Alien paradise

Chapter 221 Late Notice

I haven't heard from him for many years, but he actually settled down in Brilliant Castle?

Farrelly quickly scanned the contents of the newspaper, and several keywords came into his eyes one after another: "hero reporter", "park promoter", "big event reporter"... There is no doubt that even if Dan comes, Even in this remote overseas place, he still managed to make a name for himself based on his skills.

He suddenly realized that this might be his opportunity.

After thinking for a moment, Farrellan made a decision - he took out the copper wire from the sole of his shoe and inserted it into the lock hole of the cell door. After fidgeting less than ten times, there was a soft click from the lock.

"What's the sound? Did you open the door?" Hearing the squeaking sound of the iron door opening and closing, the neighbor next door asked in surprise, "Foreigners, escaping from prison is a serious crime!"

He didn't answer, but walked toward the cell exit without looking back.

Pushing open the thick door, he saw a soldier standing on the stone pier at the door stood up in shock. He tried to get his weapon in a panic, but accidentally knocked the gun to the ground.

The two stared at each other for a moment, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

"Don't be afraid, I don't mean any harm!" Farrellan didn't try to grab the gun. He just stood still and spread out a newspaper with both hands. "I am a friend of the heroic reporter Court Dann. I have I want to see him urgently!"

Thirty minutes later.

The detective who was put back in the cell finally waited for a reply. After the cell door opened, two people, one tall and one short, walked in under the escort of guards.

The tall one was none other than Dan.

"Are you...Farrellan?" Dane looked at him for a moment and asked in surprise, "Didn't you go to work for the royal family...Why are you here?"

"It's a long story." He smiled bitterly, "Can you ask them to let me out first? I really have something very important to do. If I want to reminisce about old times, I can talk while walking on the road!"

Dann's expression was a little complicated.

He never expected that the person who claimed to know him would actually be the famous Falcon Detective Farrelly.

They had worked together for a while and the process was quite harmonious. Dann thought that this situation would continue until the eldest prince extended an olive branch to them. This kind of thing is not uncommon. The royal family is essentially a great noble. Recruiting talented and famous people as disciples, and even granting them titles and territories are all ways to enrich their wings.

And the differences started from this moment.

But even if the two eventually parted ways, he still knew Farrellan's character. At least the other party was not the kind of bastard who preyed on others without any bottom line.

"Excuse me." Dann was silent for a moment before nodding to his companion.

The short one is naturally Resker. On the day of the big explosion, he used a completely mismatched body because of the emergency. Now his appearance is basically the same as before, and he is also a Plath version of the body constructed with pure willpower. He stepped forward, stretched out his hands towards Farrelly, "Put your head over here."

Although the latter was a little confused, he still did as he was told. He knelt down and stretched his head to the iron railing.

Resker held his hands on his cheeks, closed his eyes for a moment and said, "He has not been planted with seeds, and the aura of the evil god is almost non-existent."

Upon hearing this, the guard immediately took out the key and opened the cell door, "You can leave, but remember not to do it again next time. By the way, Mr. Reske, there is another person next door..."

"Sorry, can I wait until after dinner before leaving?" Brut shouted.

"Leave this to me. If you have anything to do, you can leave first." Reske said considerately.

"Thank you." Farrellan stopped talking nonsense and hurriedly ran towards the door. Dane could only turn around and catch up, "Where are you going? I have a carriage."

"To the port!"

Sitting in the speeding carriage, Farrellan briefly explained his purpose of going to Glory Castle.

"It's not surprising that the Old Continent would send someone to investigate, but I really didn't expect that you would be chosen." Dan En sighed after hearing this, "Did you not go back on time? Your new partner really dared to order the battleship to fire?"

"They are not my partners, they are just temporary teammates." Farrellan emphasized, "And it is not our turn to command those five warships at all. You should know the temper of the navy. These guys have always been They are arrogant, and the representative of the investigation team this time is His Highness the Grand Prince. If they wait for them to get closer to the city, they might actually open fire first to demonstrate."

"It does seem to be a bit troublesome..." Dane frowned.

"Yes, if the artillery shells fall on the streets, it is impossible to tell how many people will be killed or injured, and if the navy is superior, it will be difficult to stop once the fire is fired——"

"That's not what I'm talking about." He interrupted, "There are not many ships available at the Brilliant Fort dock. If all five warships sink, we may not have time to salvage those who fell into the water."

"Ahem..." Farrellan almost choked.

"As for the people, you don't need to worry about this. After the battle at the Ash Hill Mine, the park made an alarm and evacuation plan. In just one hour, they can evacuate all the people in a block." Dann added , "Even if the fleet you mentioned takes intimidating measures, it will have to wait until dawn tomorrow before it can approach and fire."

This is the truth. If there is no port, the big ship will not easily approach the offshore at night. The fear is that it will run aground or run aground in the dark.

But what stirred up waves in Farrellan's heart was the attitude of his former partner who said he didn't care about the Kingdom's navy.

Five warships may not be a lot, but they are definitely a force that attracts attention.

You must know that most of the pirate gangs that caused chaos in the seaside cities of the New World can't even build five steel sampans.

"Is Paradise Cult... really that strong?" Farrellan asked hesitantly.

Surprisingly, Dane did not immediately give an affirmative answer, "I think the original followers of Paradise cannot be described in terms of simple strength or weakness, but more like..."

"More like what?"

"Apostles from another world. Just like the name the sect promotes, they want to create a new paradise here." He paused, "So I joined them."

"It turns out that even you..." Farrellan was stunned for a moment, "I thought you would not surrender to any organization or force."

"I just don't want to work for evildoers." Dane smiled and shook his head.

"His Royal Highness is not the kind of person you think -"

"But the eldest prince is a member of the royal family and a noble." He interrupted again, "We have all stayed in Closest City and have seen all kinds of things happening in the lower city, and the source of all this is inseparable from the nobles. We want to open a relationship. I want to report them, but you have seen the result. The newspaper no longer accepts me, and the rented hotel will also have unidentified masked people break into it. If I agree to the olive branch extended by the eldest prince, That means fully reconciling with the perpetrators...that’s not the job I want.”

When Farrellan was about to say something more, the carriage suddenly slowed down.

Dann opened the curtains, and there was only the last purple-red afterglow on the sea not far away.

"The harbor dock has arrived."

Farrellan could only swallow his words, opened the door, jumped out of the carriage, and hurried to the dock pier.

But when he ran to the place where the Seagull docked, both sides of the trestle were empty.

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