Alien paradise

Chapter 237 Arms Dealer Chaoyang

Chaoyang saw everything that happened in the church through Elodie's vision.

There were already more than thirty parasitic species lying on the ground unable to move. The blood they shed stained half of the ground red. Elodie had to be very careful every time she landed. If she slipped, she might not have time to avoid the enemy. 's next attack.

She had not fought unscathed to this point.

But none of the wounds were fatal yet.

Elodie was very experienced and chose not to dodge the scratches and lacerations that would not affect her movements, but to use every moment of her breath to destroy the enemy. Her clothes were stained red with blood, and her stockings had several cuts. She looked quite miserable, but her speed at killing targets was still at its peak.

Angels are not born to fight.

If she didn't have enough will power to let her use her abilities frequently, she would definitely not be able to achieve the results like today. The series of life-and-death battles she experienced in the Brilliant Castle not only evolved her abilities, but also allowed her to better understand how to use her own advantages to win.

This difference can be seen from other angels.

Although they also have magical abilities, they are a bit clumsy when fighting. The few monsters that slip through Elodie's hands can put great pressure on them.

Chaoyang noticed that some angels had been hit by parasitic seeds and fell to the ground with no idea of ​​life or death. However, in this case, others could not spare the time to take care of the injured.

"Elodie, how much more willpower do you have?" He asked quickly when the other party showed an opening to dodge.

"There's about a quarter left." Elodie replied breathlessly, which was proof that her consciousness was showing signs of fatigue.

Most of it was consumed in less than ten minutes, and there were at least forty or fifty enemies left. Even if they were weakened versions of parasitic seeds, this was by no means a good sign.

"Don't relax, I will find a way to get through."

"There may be enemies on the road, and you will die if you run into them!"

"It's just a clone. Besides, don't underestimate my ability."

After Chaoyang finished the conversation, he already had a rough idea in mind. The castle was designed with a podium and multiple towers. The main tower was located at the northernmost point and was the core of the entire building, but there was an open-air atrium in the middle. If he could fly, , you can bypass the hotel area and go directly to the main tower entrance.

The only problem is that if there are parasitic seeds guarding the atrium, landing will become a big problem. Of course, he could also transfer the risk to Elodie and let her come out to find him, but this is obviously not the best choice.

Suddenly, Chaoyang heard several gunshots coming from the direction of the hotel door, along with quite familiar curses.

No way……

He frowned, turned back and ran about ten meters towards the vestibule, leaned against the corner and looked around.

They are really the three people from the Skeleton Hand! Hill was crushing a parasitic species that fell to the ground with his car, while Bran took the guard's pistol and shot continuously at another monster with broken legs.

They were undoubtedly caught between a rock and a hard place.

The parasitic species that was crushed by the car had strips of cloth wrapped around the wheels, and the small pistol was obviously unable to push the enemy back. When the opponent came within attack range, they would probably be cut into pieces together with the car and the person.

That's it for the others. If these partners who got along day and night died here, Elodie would probably be heartbroken. In addition, Chaoyang also thought of a good way to solve the previous problem. If they launched an attack towards the main tower and attracted the attention of the parasitic seeds, wouldn't they be able to free up enough safe space for themselves?

Thinking of this, Chaoyang immediately took action.

He first copied a military off-road vehicle with an automatic weapons station, then jumped into the driver's seat and rushed towards the messy front yard.

This configuration looks the same as the one used by players in the park, but it is indeed a modern version. Not only does it have electricity, the center console can also be directly linked to the weapon station, and the grenade launcher can be controlled through the touch pad to fire at the target. . This is also a point he specifically emphasized when commissioning the design of the prevention and control center - no matter what type of weapon, two versions must be produced to ensure that it can not only meet the use requirements of the paradise world, but also perform its best in the earth world. The power of ideals.

Everyone was immediately attracted by the roar of the engine.

Chaoyang picked up the car microphone and shouted, "Abandon the car and run away!" while placing the crosshair on the potted plant with a broken leg.

The moment he pressed the fire button, 40mm high-explosive grenades swarmed towards the enemy, covering it with a flower of flames filled with sparks! Even the parasitic seeds transformed from cultists in the Glory Castle are no match for the continuous bombardment of grenades, let alone these weakened versions that are inferior in all aspects. In less than a few seconds, its body was blown to pieces, leaving only a few black strips of cloth paralyzed on the ground.

Seeing that the three people were already some distance away from the car, Chaoyang aimed the grenade launcher at the car pressing the monster, and then blasted both of them into pieces.

"Thank you, thank you for your help..." Hill came over in shock and said, "What kind of monsters are these? Humans can't become like this, right?"

"I don't know, they suddenly appeared in the manor." Chaoyang jumped out of the car and walked towards the trunk, "By the way, you are here to find the angels, right? They are all trapped in the main tower by monsters. Someone has to help them out."

"Wait, how do you know we are here to find angels?" Fleur said in surprise.

"Aren't all the people who come to party here angels? I thought you were friends of some angel."

"Uh... we are indeed." Bran quickly covered it up, "Is the main tower the highest one in the castle?"

"Yes, you can reach it by heading north after entering the gate, but you may encounter more monsters in the way. I think you may need this." Chaoyang opened the trunk, which was filled with weapons, from rifles and grenades to RPGs and flames. Injectors have everything.

The three of them were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped when they saw it.

You must know that this is not a remote African tribe or a war-torn area, but the second largest city in Canada! The ability to store so much firepower in one vehicle is simply outrageous!

Hill's eyes changed when he looked at Chaoyang, "Brother, are you doing an arms expo?"

"I'm just an ordinary survival enthusiast. Do you know how to use a gun?"

"Of course, we are professionals!" Bran couldn't wait to pick it up in the trunk.

"These monsters are more afraid of explosives and flames, and the stopping effect of ordinary bullets is very poor. In addition, their attack range is about ten meters. It is basically not too dangerous if you keep a distance and shoot." Chaoyang gave the final warning, "Another trouble Please sign this."

"What is this?" Hill took a piece of paper handed to him.

"The lease contract includes exemption and damage compensation clauses." Chaoyang explained, "I can give you free ammunition, but if the weapon breaks, I still have to make up for the loss."

Of course it was not his intention to lose money, but once these three people signed the contract, it was equivalent to entering into a contract with the devil.

This is an insurance measure just in case.

If they encounter an accident on their way to the main tower, Chaoyang can simply take away their souls to avoid irreversible death.

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