Alien paradise

Chapter 300 A glimmer of hope

Sandra clearly remembered that she closed all the doors and windows when she left the room, including the closet door. She did not forget that this place belonged to the rebels, and she carefully concealed her identity as a former kingdom soldier. Memorizing the appearance of her residence was a basic skill.

Someone is lurking in the room?

No...impossible. She didn't notice anything strange the moment she walked in. Even a master or a warrior at the level of a hero couldn't avoid sensing her own breath at such a close distance.

But it was a fact that the closet was not closed properly... There was a high probability that someone sneaked into the room after he left.

Damn, has your identity been exposed?

Sandra put down the wine bottle gently, untied the cloth wrapping the long sword on her back, and held the hilt of the sword in her hand. The influence of alcohol on her subsided instantly, and her eyes were as sharp as a cheetah ready to attack.

Walking to the closet, she opened the door with the tip of her sword. It was empty inside. But Sandra was keenly aware of a change: there was a hair that did not belong to her in the depths of the closet, and a very light fingerprint mark remained on the edge of the closet.

In an instant, her heart sank to the bottom.

Apparently someone came in and searched the house, and deliberately restored it before leaving. However, the method was a bit poor. He could hide it from ordinary people, but he couldn't hide it from himself as a master warrior.

So withdraw now?

No...this isn't safe either.

Sandra has served as a defense officer for several years and is very experienced. If there is suspicion about a target and no first-hand evidence is found after searching, then a few eyeliners will inevitably be arranged to keep an eye on the target, waiting for the moment when the target reveals its flaws. By checking out and leaving now, he undoubtedly confirmed the other party's suspicion.

She had to wait.

Wait until the sun sets, the number of people wandering on the street increases, and most of the tenants return to the hotel.

That is also the moment when it is easiest to fish in troubled waters and escape secretly.

Sandela held the sword with both hands, pulled out a chair, and sat down facing the door.

At this point, she looked away. If the enemy came directly to kill her, she would draw her sword and fight, killing as many as she could! It would be nice to return the skills learned in the military academy to the Kingdom's army. In any case, she is unwilling to surrender to Duke Longjiu who killed and insulted this general.

If the enemy is just watching, she will find an opportunity to break out. Naturally, she would not choose to sit still and wait for death if she could be alive. She believed that a living master warrior would definitely threaten the Long Jiu family more than a dead one.

Time passed minute by minute, and the sun began to slowly set in the west... Just as the hour hand was about to point to 17 o'clock, footsteps suddenly sounded in the corridor.

Sandra's nerves suddenly became tense!

She could tell that the person who came was not an ordinary person. His steps were light and steady, slow but rhythmic. He seemed to be a person with great skills, who had almost reached the threshold of master level!

come yet?

At this moment, dusk has not yet appeared, and it is not the best time to evacuate yet. Could it be that the enemy couldn't wait any longer?

But there was no turning back when the bow was fired. Sandra didn't hesitate at all, and her right hand was firmly on the hilt of the sword. She was sure to cut off his neck the moment he opened the door!

However, unexpectedly, the footsteps did not stop when they passed the door. Instead, they continued to go away, and there was half an envelope under the door.

Sandra was stunned for a moment before she realized what she was doing!

She rushed to the door, opened it and looked out, but there was no one in the corridor.

Let a warrior close to the master level come to deliver the message?

Sandra locked the door again and eagerly opened the envelope, but there was only a piece of white paper inside.

The moment she saw the blank paper, not only was she not disappointed, her heart started to pound!

This is obviously a method of code passing!

This course was taught in the military academy, how to use special ink to write wordless secret letters, and how to use readily available materials to make developers.

The materials are in the room!

Sandra immediately found soap, mugwort leaves, a roll of incense, and a few drops of wine left in the bottle, mashed them together, and poured them evenly onto the white paper.

Finally, she hung the white paper in front of the window to let it receive the sunlight...

When the orange glow of sunset gradually spread across the room floor, characters finally appeared on the white paper. What surprised Sandra even more was that these characters were all secret codes in the army, and only military students who had learned relevant knowledge could decipher them.

She ran to the counter downstairs in three steps at a time, stretched out her hand to the boss and said, "Please, please lend me a dictionary!"

"Want to drink again? Hey...Girl, considering your young age, you should be more restrained...wait, dictionary?" The boss was startled.

"Yes, do you?"

"Yes, yes...but why did you borrow this?"

Sandra bowed directly and said, "Please!"

"Okay, okay, it doesn't have to be like this. I'll go look for it for you...just wait for me for a while."

After a while, the boss took a new dictionary from his room and handed it to her, "Here, take it, remember not to get it dirty. My child still needs this when he goes to school."

"Thank you!" Sandra ran back to the room holding the dictionary and immediately started deciphering. Unexpectedly, after so many years, she could still clearly remember the code rules, as if the classroom officer's explanations were still in her ears.

That's right... She was the best among the students of that class, an outstanding student who attracted much attention. Even the general's daughter admired her in this regard...

In less than half an hour, Sandra figured out the true content hidden in the cipher text.

"At 1 o'clock at night, we will see you in the mill barn at the sixth windmill on the eastern outskirts of the city."

After committing the words to memory, she threw the cipher text into the fire. Seeing the white paper quickly turn into ashes, Sandra clenched her fists and took a deep breath!

really! The kingdom’s army is not that vulnerable! There are still people hiding underground, refusing to succumb to Duke Longjiu’s brutal rule!

These people... are still resisting!

Of course, Sandela also considered another possibility, that is, Wilson Longjiu also mastered the military secrets through the traitor, and deliberately used this kind of thing to lure her into the bait. However, this possibility is not high, because she is not a big shot, and the defense officer of Brilliant Castle is not worthy of the attention of a dignified duke. There is really no need to set up such a complicated situation to catch her.

Secondly, agreeing to meet at a windmill in the suburbs would not be conducive to the enemy's arrest of her. There was no way to deceive the master warriors by setting up an ambush in the open field. As long as she sensed that there were people waiting at the scene, she could escape in advance.

After finally waiting until night, Sandra quietly left the hotel and headed east. After arriving at a farm in the suburbs, she eliminated her scent and hid behind a pile of haystacks. From here, you can see a row of old windmills beside the dirt road. The sixth one from west to east seems to be the agreed place.

After waiting for more than two hours, the night had engulfed the entire countryside, and the moonlight was looming under the cover of clouds. She was basically sure that there was neither an ambush nor any passerby activity nearby. It was indeed an undetectable meeting point. It wasn't until the 1 o'clock bell sounded in the city that Sandra walked out from behind the haystack, crossed the lonely dirt road, and quickly came to the windmill.

Although steam contraptions have been widely used by large companies, they are still out of reach and expensive for the public. Therefore, even after centuries, windmills are still the first choice for farmers to grind wheat grains. This windmill seems to have experienced a lot of wind and rain. Every time the impeller rotates, it makes a creaking sound, as if it will fall apart at any time. Below it is the barn, which contains connecting rods and millstones. The ground wheat is also stored indoors, so the barn door is locked most of the time.

And Sandra pushed gently with her fingertips, and the wooden door of Windmill No. 6 opened with a creak.

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