Alien paradise

Chapter 305 Dating (Part 2)

Although everyone knows that a Paradise Sect that broke out halfway now controls the entire city, there are very few people who know the existence of Chaoyang.

Elodie, on the other hand... because she used her angelic powers to dispel fear and calm people down on the day of panic on the plane, many people remembered her appearance, so now she has to disguise herself when walking on the street. For example, her current appearance: wearing a pair of sunglasses, a baseball cap, a casual T-shirt and denim shorts. Although it has nothing to do with the word "holy", she still looks quite cute in Chaoyang's eyes.

Of course, this is also related to the dressing habits of the Old World. Women at the bottom basically wear solid-color linen robes, while nobles and businessmen tend to dress in formal attire for socializing. Short-sleeved shorts are available, but they are far from popular. Chaoyang has seen a lot of local clothes, and occasionally sees Elodie's modern clothes, which naturally makes her feel particularly eye-catching.

"So what crime did that company commit?"

"There are so many tax evasion and stock market manipulations that I don't even bother to investigate. The main reason is that they concealed the side effects of three new special drugs and forced them to be launched on the market. Two of the side effects may cause patients to go into shock or even die. In fact, they This problem was discovered during clinical testing, but the subjects who died were found among the poor. Not only did they not compensate, they used accidents to shirk responsibility, and this happened not once or twice. "

Elodie seemed to be in a very good mood and said eloquently, "You don't know, when I asked the chairman to confess the crime in person, the other members of the board of directors turned pale. Now I know that I am afraid, why did I go there earlier? Deal with it. The police are of no use to such pests who have no regard for human life, so I directly handed over the evidence and confession video to the TV station, and now the Internet is full of news condemning them."

She really goes out of her way to do good things.

Chaoyang asked curiously, "Why would the chairman be willing to cooperate with such a fatal scandal? Even if he is threatened with force, he will deny it in every possible way in front of his subordinates. Could it be that you tortured him with special punishments in advance?"

"Isn't that a result of submission? I'm not a devil." Elodie rolled her eyes at him, "But without your help, I really wouldn't have been able to handle this matter so smoothly. So in the end I still have to thank you."

Compared to half a year ago, thanks to Chaoyang, her tongue is no longer tangled now, and she feels more natural.

"Thank me?" Chaoyang scratched his head, "I don't think I was involved in this."

"No. How about I take back my thanks?"

"No, just tell me."

Elodie nodded with satisfaction and said, "First of all, a cyber hacker organization nicknamed Red and Black Eyes provided information on the deaths of patients caused by Baiji Company's drugs. Without this information, we would have no way to investigate. And this The organization is about you.”

"Ah?" Chaoyang was really stunned now. When did he create a hacker organization in the other world?

With the ability of the Cyber ​​Eye, he can break through all network walls alone without teamwork, and naturally he will not form a similar organization.

"Flei told me that Red and Black Eyes was established after the Twin Bridges Incident in L City, and sent an invitation to the entire hacker community, hoping to find the legendary super hacker." Elodie crossed her arms, "Others may not know this. , Isn’t it clear to me? It’s not you who remotely controls the lifting of the Twin Bridges... So you are now a mysterious master in the eyes of some hackers."

Chaoyang remembered that Fleur was the network expert in the Skeleton Hand team. He held his forehead in embarrassment, "So it's this connection. But will they concentrate on doing good things?"

"What are you thinking about... They jump across the red line of the law every day, and hackers are born criminals—well, except for Fleur." Elodie coughed twice, "What they are most interested in and do most often is still the same thing: Digging up other people's secrets. But probably inspired by You, Red and Black Eyes prefers to find loopholes in big companies and governments. Even Fleur admitted that this group of people is not only highly skilled, but also incredibly courageous."

"She is also a member?"

"Think of it as a peripheral member. When they were discussing the Twin Bridges incident, Fleur happened to notice it."

"So that's it." Chaoyang thought to himself, when he had some free time, maybe he should take the time to take a look and see who the core members of the red and black eyes were. "You're thanking me for this?"

"No, even if there is no intelligence from Red and Black Eyes, we will investigate Baishiji Company on our own, because most of the testers they killed came from the slums, and I should recover this debt for them." Elodie's voice Suddenly he became very soft, "The biggest help you gave me... is strength. Without strength, you can't do anything with just your will. This is what I want to thank you for - you allow me to continue walking on this road." Go down."

She paused and then said, "After gaining a large amount of wish power recently, I have awakened new abilities, or... I have made new breakthroughs in my original ability to 'pacify people's hearts'. Now I can not only make people feel calm, but also Reinforce some emotion in them, such as guilt.”

Chaoyang suddenly realized that she had used the method of "forced questioning".

"When I magnified the chairman's guilt a hundred times on the spot, he collapsed and told all the bad things he had done." Elodie turned around and continued walking forward with her hands behind her back, "I know this is not true What a glorious means, but it is insignificant compared to the evil things he did. Because when I took back my power, his guilt and regret disappeared without a trace, replaced by extremely angry curses, saying that I will definitely Go to hell.”

"Oh, he hasn't gone to hell himself, so who has the right to blame others." Chaoyang said disdainfully.

"It doesn't actually matter if I go to hell."

"..." He looked at Elodie in confusion.

The latter tilted his head slightly and gave him a calm smile, "I have punished so many people using extra-legal means. It is not surprising that there is no reward. I have been mentally prepared for a long time. What's more, if I go to hell, it will be... If I can meet these people again...then I can make them regret it again."

Did she actually think so...

Chaoyang couldn't help but be surprised. Looking at her small back, the girl's face had a weight that was inconsistent with it.

He suddenly laughed.

Taking two steps faster, Chaoyang came behind the other party and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Eh...Eh? You, what are you doing?" Elodie's gentle voice suddenly changed, and her cheeks suddenly turned rosy.

"I have a lot of will power now, do you want to share some?" He said in her ear, and then saw with his own eyes that her auricles were all red.

"That can't be on the street! Let me go quickly, someone is looking this way!"

"Okay," Chaoyang touched her head again before letting go of her hands.

"Really - don't tempt me suddenly, okay?" Elodie turned her head and complained, "Do you know how tempting the blood of demons is to angels!"

Uh...temptation? He really didn't think about it that way. Chaoyang couldn't help but cover his mouth. He just wanted to praise this capable little girl.

"Okay, okay, I will be more careful next time. But there should be a lot of demons in hell, and you will definitely not be short of water when you get there."

"I'm not a vampire! Willing power is what I need!" Elodie protested, and then her voice suddenly became softer, "And not all demons can do it..."

"What did you say?"

"Forget it if you didn't hear it." She made a face, "If you miss some things, they are gone."

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