Alien paradise

Chapter 271 Prayer

"Isn't that right? Someone in this corner knows your name? Devil... you are pretty good at marketing yourself." Elodie glanced at Chaoyang.

Resker was used to such comments. He had long seen that the two had a close relationship, especially after experiencing another world. They may all be spokesmen for the Lord of Paradise.

Chaoyang was surprised but also a little excited. This was the first business in the new world - unlike the previous vague prayer sounds that came across the sea, this sound was clearly distinguishable, and the person praying could almost be determined based on the direction it came from. Location.

"If you really exist, please give me a hint of guidance... I am willing to pay any price, as long as we can escape from this damn place..."

Chaoyang closed his eyes and listened for a while, confirming that the other party should be in the north, not more than 500 meters away from here.

"Are you going?" Elodie looked at him.

"Well, I also want to know how the people here know about the existence of Paradise Cult."

"Then let's put on our cloaks." Resker took out the clothes from his backpack. "I've been in many places, and experience tells me that if you want to hide yourself in a strange place, the best way is to go with the flow. Night in this city It’s so quiet that we already stand out a little bit walking down the street.”

Although Chaoyang could use the devil's camouflage ability to make himself nearly invisible, he couldn't make the other two disappear out of thin air, so physical invisibility was still useful. After the three people put on their dark cloaks, they walked out of the alley and headed north along the shadows of the street.

As they heard, there were almost no pedestrians on the road, and all the houses had their doors closed, which was quite rare after the settlement entered the industrial age. Not long after walking, a gray-brown city wall appeared in the distance, with many torches burning on top of the wall. Under the fluctuating light, they could see people wearing armor walking back and forth on the wall, and many strange things were floating below. Dark shadow.

Then the three heard voices.

It was very small and intermittent, like the sound of sandpaper being rubbed.

After getting closer, Chaoyang could hear that it was some kind of low cry.

Not only were there sobbing, but there were also moans and wails...but the volume was suppressed very low, as if they were squeezed out of the throat.

More than one person is crying? Right here in public?

Resker's frown deepened - something that didn't match his teenage appearance at all.

The three of them slipped through the shadows cast by the houses and quietly arrived about a hundred meters away from the city wall. Then they found a hidden place and leaned forward to look in the direction of the fire.

The angel couldn't help but take a breath.

They finally knew what those swaying shadows below the city wall were.

All were hanged.

Some were already rotting, while others had just died. There were men, women, old and young, and the number was probably around a hundred. This clearly goes beyond execution and is clearly a form of intimidation or demonstration.

The question is, isn't this a serious border city? It’s not some bandit village! Although it is a little smaller and located a little further away, it is still a civilized place bound by the laws of the kingdom and ruled by a count. When did it become a huge execution ground?

Wanliji didn’t mention this at all!

"Those cages...are they people?" Elodie whispered.

Chaoyang also saw that there were huge iron cages all around the city wall. Such cages usually only appeared in zoos, used to imprison beasts and the like. But at this moment, most of the cages are crowded with people, and there are a lot of them, making the space inside the cages quite crowded. Those cries were made by these people.

Outside the cage stood heavily armed soldiers.

They seemed to be judging the people in the cage.

Soon, the other party confirmed this suspicion - after a general-like figure read out a general article, the surrounding soldiers swarmed up, pulled out a prisoner from the cage, tied him up with a hemp rope, and then hung a noose. , pull it into the air in one breath.

The hanged man suddenly trembled.

There were still some residents watching on the street. Because they were too far away, their expressions could not be seen clearly. However, this group of people did not applaud or raise their arms to protest. The silent atmosphere was very strange. This scene reminded Chaoyang of Africa. Hyenas on the savannah - before the lions have a feast, they will sit in a row and wait quietly for their meal without making a sound.

"Are the people who pray to the Lord of Paradise also in the cage?" Reske noticed this thorny problem.

"It should be right."

Chaoyang had already followed the connection of the wish and saw the praying man - a male, about 35 years old, who did not seem to be obviously tortured, but his face was extremely poor. He was hunched in the corner of the cage, holding his knees with his hands and repeating his prayers. , from the mental state, it is no longer clear whether it is a prayer or an unconscious murmur.

Fortunately, the devil doesn't talk about this either.

As long as there is demand, the value of willingness will be contributed.

Of course, this person's willingness is also very weak, less than half of Judy's. It can be seen from the strength of the wish that the other party is an extremely ordinary ordinary person. If he were in Brilliant Castle, Chaoyang would not respond to such a degree of prayer alone.

After all, he is the first target customer in the Old Continent, so if he loses a little, he will lose.

"What do you two think?" Chaoyang turned to look at his partner.

"It depends on why that person was locked in a cage." Elodie said concisely. "If he is a criminal, he deserves it. If he is not, then he should not be treated like this."

"But no matter what we do, we will conflict with these soldiers, right?" Reske looked embarrassed. "Without the lord's permission, they can't do such a thing openly...According to the previous plan, we have to contact the local people The rulers are dealing with..."

"Looking at your solemn expression just now, I thought you would agree to take action." Chaoyang raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Resker closed his eyes, "But now we can only save one or two people, but Paradise Cult's plan can protect thousands of people. For the watchers of the God of Hidden Mist, they will always choose the latter option." .”

He has faced similar choices countless times in the past.

Summoning the fog will swallow tens of thousands of creatures.

Failure to summon it will plunge the entire world into despair and death.

"You don't need to refer to their opinions, because you have the ability to do anything you want to do." Mianyin only said to him alone this time, "Gods never compromise. The firmer your consciousness, the better the world will be." Follow your orders."

"Is your origin like this too?" Chaoyang asked curiously.


This answer made him pause slightly, "Then you are talking nonsense!"

"Only the later gods need consciousness to change the world, while the first gods themselves are the rules of the world." Xianyin glanced at Chaoyang like a country bumpkin.

This slime can actually simulate animated expressions.

Chaoyang rolled his eyes, "My idea is that if the poor man who prays to the Lord of Paradise is selected, we will take action. And if only one person is taken away, Elodie can do it without causing a big commotion. realized next time.”

The angel nodded.

"If he is not selected, then when I fall asleep late at night, I will find out how he was imprisoned."

In that way, he can communicate directly with the other party without contact through the dream spell.

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