Alien paradise

Chapter 228 You from Earth

"Maybe..." Resker took out the Mist Horn from his chest and looked at it in his hand. "I really can't feel the connection with the Mist Envoy anymore. Maybe if I blow the horn here, nothing will change."

"You'd better not blow it." Chaoyang secretly cursed. He didn't carve the horn when he molded Resker's body. Pull out a horn that shouldn't exist. "There are no evil gods in this world."

The strange thing is that Reske didn't answer immediately, but hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm... not sure."

"What's the meaning?"

"'s nothing. It's probably an illusion." He shook his head and denied his guess, "Such an incredible world should not have been established under the influence of the evil god."

"Do you three want anything to drink?" At this time, the stewardess came over and asked.

"Coke and ice, all three, thank you." Chaoyang replied.

After getting the glass containing the Coke, Resker took a careful sip, and was immediately captured by the taste of the carbonated drink, showing a surprised expression once again.

Lovisya also obviously liked this sweet and sour drink. Every time she took a sip, she would think about it for a long time, which made the stewardess sitting not far away keep looking at it secretly.

After all, Resker is just that. He looks like a teenage boy. Lovisya's body basically replicates her original appearance. It only changes the skin color and scale features of the Triton. No matter in every aspect, Seeing as she is a beautiful woman with an outstanding figure, and sitting in first class, she should not be so fond of a glass of happy water.

"It doesn't matter. You can refill after you finish drinking." Chaoyang couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't you need to pay me?" she asked cautiously.

"It's an add-on, it's free. You can drink as much as you want."

Lovisya immediately drank all the Coke in the cup, and then looked at Chaoyang for help.

The latter waved to the stewardess, who immediately pretended to have just noticed the situation, and came over to give Lovisya another drink.

"What a pity..." Halfway through the second glass, she suddenly whispered.

"What's a pity?"

"Haiqi can't come over and see the world with her own eyes." Lovisya said, stroking the crystal clear glass. "I hope she can experience these things, but I don't want her to become like me, even with her body. Turned into a ball of ashes..."

The miners were indeed liberated.

With the complete disintegration of the Gaotian Company's Brilliant Castle branch, all miners no longer have to worry about being discarded as consumables in abandoned mine tunnels. Most of them have also re-signed employment contracts with the convenience service center, and their salaries have increased significantly. But to say that you can live a good life immediately is far from reality. Due to the interruption of trade, Huihuang Fort is now in a period of shortage of people's livelihood supplies, and there are not so many vacant houses available, so the miners' food, clothing, housing and transportation are not much different from before.

Nowadays, at frontline mining sites, he can often see Hai Qi leading a group of brotherhood members hard at work.

"It may be difficult to achieve a 100% experience, but it should be possible to drink a drink like this." Chaoyang pondered for a moment and said, "Sugar, spices, ice cubes and carbon dioxide... these raw materials can all be made in Brilliant Castle. "

Lovisya's regret reminded him that drinks are a magic weapon to improve residents' satisfaction at any time. Wine is undoubtedly the first choice, but it requires the consumption of wheat, and alcoholism can easily affect work. Carbonated drinks may be a good substitute.

"Really?" Lovisya said happily, "Great, I will look forward to that day!"

"By the way, I forgot to give you something."

Chaoyang put his hand into his arms, pretended to fumble for a moment, and then took out two pieces of juicy tofu.

"Do you still have this with you?"

"Uh, how on earth do you do this without getting crushed?"

The two were startled.

But Lovisya and Reske were not the only ones who were frightened. From the corner of Chaoyang's peripheral vision, she saw the flight attendant almost jumped in shock - because this kind of thing theoretically cannot pass the security gate scan. The best thing about first class is that even though she looked extremely shocked, she didn't come over immediately to confiscate the tofu.

"This is no ordinary tofu. It contains the power of language, allowing you to immediately understand how to read and write in this world." Chaoyang handed the translation tofu to the two of them, "Just eat it."

Seeing the two of them swallowing the tofu without hesitation, the flight attendant's eyes almost popped out.

"How does it feel?"

"Ugh..." Reske groaned, covering his head, "I feel like there are suddenly a lot of things in my head."

"There will be some swelling and pain at the beginning, but it will ease soon." Chaoyang now spoke the language of his hometown, "Get a good rest, we have to stay on the plane for a day and a night."

The plane began to taxi now, and then quickly climbed into the sky.

Then it was a long flight.

Twenty hours later, the plane landed at Trudeau Airport in M ​​City at 3:15 pm.

The sky was a little gloomy, and it was drizzling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the arrival hall. It didn't seem like a good weather for going out. As soon as Chaoyang found his luggage carousel and turned on his phone, he saw several email reminders popping up one after another.

"I'm already here, how about you?"

"I'm in a coffee shop outside the arrival hall. The shop's name is Richie's Dessert House."

"Forget it, let me know when you land and I'll go directly to the door to wait for you so you don't get lost."

It can be seen that Elodie is quite positive about Mian Ji.

In this case, I can't show my cowardice. Chaoyang immediately replied, "I just landed and am waiting for my luggage. I plan to take Exit 2."

Within five seconds of pressing send, a new email immediately came over there.

"I'll be there right away."

Fifteen minutes later, Chaoyang dragged his suitcase and the two of them, with faces full of novelty, slowly passed the last exit door. Before he even stepped out of the airport roof, he saw a familiar figure.

Elodie can travel to another world without a wish body, so her appearance in the paradise is exactly what she looks like in reality.

But there are some differences between the two.

At this moment, she was wearing a set of clothes that were completely different from those in another world. The upper body was a sailor-style shirt, and the lower body was a floral short skirt. It was paired with white mid-calf socks that just stuck to the lower edge of the knees and a pair of round-toe shoes. It made her whole body exude a sense of youthful vitality.

Although Elodie is usually very lively, the real her is now in her regular clothes.

"Hey, I've been waiting for a long time." Chaoyang took the initiative to say hello.

"Ah? Oh...Eh!?" What was embarrassing was that Elodie didn't recognize him immediately. She kept staring at the passengers walking out of the door. It wasn't until Chaoyang stood in front of her that she suddenly realized , "Are you Chaoyang? Is this clone..."

"That's right, it's a simulation of my original appearance. Why, are you not used to this?"

"No, why are you like this? I thought... you were at least thirty years old!" Angel said in shock.

The clones used by Chaoyang in another world, such as the manager of the Gate of Destiny, the representative of the temple construction, the envoy of the Lord of Paradise, and the game host, have an age range ranging from twenty-eight to forty-five, which is indeed higher than the actual age. Much older. But even so, the identities he created are already too young in the eyes of many people.

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