Alien paradise

Chapter 312 Gods and War

"Brilliant Castle...that's it." Eliz was a little surprised, "I didn't expect the three of us to have been to the same overseas city."

"I was ordered by the eldest prince to investigate a matter. I didn't expect to meet an old classmate from many years ago." Ryan said with emotion, "It is indeed a magical place. Some projects are more developed than the old continent. Not to mention there is Paradise Cult..."

"Developed? Is there any?"

"Ahem - the time of your visit is different, so your experience may be slightly different." Sandra interjected.

"Maybe I didn't see it comprehensively. After all, I only stayed for two or three days..." Eliz didn't delve into this topic. "By the way, Mr. Ryan, do you know where the eldest prince went? I've been asking about it. The whereabouts of the royal heirs."

"Just call me Ryan." The lieutenant colonel said politely, "I don't know the situation in the palace. When I returned to Sancia, the royal army had been defeated, and the Duke's spies were everywhere. I asked someone to inquire, and I thought Long Duke Jiu did not capture the eldest prince, and I also have no idea where he went. "

"Is that so..." Eliz sighed.

Although the army was determined to resist, the royal family's lack of representatives meant that it was always missing a backbone. The Laurel Kingdom is already in danger, but the eldest prince and the second prince have been missing, which is really unsettling.

"Hey, how did you pass the review?" Sandra pulled Ryan aside, "Did you also talk to a weird little girl?"

"Yes, yes! That's what I was about to say!" The latter nodded repeatedly, "That guy is not simple at first glance, he is definitely a master!"

"Who asked you this! Don't you have any doubts about her identity? She calls herself the goddess of magic!"

"Ah...she seems to have said that, but I think it doesn't long as my identity can be verified, it doesn't matter who she is."

"You——" Sandra was furious for a moment.

"And it's normal for gods to exist here, right? The land of mountains, the land of snow... has not been conquered by outside forces for thousands of years, so the faith is naturally relatively primitive."

"Not even the Yuegui family?"

"Ah, this is what the eldest prince talked about when I was chatting. Don't tell it." Ryan whispered, "At that time, before the Yuegui family attacked the mountains, the king of the Snow Country took the initiative to hand over the Olive branch. It seems to outsiders that the Kingdom of Snow has surrendered, but in fact they have maintained a high degree of autonomy. Except for handing over some taxes and mineral resources, the distribution of political power here is no different from that before the unification of the mainland. "

"Is there such a thing as this?" Sandra was shocked to see the inside story of the royal family for the first time. No wonder many of the princesses of the Yuegui family come from the mountains, and there is such a layer of relationship in them.

"Pah, pah, pah—"

With a series of high-fives, the conversation between the two came to an abrupt end. Not only them, but all the attendees in the banquet hall turned their attention to the stage.

I saw Duke Rosia slowly enter the stage and walk step by step to the center of the stage, "Good evening, everyone. This should be a time for relaxation and entertainment. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, I have to call everyone over to discuss how to deal with the crisis. method."

Her voice was not loud, but it could be heard clearly in everyone's ears, as if Mrs. Xiaguang was standing next to her.

"It's amazing." Ryan praised, "How did you do this?"

Sandra shook her head.

After arriving in Star Reaching City, she had a vague feeling of meeting the Paradise Cult for the first time... The place is full of mysteries and unpredictable. But for some reason, she was not as relaxed and comfortable here as she was in Glory Castle.

"Everyone knows that Wilson Longjiu brazenly launched an army to launch a rebellion. Now he has invaded the royal capital and taken over nearly half of the kingdom's territory. If we don't take measures, the land of the mountains will probably be poisoned by him. For To avoid the worst case scenario, we must unite together to prevent the Longjiu family’s ambitions from continuing to expand!”


An uncoordinated thought suddenly occurred in Shantara's mind.

"What's weird?" Ryan heard her murmur.

"In the past, the king of the Kingdom of Snow chose to take the initiative to conclude a peace treaty to quell the war. Why didn't Duke Rosia follow the previous king's example and use taxes in exchange for autonomy, but instead decided to fight to the end?"

"...Because of the marriage?"

"The marriage is only for stability. There is no essential difference whether the marriage partner is the Yuegui family or the Longjiu family... As a lord, Mrs. Xiaguang should know this very well."

Ryan also fell silent at this time.

The Duke on the stage continued to speak, "Now the kingdom's army and the resistance forces in the west have gathered in Star Reaching City, waiting to avenge His Majesty the King! However, I have to tell everyone here a terrible news, Wilson Longjiu The reason why he was able to sweep across the Western Territory and capture the royal capital in a very short period of time with the power of his clan was definitely not because of his strong soldiers and superior strength! The subordinates of the nobles in the west were even more scattered, and their training and organization were far inferior to the royal guards of the royal city! "

"He was able to do this because God intervened in this war!"


Sandra momentarily suspected that she had heard wrongly.

She subconsciously looked at Eliz, but found that the other person's face was solemn and showed no surprise at all!

The other nobles were all in an uproar, and the banquet hall suddenly became uproar.

“What does it mean for divine intervention?”

"Can you elaborate more?"

Luo Xia pressed down her palms, "We all know that Wilson Longjiu was blessed by the God of All Machines, but in fact the God of All Machines did more than that! It personally helped the Longjiu family The strange weapons were infused with power, turning them into killing machines controlled by divine power! Not only that... the God of All Machines also participated in several attacks on the lords across the Western Territory, with the purpose of destroying the gods they believed in! "

"So the Royal Army did not have much chance of winning from the beginning, because the goddess of fertility has not favored the Yuegui family for a long time. Without the help of the gods, it will be difficult for them to find a chance to win in this war."

"How did you know this news?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"The God of All Machines participates in the war between mortals... Is this really possible?"

"It's not a possibility, it's a fact!" Luo Xia said categorically. "As for why I can learn such news, it's because the land of mountains is also blessed by ancient gods. And my news comes from her—— The greatest and wisest being in this world.”

Then she turned back and bowed.

The curtain behind slowly opened, and a figure appeared in front of many participants.

Sandra recognized the other person at a glance.

The girl who claims to be the goddess of magic, Coco Moqi.

"That's ridiculous..." Sandra muttered. If Duke Longjiu's rebellion was a war led by gods, then what were the soldiers of the kingdom's army? A clown in the corner of the stage? Didn’t all the sweat and blood they shed and the unremitting efforts they put in become a joke?

Does it really make sense to rush back to the Old Continent from thousands of miles away to help the Royal Army?

"Don't think about things that have something or not." Ryan suddenly grabbed her shoulders and shook her, "If the God of All Opportunities can really settle everything, why would Duke Longjiu first unite the Western Region and then entangle his army to attack the Royal Capital? Here Likewise, if this little girl is really that useful, why would Duke Rosa waste her time entertaining us? No matter how magical or noble she is, there is only one thing I am sure of, that is, she can do nothing without our efforts. Not even there!”

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