go to the east gate of the city now, you can still see their bodies hanging on the gallows!"

Farrellan was slightly startled, "Already killed?"

"The killing is not over yet. There is a trial meeting every week. It is open to the public. I suggest you go and see it. It is very exciting!"

"Even those high-ranking guys will be scared to death, hahahaha!"

Everyone burst into laughter, as if what they were killing was not a noble but a pig waiting to be slaughtered.

"But you said before that all the lords ran away, so who will preside over the trial?" Farrellan pretended to be confused.

Someone immediately replied, "Of course it's the messenger from Paradise and Lady Sandra, who else could it be? Why, do you doubt their qualifications?"

"How could it be... I'm just glad that there are still people who uphold justice."

"That's right, cheers to justice!" Everyone raised their glasses and drank happily.

Farrelly also raised his glass.

After leaving the tavern, Farrellan returned to the port and boarded the Seagull, a small ship docked on the pier.

The drunken expression on his face also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Walking into the captain's cabin of the Seagull, two men and a woman nodded to him, as if they had been waiting for his return.

Farrellan took off his hat and saluted three people in turn - they were Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Kerry of the Royal Guards, Sir Doolin Delek, and Katrina, the executive priest of the Divine Mechanism. All three of them have a good background, but he is the only one who is an ordinary person without a title or title. To be more precise, a detective.

"How's it going, Mr. Detective, have you gotten any useful information?"

"There is a lot of information, but the credibility is doubtful." He roughly recounted what he heard. "I will go to the city at dawn tomorrow and I should be able to make a judgment."

"What, isn't this completely contrary to the news we heard?" Sir Dulin was the first to shout, "But these people really dare to kill - do they still have a little bit of royal magic in their eyes!"

That's right, they came to Brilliant Castle precisely to investigate the "cult riot" incident here.

Half a month ago, news about the New World began to spread one after another - many businessmen and nobles who escaped from Glory Castle vividly told the news about a rebellion by local forces, and there were gangsters under the guise of purging the cult. Under the banner, the wealthy people of Brilliant Castle were brutally purged and plundered. Their weapons were advanced and their strength was extremely powerful. Even the city guards were no match for them. Count Li Qiong was even killed in his own castle.

This news was shocking, and instantly set off a wave of public opinion in the Old Continent. Many companies have also stopped trading with Brilliant Fort, fearing that their cargo ships will be seized by these gangsters. The sudden decrease in communication channels led to rapid fermentation of opinions, coupled with the conclusive accusations from those who escaped, Glory Castle seemed to have become a lawless place in the kingdom for a while.

The royal family couldn't sit still.

Not because the people had any opinions on this matter, but because nobles and wealthy businessmen from all over the kingdom began to write letters of protest. After all, according to rumors, nobles with titles and titles were actually premeditated and massacred in the New World. This was simply an unimaginable atrocity. According to the law, only the royal family has the qualifications to deprive a noble of his life. If the rumors are true, the behavior of these gangsters is no different from cultists, and they must be punished with heavy blows.

It's just that if the army doesn't move, it will cost countless coins. It's impossible for the royal family to send the entire navy fleet to Glory Castle just because of some one-sided rumors. What's more, it takes time to assemble and prepare the army for war, so the people above decided to first send an investigation team, escorted by five warships, into Glory Castle to find out the truth.

And Farrellan is a member of this team.

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