Alien paradise

Chapter 316 Forgotten History

"Lord Farez's hands are indeed stained with blood, but it was a fact that the cult had collusion with the nobles at that time, and it even reached a situation where he had to be severely punished." Mekfa slowly said, "Don't the Acropolis disappeared of."

"What, do you think I'm trying to bring injustice to those idiot nobles in the royal capital?" The man with the eyepatch glanced coldly, but his eyes finally stayed on Ryan, "There are some high-ranking big shots who can't distinguish between fairy tales and facts, so they always think they can rely on legal principles. He came to restrain the cultists and blamed the general for excessive killings. "

Ryan looked solemn, but rarely spoke back.

Sandela understood immediately.

The "high-ranking big shot" in this person's mouth refers to His Royal Highness the First Prince, and Ryan is the one closest to the First Prince among the Royal Guards.

"Okay, that's all in the past, and there's no point in pursuing it now. What's more, it's impossible to be alone in serving in Sanciya. If you don't work for this one, you have to work for that one. The best thing is to know your mistakes and correct them. "It's important." Mrs. Xiaguang's words interrupted the tense atmosphere at the scene, "The Yuegui family has fallen, but there has not been a complete overhaul of Wangcheng. The power structure is still the same. You should all know the reason after we finish dealing with Wilson. After a long time, the rest of the debt will be settled with them. Now let’s talk about the artifact... Although this short cone is extremely effective, it can’t hurt the gods alone. As for the reason..."

She looked at Coco Moqi for instructions.

"Tell them. Now that Yu Du has come forward, there is no point in hiding this little detail." The girl said indifferently.

"To put it simply, the reason why gods are called gods is because they have the ability to change the world. The sacred scripture of the Goddess of Fertility has the word "god country", which means that the country under the blessing of the goddess will have good weather. In fact, this is true , and it is not the privilege of the Goddess of Fertility. Every god has a similar divine kingdom, which operates according to the will of the god within a certain range and is also a strong wall for the god's self-protection."

Sandra suddenly understood.

No wonder they need to use the hand of the goddess of magic to examine everyone's loyalty, and Coco Moqi can make a judgment just by asking a few casual questions. Is all this because the person under trial is in the other country's kingdom?

"Some of you should have experienced it. That kind of power cannot be violated. No matter you have reached the master level or the grand master level, as long as the gods are willing, you will not be able to exert even one level of strength."

"That's true..." Ryan smiled bitterly, "When I was trapped in it, I felt that half of my life's practice had been in vain."

"You mean that weapons alone are not enough. You must break the blockade of the power of the Kingdom of God to kill the gods, right?" Mekfa asked seriously.

"Yes, as I said before, this dagger is only part of the weapon. According to ancient records, more than a hundred years after the God of Hunters handed the artifact to the tribe, the tribe gradually split into two pieces. One part remained. In the mountainous forest area, they continued their traditional hunting, while the other branch continued to move eastward, and finally reached the seaside, and their lifestyle gradually became closer to that of fishermen. By coincidence, the two separate tribes each held one. Artifact."

"Traditional hunting tribe? I seem to have heard this part of the rumor somewhere..." Ryan showed a thoughtful expression, and then suddenly his eyes widened, "Their activity range is not just in the Qianlin area in the southeast!"

"As expected of a royal guard, he is indeed well-informed." The duchess praised, "This sacred hunting cone was found in Qianlin Castle. It is hidden in an ancient cellar and has almost been forgotten."

"Uh..." Ryan hesitated.

"What, have you been there?"

"'s nothing, please continue."

Seeing Ryan's appearance, Sandra suddenly remembered that Le Yuan was going to Qianlimbao to open a company next! The Duke's people probably haven't met His Excellency Chao, right?

The two secretly exchanged glances.

She decided to write a letter to Paradise after the meeting to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the two parties.

"I guess everyone already has an idea of ​​the second tribe." Rosia continued, "Yes, this group of people settled on the east coast, and one of the families stayed in what is now called the Acropolis."

"Acropolis?" Mekfa frowned, "Isn't it already swallowed up by the fog?"

"I'm talking about things that happened hundreds of years ago, and the Mist incident only happened fifteen years ago. There is no conflict between the two." The Duchess said calmly.

Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

They suddenly realized the other party's purpose of inviting members of the Royal Guard to attend the meeting...

"You want us to go deep into this dead city to find the whereabouts of another artifact, right?" There was a hint of displeasure in Mekfa's tone.

"Do we have any other choice?" the duchess asked without hesitation, "Yes, the foggy area is extremely dangerous. There may be cultists hiding in it, as well as cunning foggy beasts. Ordinary people who break in will only die. One! Because of this, we need to send the most elite force to complete the exploration mission! So, Lord Shenjian, are the Royal Guards the most powerful candidates here? "

The latter fell silent.

Obviously, what Mrs. Xiaguang said was all true - if master-level and grandmaster-level warriors did not dare to enter the Acropolis, let alone ordinary soldiers.

As the saying goes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. They have basically understood this truth to reach where they are today.

"But don't worry too much. The fog is not a poisonous gas, and it does not mean that you will die if you enter it. It has no other obvious side effects except blocking perception. I will prepare the best blue radiant stones and a team of two thousand people. The team will provide support from the outside." Luo Xia softened her tone and said, "In addition, Master Coco Moqi will go with you. With the help of gods, your safety can be guaranteed."

"Your Majesty the Goddess of Magic is also going?"

"Otherwise? Just a few of you want to search for a forgotten artifact in a deserted city? I'm afraid that the head of the Long Jiu family may not be able to find it even if he dies of old age." Coco Moqi yawned, "And all I need is When I get close to it, I can sense it immediately, no matter how deep it is.”

"With you following me, I feel more at ease." Mekfa shrugged, not caring about the other party's words - after all, he is the number one god. "Excuse me, your lord, what is the other relic?"

"An immortal heart is also the heart of the Hunter God himself." Luo Xia revealed the answer.

Everyone couldn't help but raise their eyebrows.

Because it just doesn't sound normal.

Just a dagger, a heart?

Things linked to organs always make people unconsciously think of cults.

The Duchess had a nonchalant attitude, "According to records, the purpose of this heart is to guide the direction. No matter whether the prey is hidden in a cave or in the deep sea, the heart can lead the hunter to find the target. Lord Coco Moqi believes that it can penetrate No defensive barrier, even the kingdom of God that twists the rules, can hide weaknesses in front of the heart."

"One is used for marking, and the other is used for hunting. When separated, it can only be regarded as a useful hunting artifact. Only when they are put together can it be regarded as a complete god-killing weapon!"

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