Alien paradise

Chapter 257 A day’s work

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Xue Gong."

Xue Quan suppressed a yawn while greeting other colleagues at the Comprehensive Prevention and Control Center.

Compared to the days when I was traveling abroad, the working environment now is heaven and earth. He usually lives in the staff dormitory building of the prevention and control center, and it is only two to three hundred meters away from work. When he goes to work, he does not have to worry about bullets flying from any corner, or the classic accidental killing of helicopters overhead.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder whether doing this kind of work for a long time would dull his judgment and vigilance.

But thinking about it, if he had to do it again, he would still accept the dispatch from the country without hesitation.

After all, the experience of this job is absolutely unique.

It's the kind of thing no one would believe even if it was written on a resume.

Turn left after entering the hall, go straight for fifty meters and you will come to the confidential area of ​​the prevention and control center. There is a strict set of rules and procedures for entering this place, which is no less cautious than entering the reactor area of ​​a nuclear power plant.

After putting his personal mobile phone into the storage box, Xue Quan picked up a quantum communication mobile phone prepared by the turnstile for the prevention and control center - after entering this area, all electromagnetic signals will be shielded, and external network connections can only be connected by one A dedicated data line is responsible.

Then he pointed his face into the scanner.

"Di... Identity has been confirmed. Development team Xue Quan, permission to enter."

The automatic door slides open to both sides.

There is a transit room behind the door, where he needs to change his coat, put on a hood, gloves, and secure the vital signs monitor before entering the next room.

This room was named "Pioneering Hall".

The development of the new world all starts from here.

After Xue Quan entered the room, a bright, clean and orderly scene immediately appeared in front of him - hundreds of ergonomic recliners were neatly arranged in several rows, and fifty "pioneers" wearing VR glasses were lying on the Among the chairs were many big-shot figures from the Academy of Sciences. No matter when you come here twenty-four hours a day, the fifty spots are always full, and even though there are no hard and fast rules on minimum working hours, most people stay for ten to twelve hours during their shifts. I have to say, just looking at this scene, it really feels like the future world.

If you take a photo of the lobby and post it on the Internet, it will surely spread the rumor that Tokyo University is secretly training an army of hackers.

However, Xue Quan felt that the management department was a bit too formal.

In the past, he and Zhang Zhiyuan could still go to the paradise if they went to the sofa.

When he arrived at his exclusive location, a nurse immediately came over and helped him connect to the monitor, "Gong Xue, have you had breakfast?"

"After eating, can I still starve myself to death?"

"That's hard to say. There was a person in the second group who stayed there for too long. As a result, his body developed symptoms of hypoglycemia and almost fainted." The little nurse covered her mouth and smiled, "You are all elites, we have to ensure that Everyone of you can come back well."

"You're pretty good at talking." Xue Quan smiled and shook his head, lying on the seat, "Okay, give me your glasses."


Wearing VR, a series of prompts quickly appeared on the screen: The boot program is starting. Do you want to enter the park?

This has been significantly changed from the previous login method - in the past, you had to make an appointment with the park for a game time, and then you could be drawn into another world after arriving at the time. However, now the park official seems to have changed the interface to automated detection, and those with login permissions People can choose to log in or out at any time.

"Xue Quan, come in." He replied with consciousness.

Everything began to twist, and after a flash of white light, Xue Quan stood in a gray hall. The park calls it a transit station. Literally, it should be the connecting channel between the two worlds. Xue Quan still hasn't figured out whether the passage only exists in consciousness or whether it is such a physical object in reality.

Sitting on the throne in the center of the hall was a black figure. Zhang Zhiyuan once mentioned that this black shadow is the embodiment of Paradise's will, and what he says can be regarded as Paradise's final decision. But most of the time, it is just a still life placed there, unable to speak, and without any meaning. Movements are only for visitors to change their bodies.

Xue Quan walked up to the throne and touched the black shadow with his hand. A strong suction force immediately pulled his whole body into it. When he opened his eyes again, he had appeared in the underground base of the temple, and his body had been replaced by a brand new one. of myself.

When he arrived at the church ground, the smell of disinfectant in the air made him couldn't help but sneeze. Although the newly established inpatient department has begun to accept patients, Miss Jenny did not use the lobby as a front for Jenny to entertain guests. Instead, she took advantage of its proximity to the main door and transformed it into an emergency department. When it's busy, it can still seem quite chaotic.

Since nuns are never considered professional doctors, and the number of people capable of diagnosing patients can be counted on one hand, the mechanism of registration and consultation may not be available for a long time.

Fortunately, this is not a headache for him.

As long as the park puts forward corresponding requirements, the prevention and control center can always find professionals to propose a comprehensive plan for it.

Looking at the nuns walking in a hurry and the two material warehouses under construction in the compound, Xue Quan could vaguely sense that the time difference between the two worlds had changed again.

In the past, either he came to Paradise and found that the date had barely changed, or he returned to Earth and saw that the clock had only moved a few hours. But this time, the flow of time seemed to become continuous. After a good sleep, he returned to work again. A long night had just ended here, and the sun had just risen in the east.

The changes brought about by this continuity may be reflected in the rapid development of the seaport city.

Xue Quan rode his motorcycle and sped towards the experimental field on the northern outskirts of the city - if he remembered correctly, today was the day when the new agricultural machinery was put into official cultivation.

Along the way, he felt the envious looks of countless residents, as if what he was driving was not a classic motorcycle, but a magical treasure. On the other side of the earth, even luxury supercars worth tens of millions are definitely not as eye-catching as this.

Now the locals understand that the weird things that have appeared in the Brilliant Castle recently are most likely related to the Paradise Foundation. As long as it is a company with the name of a paradise, the positions released will be quickly filled by enthusiastic people. For Xue Quan, one of the parties, it is impossible not to have a sense of accomplishment.

Out of the city, the northern suburbs have now turned into a huge construction site. On the left is a machinery trial operation base including an airport, and on the right is a farm area and the original ore smelting plant. Going further east is the recovered assembly plant and Ash Hill Mine. Although these new areas are built on the original industrial and agricultural foundation of Brilliant Castle, the planned landscape is more than three times the size of the main city.

In the slightly remote farmland, Xue Quan saw today's protagonist at a glance - a behemoth that was fifteen meters long and four meters high. Its chassis is similar to a tank, and its traveling system is built with crawler tracks, which looks quite satisfactory. The upper part is a bit more varied, with various mechanical arms, and it even looks a bit like an elongated potted plant monster.

It is the joint reclamation aircraft named "Pioneer 1" by the Prevention and Control Center.

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