Alien paradise

Chapter 269 Return to the Old Continent

As the sun sets little by little behind the sea, the sea becomes dark and gloomy. Only the area receiving the setting sun still retains some color, and the surging orange-red waves look like a big fish with gorgeous scales at first glance.

Just in front of this sea area, land also emerged from the clouds, covering the curved horizon. The smoke pillars rising from the shore were lit by the afterglow of the setting sun, outlining the outline of Bloody Hand Port.

"……so beautiful."

Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Kerry couldn't help but murmured.

Although this was not his first visit to this old continent port, the feeling of seeing it from the air gave him a new understanding of this city. Since Bloody Hand Port is responsible for opening up the New World, the degree of militarization is quite high. For example, there is a naval base next to the port, and the forts used to deal with pirates are also the latest. He used to feel that it was quite difficult for the enemy to sneak into Blood Hand Port without anyone noticing, but now they seemed to have accomplished this without much effort - at least half of it had been accomplished.

After all, what sentry would be wary of a bird flying high in the sky?

"It really only takes one day..." Sandra couldn't help laughing out loud, "How many secrets does the Paradise Cult have that we don't know about? Mr. Dann, did you really join the Paradise Cult halfway? "

Departing in the morning and arriving at dusk, the great sea and natural chasm that separates the old and new continents suddenly became less awe-inspiring.

Dann pretended to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact, he was no less shocked than the others - or maybe he was even more excited because he knew more. "I guess what you want to say is, why did the Lord of Paradise choose to open his roots in Glory Castle?"

Before this, no one had ever heard of the name of the Lord of Paradise.

And with the various miracles Mr. Chao has shown, they are fully qualified to establish a foothold in the Old Continent.

Sandela sighed softly, "After all, Glory Castle is too insignificant."

"Perhaps it's because it's located at the edge of the world that it needs to be illuminated more." Dann looked at his former partner Farrellan, "You can be saved even if you are far away from the royal capital. Am I not the best example?"

The latter avoided his gaze uncomfortably.

"Everyone, we are about to land. Please return to your respective positions and fasten your seat belts to prevent injuries from falling."

The driver's warning sounded from the brass loudspeaker.

The four people quickly followed suit.

Soon, the plane poked out from the clouds and dropped all the way until the scenery outside the round window was replaced by the sea. Everyone realized that they were now very close to the sea. When the sound of huge waves overwhelmed the roar of the engine, the cabin shook violently! After more than ten seconds, the plane finally stopped moving forward smoothly and started to rise and fall like a ship. This familiar feeling made the reporter and others feel anxious.

The pilot walked out of the cabin, walked through the crowd to the tail of the plane, manually lowered the tail door of the plane, took out a roll of rubber and spread it out, asking everyone to help cheer him up.

When the roll of rubber was completely filled, Ryan was surprised to find that it was actually a kayak.

"The rest of the distance is up to you." The pilot glanced around the four of them, "According to Mr. Chao's instructions, I will stay here overnight and return at sunrise tomorrow morning. If you encounter an accident tonight, There’s still a chance to come back here.”

"Thank you." Ryan picked up an oar and jumped into the boat first. "We can handle the rest ourselves."

Sandra, Dane and Farrellan also boarded the boat one after another.

"Don't forget to put on your life jackets and this emergency kit. You may need the contents inside." The other party threw a bag towards them and then pushed the boat away from the plane.

Ryan and Sandra each took an oar and rowed hard towards the port that was gradually disappearing in the night. When the sound of the plane's engine stopped completely, the only sound left was the roar of the waves.

"What's in the bag?" Farrellan asked curiously.

"Let me see..." Dan opened the package and flipped through it casually, "flare gun, waterproof food, thermal bag, and diving goggles?"

"We have packed everything we need to infiltrate, and it's even more complete than we expected." Ryan licked his lips, "Damn it, why do I feel that the Paradise Sect is not like a traditional sect at all? It's like they do this kind of thing Same thing hundreds of times. I bet even the spies trained in military academies are not that professional."

Sandra felt the same, but when she thought about how these guys turned Glory Castle upside down with just a few people in the beginning, she couldn't help but feel a little relieved - it wasn't that she was unqualified as a defense officer, but that her opponents were too unreasonable. Common sense, her own work is at least qualified...


Without the sunshine, the sea would be as invisible as an abyss. The guards of Bloody Hand Port could never have imagined that four people in a small boat that could be capsized by every wave would approach the city coast in such a swagger. Since most areas along the shore are where fishermen live, no one will verify their identities. After landing, the four people deflated the kayak, folded it and hid it in a bush. They successfully entered Blood Hand Port.

"What to do next?" Sandra asked.

"Let's unify our purpose first." Dann said as he walked, "We all want to go to the Royal City, right?"

The four people in this group, Ryan and Sandra, as members of the original kingdom's army, want to go to the king; Dann himself shoulders an important commission from Mr. Chao and needs to create big news for the Paradise Cult; Farrellan decided The reason for coming back was also very simple. He couldn't let go of his wife and daughter who lived in the royal city.

Seeing that no one had objections, he continued, "I have been away from the Old Continent for many years, and I am not as familiar with this place as Mr. Lane and Mr. Detective. However, now that the kingdom is in the midst of a civil war, I think it is always right to act cautiously. So. Before we make a rush plan, we should first collect intelligence to understand how far the rebellion has progressed and what impact it will have on the cities on the road, and then decide on specific actions."

"Just like before..." Farrellan muttered.

That's how their former reporter-detective duo made a name for themselves.

"I understand, I understand. When our investigation team first arrived at Glory Castle, didn't we do the same thing?" Ryan nodded immediately and said, "Taverns, newspapers, markets, chambers of commerce... are just suitable for separate operations. What's more, this is a naval station. , I have my own news channel.”

"I have no objection." Sandra agreed.

Although she was worried about the situation of General Ben and Eliz, this was not the time to rush around.

"I must remind you that Dane and I are citizens. It's okay to inquire about information at will. You and this lady are different." Farrellan glanced at the two of them with a serious expression. "If there is blood Port of Hand has been controlled by the rebels. As a member of the royal army, you are likely to be killed. Even if you survive, you will inevitably become a captive slave, so..."

"Don't worry, we already thought about this when we were at Brilliant Castle." Ryan grinned, "Naturally, I won't reveal my identity easily if it's not necessary. If necessary..."

"We will not retreat." Sandra said calmly.

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