Alien paradise

Chapter 319 Invitation as a Guest

"Big news, big news! A huge strange structure appears in Qianlin Castle in the East, which can cross the sea in one day!"

"The Paradise Cult has landed in the Old World. Is this a counterattack by the cult or the rise of a new god?"

"Exclusive interview with Watt News Agency! Close contact with the angels of the Paradise Cult, bringing you first-hand decryption!"

At the door of the newspaper office, newsboys shouted one after another, and there was an endless stream of people coming to buy newspapers. Since the new issue of the newspaper was released in the morning, a lot of people have gathered at the door of Watt News Agency. By noon, the flow of people has increased instead of decreasing, almost blocking the door.

"I want to buy five copies!"

"Give me two!"

"Sorry sir, today's weekly newspaper is sold out. Do you want to read something else?"

"The new batch hasn't been printed yet? It's too slow!"

And such conversations kept happening in newspaper offices.

"When will the third batch of 20,000 additional copies be ready? The sales outlets outside are almost running out!" Church impatiently knocked on his pipe and asked the person in charge of the printing department with a glare.

"You've asked me many times. At this speed, no matter how fast the machine is, it can't fly!" The latter wiped the sweat from his forehead, "But don't worry, I'll go to the factory to keep an eye on it myself, and I'll make sure that as soon as the newspaper is printed Then it will be sent to the paper boy!"

After the head of printing left, Church walked to the window, lifted the blinds and looked out. People on the street were constantly being attracted to join the crowd of onlookers. Maybe these people don't have the habit of reading the news, but Church bets that as long as they understand what's in the newspaper, they will definitely become part of the group to pay!

This is the beauty of exclusive news!

"Did something big happen today?" Someone suddenly asked from behind, "There are so many people buying newspapers... I haven't seen such a scene for a long time."

Qiu Ji quickly took off his pipe and bowed respectfully to the speaker.

The person who entered the office was none other than the boss of Watt News Agency, Carmen Watt.

Since Church was promoted to editor-in-chief, the boss has handed over the basic operations of the newspaper to him, and he will only visit the newspaper occasionally.

"Mr. Walter, this is big news! The kind that only happens once in a century!" Church quickly recounted his magical experience of going to Thousand Limburg and witnessing the air transportation of food. "Think about it, the last transportation revolution was the steam train. The development and popularization of it directly created the Longjiu family and related machinery companies. And the flying contraption I saw can cross the ocean and travel between the old and new continents in one day. If it becomes popular, How much change will it bring to the world?”

Even the most simple people can understand at a glance how amazing this thing is.

The moment he got the sample newspaper, he had already anticipated the popularity of the weekly newspaper, so he made an exception and printed 100,000 copies for the first time. But in the end, he found that he still underestimated the influence of this series of news. The second batch of 50,000 additional copies was still sold out quickly, and the third batch only had 20,000 copies. It was not that he did not want to print more, but that his own The printing house is running out of paper.

"Really or not? You actually went to Qianlimbao?" The boss was greatly surprised. "I thought you reported that you were going out for interviews to follow up on the village pollution incident that you reported earlier."

" I didn't elaborate?" Qiu Ji pretended to be stupid, "Sorry, maybe I was too hasty and was negligent."

After all, before setting off, I didn’t know what kind of news I could dig out from the east. It would be too embarrassing for the editor if I set out with all my heart and returned empty-handed.

"But these things you said...just listening to them make people's hearts swell." Carmen Walter walked to the desk and flipped through the stack of sample issues on the table. "I just haven't been to the newspaper office for a week. The world seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and people can’t help but look forward to what miracles will happen next.”

"I don't know if there will be a miracle, but I can predict what will happen next." Qiu Ji couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "The bosses of several other newspaper companies will invite you to dinner tonight and ask you about the big news. The inside story of the news. If you can keep it secret, then I can take the newspaper sales of Watt News Agency to a higher level... It is not impossible to even be the number one in the near future."

"Oh? Is there a follow-up?" Walter put down the newspaper and looked at him curiously.

"Yes, and I bet, even if a hundred years pass, this news will be remembered by everyone." Church said with burning eyes, "Either it is a shocking hoax, or it is history itself."

"You put it like that, but I want to hear the answer to the mystery first." Walter smiled, "But I'm curious about one thing... You definitely didn't go to Qianlimbao for no reason. Someone must have brought the big news. . But this person chose Walter instead of those more famous newspapers. Is there any hidden meaning in this? Man, I really want to know who brought such a generous gift to our newspaper?"

Church's smile froze on his face.

He knew that his boss would ask about it sooner or later. But when the other party really asked, he found that no matter how he answered, it couldn't be called the optimal answer.

At that time, Dane abandoned the daughter of the Walter family and ran away without even saying goodbye. Old Walter was so angry that he couldn't get out of bed for three days. God knows how the other party will react now when he hears the name Dann.

But the boss insists on knowing, can he keep hiding it?

Just when Church gritted his teeth and was about to reveal Dann's name, a series of exclamations suddenly sounded outside the office.

"Don't move! Stay where you are!"

“Where is the newspaper manager?”

Church was stunned, he and Walter looked at each other, and then stepped forward to open the door.

But someone was a step ahead of him.

A man in a gray fur coat slammed open the door, almost hitting Church. He is very tall, with a steep nose and eyes like an eagle. Just by glancing at the two of them coldly, he already knew who was the boss and who was the editor-in-chief.

"Are you Church?"

There was a strong Western accent in his words.

"That's right. Who are you?" Qiu Ji also got angry. "This is an office. You are not allowed to break in without permission!"

"You can call me Li Tening. By order of Duke Longjiu, I invite you to visit me as a guest." The man said expressionlessly.

The two of them couldn't help but look surprised.

what did he say? Duke Longjiu?

"Well...I'm afraid I don't have time..." Qiu Ji forced a smile.

Li Tening didn't say another word, but reached out and took out a photo. The moment he saw the photo, Qiu Ji's expression changed drastically! The figures on it were none other than his wife and five-year-old child!

"Do you have time now?" The other party asked again coldly.

Qiu Ji bit the cigarette butt tightly and stared at the man in leather. This was the aristocratic style that he hated the most. The mentality of being aloof and thinking that the world all revolved around him made him sick from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

"A smart choice." Li Tening took back the photo and looked over Church at Carmen Walter. "From now on, the printing and sales of the current issue of Walter Weekly will be stopped immediately. You and all newspaper members are not allowed to leave Sancia. Stay at home until our investigation is complete."

"Wait a minute, what kind of law have we broken!?" Walter said angrily, "Reporting news is our job, and this is also a legal business in the royal city. Why do you tell us to stop!?"

"There is no violation of the law, but the Duke hopes that you can suspend it." Li Tening's tone was as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but this calmness made people shudder. "If you don't want to obey, it's okay. At least give the employees a long vacation. Don't After all, they have families.”

"..." Walter was stunned for a moment.

"Okay, don't be stubborn with him. Wait until I get back." Qiu Ji took a puff of cigarette, and then took a puff... "I'm out of cigarettes. I'll add shredded tobacco before leaving. Is that okay?"

"Please." The other party nodded, but his eyes were always fixed on the editor-in-chief.

Church had no choice but to take out the tobacco bag from the drawer, fill the pipe, and finally took a deep look at his boss before following Li Tening out of the office.

Walter looked outside and found that the editorial hall of the news agency was under control. More than a dozen people were guarding the stair entrances and windows facing the street, leaving no chance of escape.

There is no doubt that these men in gray are professionals.

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