Alien paradise

Chapter 333 Thousand Limburg Envoys

"Ah...where is this?"

Chaoyang opened his eyes and found that the surroundings were completely dark. He was leaning against a thick tree pole, with a blazing bonfire in front of him.

"You're finally awake." It was Naruko Asahara who answered him, "We are now more than 60 kilometers away from Thousand Limburg. According to the estimation of the devil... no, Miss Elodie, we will meet the enemy tomorrow afternoon. "

"I see. But it's not necessarily the enemy." Chaoyang looked around and saw that everyone else had got into their sleeping bags and was sleeping soundly. Naruko Asahara was obviously the one responsible for the night watch.

"We won't fight?" Naruko was a little surprised, "Then Mr. Anthony will be disappointed."

"You have also seen the intelligence. The main enemy of this unit is Duke Longjiu. There are not many irreconcilable conflicts with us." Chaoyang picked up a tree stick and threw it into the bonfire. Then the flame suddenly rose and made a crackling sound.

"So that's what you think..." Naruko Asahara thought thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

"My thoughts may be different from yours..." She stared at the bonfire and said slowly, "What they did in Qianlimbao shows that they can sacrifice themselves for the sake of resources, or that resources are far more important than other things. If you take Qianlin Fort, it is equivalent to taking away their resource acquisition points. If these people take a long-term view, they will naturally understand the power of the Paradise Sect. But... most leaders cannot take such a long-term view. "

"Maybe in their eyes, the conflict with you is also irreconcilable."

Chaoyang didn't answer.

In fact, he has also considered that this negotiation may not change the situation in any way, but it is better to do it than not do it - so that when he has to counterattack, he will not have so many doubts in his mind.

"What do you think my chances of winning against the goddess of magic are?"

"If it's a normal duel, it's zero percent." Li Yin's reply always comes in a timely manner.

This answer surprised Chaoyang, "You don't think so highly of me?"

"I'm also curious, where did your confidence come from!" The other party sneered, "Creating a clone that is so weak that it can only stay within two meters of the Kingdom of God, how can you win over others? , I look down on the local gods too much. Yes, although I don’t know what the virtues of the goddess of magic are, she is at least a true queen. She cannot be killed by conventional means. This alone makes her invincible."

"It would be quite troublesome if there was a fight."

"Trouble?" Naruko Asahara looked up at him.

"Nothing, I'm thinking about how to deal with an enemy that's difficult to deal with." Chaoyang mumbled over. He did not report the situation of the gods to the players - because there is a bug here. He is the host of the paradise game and should be a unique existence. But if the gods and the host are on the same level, then the coat of the paradise game will be completely untenable. Living.

"You don't need to worry so much. You'll only lose hundreds of thousands of willpower at most, plus a clone." Miyin seemed to be comforting him, but his tone sounded completely different. "It's well known that you are not good at fighting. , even in a one-on-one situation, you may be pushed to the ground and rubbed by the little girl in the team, so you should be scared. I am still very optimistic about your potential."

That little girl...

Chaoyang twitched the corner of his mouth and glanced at Elodie subconsciously. At this moment, half of her body was lying outside the sleeping bag, like an insect chrysalis that had half emerged from its cocoon.

Hundreds of thousands of wishes... If this number were put in the past, his heart would bleed. Even after obtaining Qian Limbao, the source of wish power, hundreds of thousands of wish power is not a small number. But this is a side effect after the establishment of the Kingdom of God. According to Mianyin, it is called the Kingdom of God tax - any of his clones will cover the power of the Kingdom of God, just like today's Brilliant Castle and Qianlin Castle, the body and the clone Almost two cities included. If you want to create a new avatar, you can't spend hundreds of willpower just like before. It will come with a complete set of black boxes of the Kingdom of God, and will also consume the same willpower.

In other words, if he is willing enough, then the Kingdom of Paradise can cover the entire world.

Once the Kingdom of God is built, it will continue to consume willing energy, which is similar to the depreciation of a machine. It is not exempt from paying if you don't use it. It is appropriate to say that it is a kind of tax.

Therefore, when Chaoyang established the third clone, he deliberately narrowed the scope of the Kingdom of God. In this way, the consumption was still acceptable, but the problem of the collapse of the Kingdom of God caused by the loss still existed.

Chaoyang shook his finger at Xianyin.

"...Even if you do this, it won't work?"

After hearing his idea, Mianyin was stunned, "I haven't tried it, but it sounds feasible... But I have to remind you that this approach may cause greater trouble."

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's feasible."

After all, hundreds of thousands of wishes cannot be thrown away easily. As long as it is possible to save it, he will want to try it.

"Mr. Chao, are you talking to the organization?" Naruko Asahara asked curiously. Although she couldn't see the sound, she noticed that Chaoyang's eyes were always focused on an empty place.

"Well, we just finished talking... By the way, how is your father? Is he normal recently?" Chaoyang changed the topic.

Speaking of her father, Asahara Naruko's tone softened a lot, "Thanks to you, he can now devote himself to research again."

"No changes occurred?"

"Not at the moment. I'm keeping an eye on that."

Could it be that the stuff invented by the Karma Cult can really make people live forever without any side effects? "That's good, keep observing. After all, it has something to do with the evil god."

"Yes, I told my father about this. He also accepted this fact and said that if a change occurred, he would choose to commit suicide. In addition, my father is full of gratitude to you, although you did not agree to meet with him , he still told me, if Paradise needs help from the Asahara family, please just ask," Asahara Naruko said respectfully.

Just like this, they chatted wordlessly, and the night gradually faded away.

At dawn the next day, the group set off again.

On the way, they also passed through a small town, marked as Mushroom Lane on the map. The trees on both sides of the road gradually changed from deciduous forest to coniferous forest.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Elodie, who had been monitoring the situation from the air, sounded the alarm.

"I saw two teams of reconnaissance cavalry with a total of ten people approaching this way. The main force is still about eight kilometers away."

"The reconnaissance troops have spread quite far..." Anthony touched his chin, "These people are considered professionals."

"Understood, let's proceed as planned. We are moving closer to him as an envoy group, and we are not allowed to fire easily without instructions." Chaoyang ordered, "Elody, just continue to observe from the air. No matter what happens, Don’t participate in the battle. If you switch to plan B, you don’t have to intervene forcefully. If there is no good opportunity, it doesn’t matter if you just go back to Qianlimbao.”

"Okay." The angel agreed.

The bodies of everyone here can be replaced, except those of angels. If a conflict breaks out between the two sides, it is impossible for these people in the envoy group to defeat the opponent's 20,000 or 30,000 troops, so not to get involved is the most appropriate choice.

"Then, go meet them!"

Chaoyang clamped his horse's belly and took the lead to greet the reconnaissance cavalry team of the United Resistance Army.

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