Alien paradise

Chapter 307 The Kingdom of God in Paradise (Part 1)

"What's wrong?" Elodie, who was walking in front, turned around and asked, "Thinking about something?"

"So... I just wanted to ask you a question. If you could build a new world, what do you think it would be like?"

The Kingdom of God should be a similar world, right?

"Hey, you started dreaming during the day? Are you asking about my ideal utopia?"

Chaoyang deliberately pretended to be stupid and said, "You just want to improve our understanding of each other, can't you?"

The angel was obviously stunned for a moment, and then turned around unnaturally, leaving only his back, "That's not impossible. I actually thought about similar things before. If a world allows me to have the final say, then I should Will choose to let wealth disappear.”

Chaoyang definitely didn't expect this answer.

"Why wealth?"

"Because wealth determines a person's class. Although "Das Kapital" predicts the future of a communist society, I personally am not optimistic that it will be realized. Because the premise of great material abundance is too slim, and human desires can Infinite growth, but material wealth cannot appear out of thin air, and the two cannot match each other from the beginning. Not to mention that when civilization develops to a certain level, it is bound to move toward space immigration, and the population will increase exponentially, making it even harder to meet everyone's needs. "

Chaoyang discovered that Elodie was not without theoretical guidance.

On the contrary, she knows quite a lot about these theoretical knowledge.

The Skeleton Hand seems to have been doing superficial work of removing damage, as if it is treating the symptoms but not the root cause. It turns out that it is not because they lack guidance, but because they are not powerful enough to change the world and make compromises.

"Without wealth, people will value the individual's own abilities more, and the barriers between people will be weakened. What's more, the inheritance method of ability will not be as simple and crude as the inheritance of wealth, and a few geniuses will give birth to the majority of the group. In this way, ordinary people can live a better life," Elodie finally said.

Chaoyang walked up to her, "It's a pity that people are still in the primitive stage of survival, and the concept of wealth has already been born... It's probably impossible to eliminate this spontaneously."

"That's why it is a utopia." Elodie chuckled and grabbed his hand, "Don't think about such complicated issues today, just relax and go shopping!"

After saying that, she pulled Chaoyang and ran towards the airport.

Chaoyang quickened his pace to keep up with her, and decided to discuss the Kingdom of God with Xianyin after he went back. Now, let's enjoy the newly built Qianlin Castle with the angel.

Two hours later, Chaoyang returned to the upstairs of Akalien Temple and summoned the "slime". "You said that this aperture is the foundation, so how can we turn it into a real kingdom of God?"

Miyin squirmed, crawled from his shoulder to the table, and shook his hand with one hand.

"Do you want to charge?" He raised his eyebrows.

"The fees are unpleasant. Although the knowledge is expensive, I am also helping myself by sharing it with you. There is no need to settle the debt with you." Shiyin said righteously, "I just talked too much and was a little thirsty. , I want to absorb some wish power to moisten my throat.”

Chaoyang was stunned.

Where does that lump of mucus come from your throat?

This guy seems to be getting thicker and thicker...

No, it should be said that it is becoming more and more human-like.

Whether it’s tone, word choice or accent.

Is this also the result of continuous learning?

Fortunately, he has really had a lot of willingness recently, and he doesn't bother to care about the other party's way of begging. Ten thousand units of willpower were directly sent over, causing the whole body of the pick-up sound to glow with a faint red light.

What surprised Chaoyang was that he could actually judge the other person's mood from this light - it felt very comfortable at the moment, as if soaking in a warm rose bath.

Is this what it calls "resonance"?

"Thank you, your potential is indeed extraordinary. I will remember you when I return to the world in the future." Xianyin stretched out his big tongue and licked his lips - even though "Slime" has no mouth at all, "Let's get back to business. , you don’t need to actually build anything, you just need to imagine from the base to the kingdom of God.”


"After all, it is a special creation of will power, and the only thing that can control it is the thoughts of gods and men. You need to determine the core of this kingdom of God and build it into a field you need. Of course, it is best to be able to meet your abilities. The clearer your vision of it and the clearer the rules, the more effective it will be.”

Chaoyang vaguely understood what the other party meant, but this matter sounded important, so he decided to ask a few more questions, "Do all the queen gods have their own kingdom of gods?"

"Of course, this is the prerogative of the gods. In this area, the rules of the world can be changed, and the will of the gods is the embodiment of the kingdom of God."

"Can you give me an example?"

"Hey, mortals are stupid, and you are no exception. I've already talked about this and you still can't understand."

"You just said that my potential is extraordinary."

"Well - this potential is limited to mortals." Mianyin stretched out ten tentacles, looking like a weird octopus, "For example, the goddess of fertility, her ability is most likely related to the harvest, so she is When you determine the core of the Kingdom of God, you can rely on this aspect, such as spring flowers blooming wherever you go, bankers can mature quickly, there will never be pests, etc..."

When it was explaining, its tentacles quickly extended, swelled, dropped, and then extended again - only then did Chaoyang realize that the other party was not cosplaying an octopus, but cosplaying wheat in the farmland.

"In short, the prevailing rules of nature have been changed in her kingdom of God. You can understand that there is a new set of rules in the kingdom of God. It will be determined when it is established. After that, it no longer needs to be controlled by gods, but can be autonomous. Operation. In a sense, the Kingdom of God is like a small world, which is not a good thing for Guiyi.”

Chaoyang directly ignored the second half of the sentence, "Is the Kingdom of God so powerful? Then if I set it to never die in the Kingdom of God, wouldn't that mean I will live forever?"

"Indeed, you can, but don't forget that the rules are realized through the consumption of will power." Xianyin said indifferently, "How many people do you plan to make immortal? Ten thousand? One hundred thousand? Or everyone within the Kingdom of God? Counting all of them? That requires a lot of willpower. If your willpower is not enough to support the expenses of the rules, the Kingdom of God will collapse immediately after it is established, and you will also die."

"What about letting me live forever?" Chaoyang said humbly.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but what's the point?" Mianyin squinted at him, "Some soft-bodied creatures and arthropods can live for tens of thousands of years in an environment with abundant food and no enemies. You wouldn't think they are better than Are you noble? The value of life is never measured by how long you live. Besides, there are so many ways to achieve eternal life, so there is no need to waste precious opportunities on such trivial matters."

Chaoyang rolled his eyes silently in his heart.

At the beginning, I was restricted everywhere, walking on thin ice every step of the way, crawling around in search of willpower just to survive. When Slime said this, it seemed like I had become worthless.

"By the way, reunification is actually eternal life. There is no cost. You can enjoy it by closing your eyes. I can't understand your resistance." Mianyin muttered again.

"Okay, I probably know how to establish the Kingdom of God." Chaoyang was too lazy to argue with it, "The question now is how long will this process last? I won't have to stay in one place to meditate, right?"

"It can range from an instant to more than ten years. It depends on whether your goal is clear or not. So you don't have to rush. It is recommended to think about it before taking action."

"That's good." Chaoyang said confidently, "I've already thought about it."

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