Alien paradise

Chapter 242 Demon Legend

Is there no hope...

Elodie suddenly felt a sense of unhappiness in her heart. In a world without hope, angels have their own castles, billions of wealth, and the power of their hands and eyes... If this is called hopeless, what are those people who are severely malnourished and struggling every day on the line of life and death?

At least among the many angels attending the meeting, she didn't see a single desolate person. Maybe for some people at the bottom, the world does lack hope, but this kind of words should not appear in the mouth of a person who has been given the ability by God.

But she suppressed this mood swing very well.

After all, Dan's character and attitude have left a good impression on her so far, and a little difference in ideas is not worth denying his previous advantages.

After walking about three hundred meters, a heavy steel explosion-proof door appeared at the end of the passage.

Elodie let out a light sigh.

She didn't have much research on architecture, but she could tell that the grade of this door was far beyond the specifications. I'm afraid it couldn't even be compared with the door of a bank vault.

Dan seemed to see her surprise, "It is prepared for all-out nuclear war. Even if the cities on the ground are razed to the ground, this place will be safe."

After saying that, he pulled down the electric switch on the wall.

A mechanical arm stretched out from the top of the passage and was inserted into the hexagonal groove on the door. Then, driven by the motor, the mechanical arm slowly rotated and slowly twisted the door lock out like a bolt. When these safety devices are released, the door slowly slides open on one side.

"Good guy... I believe you when you tell me this is in the radiation world line." Chaoyang muttered.

What does it mean to be a professional survival enthusiast?

This is a hardcore survival player!

"To be honest, a total nuclear war is too exaggerated..." Elodie smacked her lips, not knowing what to say.

"Who knows, it never goes wrong to plan ahead." Dan smiled, "Mr. K hopes that no matter where the world goes, angels can have a place."

After stepping through the steel gate, there was a large-scale underground facility inside. However, with Dan's introduction just now, it felt right for the two of them to regard this place as a refuge.

Climbing to the second floor of a warehouse that was large enough to hold seven or eight cars, Elodie finally saw K in a study-style room.

Looking at the wooden shelves filled with books and scrolls on the opposite wall, she doubted whether K could actually turn the pages of the book himself with his robotic hands.

"I'll take a step away for now." Dan closed the door politely, without any intention of listening.

"Good evening, Miss Elodie." K is still sitting in the wheelchair, no different from how he was in the afternoon. "There are hot water, tea and coffee machines on the left hand side, and there are desserts on the table. You can help yourself."

"Thank you." Elodie did not take the food, but sat directly opposite him. "You shouldn't eat these things, right?"

"Yes, these are specially prepared for you." K said without concealment, "Of course you don't have to worry about wasting them. Someone will collect them later and bring them to the ground for others to enjoy."

Elodie was silent for a moment, then showed a bitter smile, "I originally thought that you were a senior with a harmonious family, living in a suburban house with a big yard, and the angels' gatherings were more like dinners among friends. , everyone was sitting in the yard eating barbecue and chatting."

"Have I let you down?"

"I can't say I'm disappointed... I'm just a little overwhelmed. Coupled with the appearance of those monsters and the news of Tiffany's death... I didn't expect the party to turn out like this."

"I understand what you mean." K said calmly, "Maybe you want to tell me your experience, growth, setbacks and successes over the years in a more relaxed environment, instead of telling everything coldly like a report, let alone face to face. The one who is right is the disembodied me.”

"I..." Elodie opened her mouth, but the words were stuck in her throat.

Because she found that the other party had completely understood what was in her heart, and it was impossible to deny it.

"It doesn't matter, this is human nature. But I must say that your idea is difficult to realize. Without a very serious crisis or other sufficient reasons, I will not call you to come." K shook his head slowly, " In fact, this is the second time for me to have such a gathering.”

"That first time was..."

"It happened more than thirty years ago. Coincidentally, it is also related to the rumors of demons." K did not go into details, "So... what do you want to tell me? No matter what, I regard you as For the kids, so please don’t have any concerns.”

Elodie hesitated for a moment, "Will you keep it a secret for me?"

"I can keep your secret if you don't want to share it with other angels."

She took a deep breath, "I... met a demon."

"Oh?" K's voice seemed to fluctuate a little, "Did he hurt you?"

"No. It was actually the opposite. I almost hurt him. But fortunately, neither of us was hurt in the end."

K suddenly fell silent.

Chaoyang, who was watching in the woods, was also a little nervous. He was not so worried about himself, but worried that K would suddenly fall out. Elodie is now underground. If she really falls out with the angel, she may run into a lot of trouble when escaping.

This silence lasted for three minutes.

Even Elodie couldn't help but asked, "Mr. K?"

The latter then spoke as if he had just woken up from a dream, "Sorry, this news involves too many issues. I have to think about it comprehensively before I can make a reasonable judgment. In other words, you and the devil have not become enemies, but have reached some kind of agreement. What is the degree of reconciliation? Can you tell me the detailed process and your reasons for doing this?”

Elodie breathed a sigh of relief. Once the reason was involved, it showed that K was not the kind of person who insisted on the Angel Code - even if the code was written by himself.

"I accidentally discovered his traces during an operation against the trafficking of illegal drugs..." She began to slowly tell her experience, but she concealed the existence of the park game and the other world throughout the process. The things Chaoyang did were also adapted into ordinary good people and good deeds - but the devil did not harm people everywhere, but did good deeds, which was shocking enough.

"In the end, he helped me destroy local gangs and bring internationally wanted criminals to justice. My ability can be used frequently because of the devil's blood." Elodie finally concluded, "My current relationship with him is They are more like partners than natural enemies. So before coming here, I always had a question in my mind, is there any error in the content of the Angel Code?"

"If what you say is true, then the answer to this question is 'yes'."

To the surprise of both of them, K answered with almost no hesitation, "Whether it is the code or my teachings, they are all my personal life experience and do not represent the truth. There is no way for me to obtain this knowledge." There are two other things besides being guided by others and practicing on your own.”

"Have you ever seen a real demon?" Elodie couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I have met two of them. One tried to cause war in the Middle East and was killed by the angels. The other infiltrated the high-level European military. We decided to assassinate him, but in the end he failed. He fled this world and can never come back. "

K's calm narration was like a pebble thrown into the center of a pond, causing quite a shock in the hearts of Elodie and Chaoyang!

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