Alien paradise

Chapter 296 Top Secret Meeting

Beifu, Comprehensive Prevention, Control and Development Department, New Conference Hall.

"Now that everyone is here, let's have a meeting." The host of the meeting was still Gao Wei. He glanced at the clock on the wall and then pressed the connect button.

The large screens on the walls of the conference room lit up one after another.

"System self-test: The quantum network is working normally."

"The confidentiality agreement is normal."

"Communication connection...connected."

At the same time as the screen subtitles jumped, there was also a strange buzzing sound, which was like the working noise of a cooling fan and some kind of high-frequency sound that was close to the hearing limit, which made people's eardrums feel uncomfortable.

This process took almost thirty seconds until all the avatar frames on the screen changed from black to pictures of people, and the buzzing quieted down.

"Hello, comrades, let me first introduce to you this special conference room: it uses quantum secure communication technology and provides two-way data transmission by two specially-made satellites. It is not integrated into the current wireless communication network and is not controlled by the space agency. Command. Therefore, the conversation here will not be eavesdropped, and the safety of the meeting can be guaranteed for the time being."

Xue Quan, sitting in the first row, also entered this conference room for the first time. At first glance, it looks more like a dust-free workshop. The walls and ceiling are all covered with soundproof boards, which are so white that they are dazzling. Everyone entering here must pass through a security gate and put on special work clothes, gloves and shoes. Not only electronic devices such as mobile phones are not allowed, pens, notebooks, and glasses are also prohibited. The furnishings of chairs and podiums are similar to those in a lecture theater, except that the small table in front of everyone is a monitor, and the content played is the same as that of the big screen.

"Have you verified it?" the head portrait No. 3 on the screen asked.

"Two experiments were conducted. One was to divide the list of staff entering the park into three parts, one disguised file and two real files. The disguised file is a basic confidentiality process and is stored in the open server of the prevention and control center; and The other two real files are stored in the central darkroom and the other is stored in the Beifu confidential information database." Gao Wei looked at the expert report and reported to the leadership, "As usual, the park will independently search for the list of staff and provide them with Arrange similar bodies, clothing and name brands. We found that the appearance of this group of staff was customized based on real files in the confidential information database."

"Is the other party looking far away from you?" the leader quickly reacted.

"Yes, judging from the physical distance of communication, the files stored in the central darkroom are closer, and there are no firewalls set up. However, the paradise is still connected to the more hidden Beifu confidential database along the network, which shows that they are not aware of it. to the existence of this file.”

"The second experiment was a temporary call between Comrade Zhang Zhiyuan. We arranged for him to suddenly enter the electromagnetic shielding area when actively communicating with the park. As a result, the communication was interrupted, thus confirming that this blocking method is effective."

"This conference room combines two security methods. The entire shell is covered with electromagnetic shielding, and the connections to the external communication tower are all sonic tubes. The satellite that transmits messages to the communication tower is also a special product, which is closely related to the current ground It is not compatible with the military command system. Relying on these methods, the institute believes that the confidentiality of the conference room is temporarily effective."

Wait, what is a sonic tube? Xue Quan thought to himself. However, there was no need to raise such a small question on the spot. He clicked on the Q\u0026A file on the screen and quickly found the description of this thing: it transmits information through the vibration amplitude of the metal tube body. The principle is the same as when he was a child. A paper microphone with a thin string stretched in the middle transmits sound in almost the same way. In other words, this thing is essentially a mechanical wave transmission, and it is indeed impossible to be monitored by electromagnetic means.

So the information transmitted to the communication tower will first be converted into mechanical waves, transmitted through the sonic tube into the conference room, and then converted into electrical signals, amplified, and turned into audible sounds again through the speakers? Xue Quan couldn't help but sigh, as expected, ancient technology does not exist, only ancient ideas become limitations.

"Then why is it said to be temporarily effective?" Avatar No. 3 asked again.

"The institute believes that there is no one-and-done way to keep secrets secret, especially since we know very little about the park's technical level, and cannot theoretically eliminate the possibility of leaks." Gao Wei replied, "Perhaps in the near future, the park's surveillance will be further upgraded. , making the existing shielding technology ineffective. In addition, this independent satellite communication and acoustic wave transmission system is expensive to build and cannot be popularized in the society. Even key confidentiality units cannot have one. As information spreads from upstream to downstream, from When one person spreads the word to hundreds of people, sooner or later the news will leak out. Therefore, experts suggest that the conference room should not be used as a safe. It is more of a place to gain the upper hand for us."

"That's it." No. 3's communication light went out.

This means that the introductory part is over and you can enter the formal part of the meeting.

"Comrade Xue Quan is the first to make a report. The main content of the report is the important information obtained in the past month, as well as the corresponding inferences and suggestions, please." Gao Wei nodded to Xue Quan.

Xue Quan turned on the microphone switch on the small screen, cleared his throat and said, "After long-term observation of the park, our understanding of the organization has made considerable progress. There is a problem that has been bothering me in the past, and that is the ownership of the park. Such a powerful force can completely set off a storm in the online world, but they focus most of their attention on other worlds and lack interest in ours. What is the key reason for this? Now I have A tentative conclusion.”

After finishing his opening remarks, he recounted everything he had seen and heard during this period, including the development of Brilliant Castle and his journey to the Old Continent to establish a base.

"Obviously, they are pursuing a resource that is lacking in this world but is common in that world. Judging from the various actions of the paradise, I boldly speculate that this resource comes from faith and is a spiritual power. !”

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was moved.

Whispers could be heard for a while.

"Faith?" Even Gao Wei showed a surprised expression, "Are you referring to the worship of gods? Is that why their organization chose to exist in the form of a sect?"

"Yes. This organizational form can also be completely integrated into the cognition of the world over there, so it is the most ideal choice."

"But there are also beliefs in the earth world...there are many real sects." Some participants questioned.

"This is the crux of the problem." Xue Quan nodded, "I can only think that believers on earth cannot provide the special resources needed for paradise. After all, gods are regarded as real existences there."

"And these resources... can even be used to create things..." Gao Wei fell into deep thought, "Unfortunately, we don't have a good verification method... we can't even make the most basic observations."

Xue Quan also knows this... At present, the prevention and control center has sent a total of 375 scientific expedition personnel to other worlds, and tens of thousands of samples have been collected, but nothing can prove that this invisible and intangible resource really exists.

"In addition, I also have an important piece of information... or speculation - it may subvert our understanding of paradise."

"you say."

"The paradise organization in the narrow sense may not exist. The representative of the paradise game is the paradise itself." Xue Quan said firmly.

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