Alien paradise

Chapter 250 Close to the Origin

Corona Corporation…

This is a name that all players have never heard of. However, the fact that a secret base of such an astonishing scale was created by a company is quite surprising in itself.

"What are alien life forms?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

"Uh... I don't know how to describe it. It looks like a monster that only appears in dreams, with tentacle-like things coming out of its head and body..." Pedro racked his brains to describe it.

Zhang Zhiyuan and Anthony looked at each other.

There is no doubt that it is a parasitic species.

"How to get to the main laboratory?"

"Go out from here and turn left. There is an elevator at the end of the corridor that leads directly to it. My ID card can be scanned."

Zhang Zhiyuan turned to look at Reske, who nodded slightly, "The breath is coming from that direction."

Anthony approached Zhang Zhiyuan and whispered, "Kill them all?"

"Of course not, they are surrenderers and have given up resistance!" Zhang Zhiyuan immediately objected, "We can't become that kind of murderous monster!"

"This is special operations behind enemy lines. God knows if they have reinforcements. And how are you going to deal with so many prisoners? We don't even have handcuffs." Anthony said disdainfully.

"Wait a minute... Since you are not sent by an international law enforcement organization, there is no need to detain us!" Pedro seemed to have guessed their thoughts and said quickly, "After my people are disarmed, they can leave on their own. Base, and I will never be your enemy again!”

"Do you think I will believe you?" Anthony sneered.

"I can be your hostage!" Pedro tried his best to argue, "And with someone who is familiar with the layout of the base, it will be easier for you to achieve your goal, right?"

"Let them go." Elodie said at this time, "We don't have time to waste time on these people. Although there is a high probability that they will escape legal punishment, it is better than accepting surrender and then killing them. "

Players all know that Elodie is an official player of the park and can still cheat even in the earth world, so her words are relatively more weighty.

Even Anthony was unwilling to conflict with her.

"Since you opened your mouth, let's do it like this." He flicked the muzzle of his gun, "Except for the squadron leader, everyone else should get out. By the way, do they know where the exit is?"

No one moved at the scene.

"Of course they know that there is a secret door under the rock facing the sea in the north of the island." Pedro shouted to his subordinates, "Listen to my order, evacuate the experimental base now, and don't come back again!"

At this time, everyone left hesitantly, with expressions of surprise on their faces, as if they didn't believe that the Paradise Team had let them go. Several of them turned around again and again, as if they were afraid that they would suddenly shoot from behind.

"Okay, let's go to the underground laboratory quickly." Elodie urged, "Are there any traps or anything like that down there?"

"No, it's the top biological laboratory there. Not to mention installing weapons, even people from the defense department are not welcome there." Pedro explained while leading the way.

"How do you know we are not sent by an international law enforcement organization?" Cui Zhenen asked curiously.

He glanced at Anthony and said, "I think you have the same smell as me...the freedom of getting paid to do things..."

"Just say we are mercenaries."

"There are many types of mercenaries... some are just slaves of money, but you are different..."

"What's different?" she asked subconsciously.

"Besides money, you are also pursuing other things...such as honor, achievement, or excitement..."

"Oh, you are asking for information about us in a roundabout way!" Anthony said with ill intentions.

The other party immediately understood and closed his mouth.

The elevator made a soft ding after descending five floors, and the number on the panel changed to B7. At this time, Zhou Zhi suddenly leaned against the wall and slowly slipped to the ground. "I... probably can't survive..."

The blood dripping from his arm almost wetted his entire sleeve.

As the medicine wears off and there is excessive blood loss, it is difficult to continue even if the pain suppression is turned to the maximum.

"Well... we were just following orders. I personally feel very sorry for what happened to this brother..." Pedro quickly pretended to be sorry.

However, what shocked him was that the others seemed not to care that his companion was about to die. Only Zhang Zhiyuan bent down and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "That's enough, you go and have a rest." The others even glanced at him with their heads tilted, and then focused on the slowly opening elevator door.

These people are all cold-blooded killers, and they have already taken life and death lightly? But they just let their men go, and they have an inexplicable insistence on battlefield ethics...

For the first time, Pedro found that he could not see through his opponent at all.

This was even more incredible to him than the opponent's crushing strength.

The sealed door of the laboratory would naturally not be opened to them, but this was no obstacle at all. Zhang Zhiyuan shot through the locking mechanism with two shots, and then opened the door with both hands.

An alarm suddenly sounded in the laboratory——

"Warning: An air tightness failure has been detected. All personnel are requested to suspend work and leave the site in an orderly manner."

"The source of the breath is less than a hundred meters away from us." Reske swallowed and said, "Everyone must be careful."

Elodie noticed that even if the alarm was sounded, there was no movement in the corridor of the laboratory, and not a single person was seen.

"There are no researchers in the laboratory?"

"They had already evacuated when you blew up the ventilation shaft." Pedro explained, "These people are the company's most valuable assets, and the evacuation route is different from ours. It is said that the main laboratory is connected to a deep submersible Hong Kong, this is the channel they use when transporting living experimental subjects."

"These living bodies also include humans...right?" Elodie asked in a solemn voice.

"Yes, sometimes there are dozens of people on a ship." He was very cooperative. "A few years ago, there were more animals, but recently they have been replaced by humans. But having said that, have the people who hired you told the truth? ?Do you know how dangerous the things placed here are?"

"you know?"

"I... was fortunate enough to see it once..." Pedro whispered, "The monster I mentioned earlier with tentacles sprouting from its upper body was mutated after touching that thing. I don't know what your employer wants you to do Do whatever you want, but it’s best not to approach it rashly.”

"We're here." As he spoke, Resker stopped in front of a laboratory room at the end of the corridor. "The source is behind the door."

The white door is marked with Level 5, and there are a series of warning icons on the side.

"No entry."

"No noise."

"Radioactivity warning."

"Biological leak warning."

"Uncertain damage warning."

The first four are easy to understand, but the last warning sign seems a bit strange. But for the Paradise Team, even death is not a fear, so how could they be blocked by a few icons.

Since the main laboratory was under evacuation, they easily opened the room's airtight door.

Behind the door is an oval room with an area of ​​about 30 square meters. The floor, walls and ceiling are all covered with white sound-absorbing tiles, which looks beautiful and clean. In the center of the room stands a huge glass column, with the top connected to many equipment and pipes. The most eye-catching thing is what is stored in the pillar - it is not a human, nor a monster, nor does it look like the Evil God of Karma himself. At first glance, it looks like a blood-red stone floating in culture fluid, and it beats rhythmically with everyone's heartbeats.

But soon Elodie realized that what was rhythmic was not the stone itself, but the space around it - whether it was the glass pillars or the many tubes inserted into the stone, they were all rising and falling rhythmically, just like that small Block spacetime is distorted.

I’ve run out of manuscripts and I have to go out to do errands tomorrow, so I’m asking for a day off. There will be no updates tomorrow T.T

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