Alien paradise

Chapter 234 Real Evil

Is it that K is hiding inside this robot, or that the robot itself has strong AI and can be indistinguishable from a human being? Either way, it seems a bit unreal.

Could this be K's ability?

Chaoyang has also considered such a possibility, but he has to say that the ability to turn himself into a robot and be limited by modern mechanical technology to the point that he cannot even move normally is too much.

"Susan, I know that you are leading the people to protest against nuclear pollution. It is not easy to come here during your spare time. I also know that the Crow brothers are about to launch a fundraiser for the hungry in Africa. And you... Dolly, you I have been looking for the whereabouts of your friends. I am very aware of what you have been doing recently." K said again, "If there is any better solution, I will not trouble you, let alone in this form. Come face to face with everyone. But please believe me, the matter is too urgent and cannot be delayed any longer."

After K finished speaking, there was a brief silence.

After about ten seconds, the Asian man named Sui San slowly sat back down and said, "Please forgive me for being impatient. Is your foundation in trouble?"

The Crow brothers seemed to accept this statement and said no more.

"No, there is no need to be so involved in business matters. The foundation has been running quite smoothly so far." K shook his head, "I called you here this time because the devil appeared."

"What? I have a companion?" Chaoyang said unexpectedly.

"How do you know he's not talking about you?" Elodie became a little worried, "Did you show your weakness somewhere before?"

"Devil?" The other angels were also quite surprised, "Are there any living demons in this world?"

"But our abilities are used to deal with them, right?" Crowe said frivolously, "Devils are good at tricks. As long as the illusion is broken, they will be meat on the chopping block. Or do you think we have to use them all? Will you let him slip away?"

"This time is different. Not only do you have to mobilize as a whole, but you also have to be prepared to risk your lives." K's tone was extremely serious. "The power accumulated in the past, whether it is external objects or your own energy, can be said to be It’s all prepared for today.”

The church fell silent again.

Everyone was shocked by K's words.

"Dan, show them the pictures."

"Yes." The man in a suit pulled out a document bag from the back of the wheelchair, and then distributed the bound volumes inside to everyone in turn.

"Dolly." K suddenly called her by name alone, "I must tell you in advance, you must be mentally prepared."

Dolly couldn't help but be stunned, "What kind of preparation?"

"The friend you've been looking for is in the file."

Elodie had already opened the bound book, and the first page turned out to be a photo of a corpse! After looking at it for a moment, she couldn't help but take a breath!

"How could it be her?!"

"Who is it?" Chaoyang asked quickly.

"Tiffany..." the angel murmured.

Dolly also saw the photo at this time. Her face instantly turned pale, and her fingers that turned the pages trembled, "How could this happen... No... This shouldn't... How could she die so easily!?"

"She was murdered and suffered extremely cruel torture before her death. Miss Dolly, you should have lost contact with her half a year ago, right? After I learned the news, I also used my connections to find her. , but the most critical thing is Dan’s ability. He can see what happened at a certain moment at the scene. Through these clues, we finally found her body in an abandoned basement on the west side of the Gulf of Mexico - when it was found, She was frozen in a freezer so her body was preserved."

"Who...who killed her?!"

"Is it possible that the murderer is the devil?" Sui San frowned.

"Yes, and it is the most powerful demon in history. What it is good at is no longer tricks, but naked killing. But the most terrifying thing is not this. It has the ability to corrupt normal people and can turn ordinary people into extremely terrifying A monster. If it wakes up completely, it may be able to destroy a city with a population of tens of millions in one day." K's glass eyes scanned the crowd, "I'm not alarmist, it has transcended the category of demon and is becoming evil. itself."

"I feel like I'm listening to a script about Resident Evil..." Crow quickly flipped through the book in his hand, "But where did you learn about such a terrifying existence?"

This is also a question for everyone.

If this demon were as terrifying as it sounds, it would have caused a stir and even the attention of the country's armed forces.

"Hey, are you okay?" Chaoyang whispered.

"It turns out that after she left L City, she actually opened a clinic." Elodie looked at the records at the back and said slowly, "Don't worry, I'm just a little shocked and need some time to digest..."

"Miss Tiffany told me personally." Over there, K was answering Crowe's question, "To be more precise, she left evidence in her body. On the last page of the manual, you can see a The coded picture was written by Tiffany during her lifetime."

"...Can you elaborate in more detail?"

"Of course. Miss Tiffany has the ability to resuscitate life, from cells to individual animals, but considering her limited energy, it is generally difficult to resuscitate an adult as a whole. So when she opened a clinic , she first uses conventional medical equipment to identify the lesions, and then performs precise treatment on these lesions. After these years of accumulation, she has made some achievements in micro-target repair. I know this because Miss Tiffany still does it every month Send me an email sharing her experience in her new place of residence.”

"When I saw her body, I felt extremely sad, and at the same time, I felt unspeakable anger. Because the body was covered with scars, and there were even wounds on the abdomen that had been opened many times by a scalpel. But it also made me think that she might Leave something for us. It turns out that Miss Tiffany did not sit still and wait for death. We found these codes on the inner walls of two of her ribs, and after translating them, we got the murderer's intelligence..."

"Oh my god..." Crow couldn't help but muttered, "You mean, she left these characters when she reshaped her ribs? Does that mean her ribs were repeatedly broken?"

"Yes, maybe the devil knew that Miss Tiffany had the ability to repair herself, so she continued to torture her until she ran out of energy and died. We don't know what the devil's purpose is, but Tiffany mentioned that it is extremely eager for her own flesh."

"Damn it! What kind of perverted monster is this!" an angel with blue hair said bitterly.

This statement was echoed unanimously by everyone in the congregation.

"I bet that the other party is definitely not a demon. Demons only act for the power of will, and there will be no benefit from killing an angel, let alone flesh and blood." Chaoyang concluded, "And turning normal people into monsters... …Why does it sound familiar to me?”

"I think so too. After the devil awakens, he still belongs to the category of human beings. No matter what angle you consider, you should try to avoid angels instead of kidnapping people and transporting them across the US-Mexico border." Elodie gritted her teeth and said, "This is too much. It’s illogical.”

When Chaoyang was about to take another look at the situation, his vision suddenly went dark and he lost the surveillance vision of the hall.

He couldn't help but be stunned and quickly switched to other cameras.

As a result, other cameras were also completely dark!

He suddenly realized that someone had cut off the monitoring loop in the church, and these electronic devices had been forcibly turned off!

"Be vigilant! There is a high probability that something will happen to you!" He immediately warned Elodie.

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