Alien paradise

Chapter 218 Arrested

"Put your hands up! Stand still and don't move!" the gunman shouted.

If it were just one person, Farrellan would definitely not submit obediently - although he was far less capable than the lieutenant colonel, he had at least experienced many storms and waves, and it was not difficult to knock down an ordinary person. The problem is that there is not just one opponent, this seems to be a patrol team. In addition to the man with the gun as a warning, four other people also gathered around and stared at him from several directions.

He could tell at a glance that these people were all newbies.

Surrounded from all sides, it seems there is no way to escape, but if he really wants to fire, it is easy to accidentally injure his teammates. If he chooses to hit the first gunman, others may not be able to find a safe shooting opportunity.

But Farrelly still raised his hands obediently.

He didn't want to gamble on this possibility.

What's more, he has gradually begun to believe that the Paradise Cult is not as bad as those who escaped from the nobles described.

Seeing that he surrendered, the leader lowered his gun, took out a pair of handcuffs, cuffed him, and then searched him.

Farrellan watched as his wallet, notebook and pen were fumbled out.

"No ore found."

"Really? He may not have been found yet. Let's take him back and lock him up first."

The man put the things he carried into a cloth bag and then stuck the seal on it, "Now we are going to take you back to the Glory Castle Detention Center. If you are not a cult member, you can release it tomorrow. As for your personal belongings , will also be returned when released - provided you cooperate well, understand!"

"Wait a minute, you are the city police? What law have I violated that I should be arrested even for walking in the wild?" Farrellan protested.

"This is a restricted area, and no one is allowed to approach it. There are warning signs on both the north and east roads, and warning messages have been published in newspapers. Are you still pretending not to know? If you really didn't know, why would you deliberately take a detour from the south and take this route? An unknown hilly trail?" The person holding him sneered.

Damn it, I was tricked by that tour company!

Farrellan finally realized what the problem was, and he also knew what the other two people on the ride were doing... When the floating mine was blown to pieces, the falling rocks flew everywhere, and there might be residue on them. With some pyroxene veins! Those two passengers came here specifically to hunt for ore!

The sightseeing company's carriage didn't take the main road at all, because I was just picked up casually!

"I'm sorry, this is a misunderstanding! I'm from the Old Continent. I just arrived at Glory Castle not long ago. I don't know your rules..."

"Really? Then we need to check carefully to see if you are a cultist." The other party said unmoved, "Don't make a fearless struggle. If you are not suspected, the people in the detention center will not make things difficult for you. Let's set off. !”

"Five more mine thieves were caught today?"

As the sun set, Chaoyang also finished listening to Xue Quan's routine report. A month has passed since the explosion, and the mining theft has still not been eliminated. The good news is that tens of thousands of residents initially flocked to the Ash Hill Mine. After being pursued and intercepted by the Templar Guards and heavily publicized by newspapers, this number has finally been reduced to single digits.

It's not that he couldn't bear the money from selling the pyroxene mine.

The mine is the primary bombing target of the Tsar Bomba, and its fragments are naturally contaminated with radioactive materials. Even if the hydrogen bomb is much "cleaner" than the atomic bomb, its shock wave will still carry the fission products that detonated the nuclear bomb. If the pyroxene ore contaminated with radioactive substances is taken home and treasured by ordinary people, it will undoubtedly be a time bomb.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of people who initially wanted to "dig for gold" in the suburbs to make a fortune.

"Okay, let's do it the old way. Let Reske check if there are any cultists among them first, and then fine them and let them go." Chaoyang shrugged helplessly, "You don't have to mention this kind of thing to me in the future. Just dispose of it.”

"If I were in charge, the early punishment would definitely not be so light." Xue Quan said with a smile, "It can be seen that the paradise represented by Mr. Chao is a very tolerant organization."

Uh... the actual situation is slightly different from this statement, Chaoyang thought to himself. Since defeating the conspiracy of the Karma Cult, he found that the amount of white light in the city suddenly increased significantly. Now not only the nuns in the temple, but also the eighty-year-old grandmother in the northern suburbs of the city knew about the existence of the Lord of Paradise. Although he invested a lot of willpower in this battle, especially when he engraved the Ouroboros and military off-road vehicle, which consumed more than 10,000 willpower points, now this part of the expenditure has not only been fully replenished, but also has a lot of surplus. . He now holds more than 100,000 willpower, and it is still increasing at a rate of two to three thousand every day.

Converted into lifespan, it's almost seven years.

It is obviously a good thing to have more believers. In other words, he spared no effort to invest a lot of effort and manpower in the battle against the cult. In addition to wanting to defend the basic base of Glory Castle, the other major purpose is to expand the influence of the paradise. But embarrassing things also happened. Chaoyang discovered that people who stole mines and broke the law also had white threads on their heads.

In other words... they can still be believers in paradise even if they break the rules.

Even when the Templar Guards were fighting against gangsters in the old city, they found the newly created golden arch emblem in their hiding lair - which is the popular symbol of the Lord of Paradise.

This is very difficult for Chaoyang to handle.

A surplus of willing power will be returned to a surplus, but will these "believers" who can provide sporadic willing power every day be sentenced to heavy punishment? That would be too wasteful.

In this case, he had to adapt the logic of modern law - punishment is to intervene in crimes, not to punish prisoners. As long as no serious crimes are committed, such as murder, arson, robbery, rape, etc., Basically you will not be sentenced to death.

The price was that the original police cell was instantly overcrowded, so he could only put the renovation plan of the black steel camp in the eastern suburbs on the agenda.

However, in the eyes of others, this practice has become proof of the tolerance of the Paradise Church.

The desire to harvest increased greatly after the promulgation of the new law.

Therefore, in the face of Xue Quan's "praise", Chaoyang decided not to respond, "Where is the inspection team? Are there any new discoveries from the inspection of other worlds?"

After the battle with the Karma Cult, he had a deeper understanding of the power of the evil gods - they just tore a hole in the sky and had a huge impact on the world before they actually came. This deterrent power is not enough. It's not surprising. The Tsar Bomb can only be used once, and the effect of the arcane artifact on changing history made him realize that he should improve the paradise's own power as soon as possible, instead of putting all his trump cards on Ouroboros and past nuclear tests.

If you want to say what the biggest advantage of the paradise is, it is undoubtedly the earth behind it.

The inspection team was formed under such circumstances - because the two parties hit it off immediately, the entire plan advanced very quickly. In less than a week, the first batch of development personnel was finalized. Chaoyang also deliberately stayed on Earth for more than ten days to shorten the time gap between the two sides. Of course, he also used this gap to get the details of all the investigators to ensure that he could accurately grasp the scientific research trends of the inspection team.

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