Alien paradise

Chapter 226 Angel Invitation

One afternoon later, Sandra knocked on the door of the church's underground base.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Chaoyang had already known her arrival through Xue Quan's vision, so he said before she announced her name, "Is the investigation team's matter over?"

He didn't want to invest too much energy in matters in the Old Continent, so he entrusted the handling of this matter to Sandra.

"It's over, but not all over." The latter said as he sat down in front of the long table.

Chaoyang's brows moved slightly.

Which time traveler did she learn from?

However, he knew that the other party would continue talking, so he did not ask any questions.

"The Kingdom's fleet has left the port. Two of the four people sent by the Old Continent to investigate returned with the ship. The other two decided to stay here temporarily and continue to observe for a while." Sure enough, Sandra continued, "Go back. It’s Sir Dulin and Mr. Farrellan who are there—if it weren’t for the worry that the royal family could only hear Sir’s report, Farrellan would have planned to stay.”

It seems that they will have to disturb the Glory Castle for a while.

Chaoyang shrugged, "I heard they had an internal quarrel yesterday?"

"It was more than just a quarrel," Sandra couldn't help but cover her mouth. "It's not an exaggeration to say it was a split. In order to prevent the fleet from firing, Senior Ryan smashed the flagship's turret with a sword. The fleet commander was so angry that he ordered Shoot him. It's a pity that he is a famous master in the kingdom, but no one dared to do it. This time when the Brigadier General goes back, he will definitely criticize Ryan in front of His Majesty and all the ministers."

It can be seen that the former city guard commander is not only not worried about Ryan's future at all, but actually seems quite happy.

"This should be considered a serious violation of military discipline, right? You don't seem to be worried about him?"

"His Majesty is not a rigid and mean person. He will definitely not blame Ryan for this kind of thing. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Brigadier General Fenier's reason for firing is no longer tenable after Farrellan appears." Sandra paused, "Besides, what he was attacking was a naval turret. The Continental Army will definitely be on Ryan's side - after all, those guys have been despising us for a long time because they have ships and cannons."

Good guy, there is even a chain of land and sea discrimination here?

Chaoyang pursed his lips, "This is the best. After all, he struck this sword for the people of Glory Castle."

"He told me so himself, so he hopes to obtain the status of a special envoy and receive your formal hospitality." Sandra said seriously.

Chaoyang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Does this count as taking credit for himself? "My treat? Why?"

She showed a dissatisfied look, "You really don't have any consciousness, Mr. Chao. You are already the actual controller of this city. I think even if a new lord comes in the future, it won't change this."

"Okay, okay, I'll just meet him." Chaoyang gave up. It can be seen that Sandra is not opposed to the control of the city falling into the hands of a church god, but she is very concerned about any irresponsible words and deeds. "Speaking of which, the battleships of this era should all have steel turrets. How did your senior chop it into pieces with a sword?"

"this era?"

"Uh, I mean... with the current level of technology in the Old World."

"I see." Sandra nodded, "Ryan is no ordinary person. He is a grandmaster-level warrior, and he also possesses a secret magic weapon. Even in the entire Old Continent, there are only a handful of people like him."

"Grandmaster?" Chaoyang's curiosity suddenly aroused, "Is there a clear classification of how many people can fight with one person? Are there other levels above the Grandmaster? Are you also a Grandmaster-level warrior?"

Sandela looked at him with strange eyes for a moment before shaking her head and saying, "You really know nothing about the Old World. This classification is said to have been proposed by an adventurer named Valyria two hundred years ago. Yes, after many generations of improvements, it became what it is today. You don't seem to have the qualifications to be a warrior, so I won't mention the cumbersome requirements for rating. In short, starting from the master is equivalent to having a title, and then The top is Grandmaster, and the last is Legend. However, there are only about a hundred registered Grandmaster-level warriors. In addition, the church also has its own rating system, and generally does not participate in it. And I am still at the Master level. "

"Can the master or legendary level person you mentioned... be bulletproof?" Chaoyang was most concerned about this issue.

"What are you talking about?" Sandra held her forehead, "Legendary warriors are also human beings. How can humans be immune to bullets? It would be better to say that warriors of this level will not be hit by bullets at all. Even if they are hit several times, They can also survive by relying on their strong recovery ability. If coupled with the secret magic weapon, their combat capabilities are far beyond what ordinary people can match."

This is true.

Chaoyang couldn't help but think of Gewei. With the power of Ouroboros, she can defeat an army of hundreds of people by herself, and can indeed turn the tide of events on her own in certain key battles.

"By the way, do you have your own secret magic weapon?"

Sandela replied calmly, "No. This is not the standard equipment of the army. You can get one after you reach a certain level. Without certain connections or financial resources, even if you become a legend, you may not have your own secret magic weapon. For example, the senior's That sword was a gift from the royal princess. Of course... I don't care about this. Relying too much on foreign objects will only make you forget the feeling of progress."

"If I pick up a valuable arcane artifact in the future, I'll give you one." Chaoyang said.

"Pfft -" Sandra almost choked, "This thing is not a big cabbage, how can you pick it up casually?"

"It's hard to tell." Even though the other party only showed a flaw for a moment, Chaoyang still caught a hint of movement in her eyes. Apparently a handy weapon wasn't as unattractive as she said. "The Lord of Paradise will guide me."

"Even a third-class magical artifact is worth a lot of money. You'd better pick it up before talking about it."

After confirming Ryan's banquet arrangements, Sandra left the base hall.

Not long after she left, a familiar figure flashed in.


The other person was Elodie. She waved her hands as if to say hello or to fan herself.

Chaoyang couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, "Why did you come here? Are there a lot of things to do at Skeleton Hand?"

Angel has not been seen for a long time since the nuclear bomb was detonated. At first, he was worried about whether there was something wrong with the other party when they left, so he called to inquire. He was relieved after learning that everything was normal.

"It's...not very busy." Elodie walked up to him with her hands behind her back, then turned around and jumped to sit on the table, "What's wrong, you were bored when I was away?"

"It's not too boring, I just eat an extra bowl of rice every day."

"You——" Elodie's voice suddenly rose, then lowered, "Devil!"

Even though the other person's back was turned to him, Chaoyang could feel that she seemed to be hesitating.

"You came to me...because of what happened?"

Elodie was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath, "Devil, can you accompany me to North America?"

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