Alien paradise

Chapter 335 Seniors and Juniors

"Pretend? Why do you say that?" Chaoyang replied calmly. Although the kingdom of this avatar is small, it is enough to prevent him from being directly affected by the other party. "I do represent the Paradise Sect and am also the leader of Qianlin Castle. Or does it mean that gods cannot serve as messengers?"

Coco Moqi didn't expect him to answer like this, and was speechless for a moment, "You...should keep a distance from your believers."

"I think I can show more sincerity by coming in person. But you... I can decide the policies of Paradise Cult and Thousand Limburg by myself. Can you represent this resistance army? As far as I know... there is not only one Lord of Star Reaching City within it People have the final say.”

"Why...are you talking like this?" Coco Moqi looked dissatisfied.

"How?" Question marks appeared in Chaoyang's head.

He really didn't understand what the other person meant.

"You should call me senior."


"How long have you been born? Ten years? Five years? No... maybe only about a year." Coco Moqi flew up from his seat and floated in front of him, "You probably don't understand anything and are in a state of confusion. I only know the driving force of instinct, and there are countless questions in my heart that need to be answered. Why...are you not afraid at all?"

Chaoyang was dumbfounded.

Did this guy really live for more than nine hundred years?

"Don't use human standards to measure gods," the pick-up voice suddenly sounded, "The reason why she looks like a human is because humans wish for her to be like a human. But in essence, she is not a human, but an aggregate of wishes. , just like me... Of course, the level is far inferior to mine."

"Understand, understand, I am the one with the lowest level, right?" Chaoyang sighed, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"I... of course I can decide it with just one word!"

He looked at the other party suspiciously for a moment, "In that case, we can negotiate."

"There's no rush. Before that, you have to introduce how you were born and what the purpose of Paradise Sect is." She floated back, sat on the chair again, and put on a serious look. "This is very important. If I don't know you well, I won't be able to make the next step of judgment."

After speaking, she stretched out her hand to conjure an hourglass and threw it in front of Chaoyang, "We'll talk about it after we hold it."

"What is this?" Chaoyang did not pick it up immediately, leaving it half hanging in the air.

"Your defensiveness is just like that of a human being." She frowned again, seeming to express her dissatisfaction, "Your kingdom of God is protecting you, so I hope to use the magic hourglass to judge the credibility of your statement. When When you lie, the hourglass flows faster."

Good guy...magic lie detector, right?

Chaoyang gently grasped it in his hand.

Yes, this thing is his now.

"I don't know how I was born as a god. Maybe it's because of people's hopes. As for the purpose of paradise, it's easy to understand, that is, to make this world like paradise."

He has not yet become a god, so he naturally does not know how he was born into a god.

Maybe it's hope - guessing wrong doesn't mean lying.

This part of the purpose of the paradise is actually true. After all, it has always been promoted based on this concept.

He glanced at the hourglass specifically, and sure enough, the flow rate of the sand had not changed.

"Hmm...a very good ideal." Coco Moqi nodded slightly, "Then why do you want to seize Qianlin Fort and massacre the defenders there?"

"Slaughter? Are you saying the opposite?" Chaoyang leaned forward and handed over his right hand, "Hold it and you will see everything I saw."

The goddess of magic floated up curiously and held his hand.


In an instant, fragments of memories about the plundering of Thousand Limburg flooded into her consciousness like snowflakes. Chaoyang originally thought that the other party would show an expression of disgust, fright or rejection, but she just quietly browsed through the memories and said slowly, "I see, I understand your motives."

Now it was Chaoyang's turn to frown, "Did you already know they were doing this?"

"Yu has never asked about their specific matters, and rarely interferes in human government affairs, so Yu doesn't know about it. However, Yu has seen such scenes many times. Haven't humans been doing this since ancient times?"

Chaoyang is speechless...

Only at this time can he feel the vicissitudes of the other party's nine hundred years of experience.

"The purpose of your coming to negotiate this time is to hope that a war will not break out between the two sides, right?" Coco Moqi said again, "Well... this is not difficult to do. The reason why you dispersed the border troops can also be said It's a misunderstanding. In this case, I think the Duke and the others can understand that the conditions for reaching a settlement should be relatively easy. I guess there are only three points. Move your Paradise Cult into Star Reaching City and fight against the God of All Opportunities together with the United Army. ; Return Thousand Limburg to Duke Rosia; neither party involved in this matter will be held accountable. "

At this point, she looked at Chaoyang with a smile on her face, "In this way, the Paradise Sect will also become a member of this group, and naturally there will be no war. On behalf of the Kingdom of Snow, I welcome you -"

"Wait a minute," Chaoyang interrupted her, "I haven't agreed yet, right?"

"Why?" A trace of doubt flashed in Coco Moqi's eyes, "Your followers will not suffer any losses, and you can develop more followers in the mountains. You have no reason to refuse. And... you are traveling independently, so Aren’t you afraid of being destroyed by the God of All Machines?”

There was a thought in his mind, "Destroyed by...?"

"It turns out that you didn't sense that the huge danger is already close at hand." The girl suddenly said, "Gods will decline, but they will not fall spontaneously. The disappearance of any god comes from external causes, and the God of All Machines Cosmos is the biggest threat to all gods today!"

This was the first time Chaoyang experienced the reason for the hostility between the United Army and Duke Longjiu from a god's perspective. "Has it ever been successful?"

"Sure enough... you are too young and don't understand anything." Coco Moqi nodded to himself, "In the past ten years, as many as five or six gods have fallen. Even Yu who has lived in seclusion for many years, more than I felt the disappearance of the same kind of aura. On the contrary, the power of the God of All Machines expanded rapidly, even exceeding the growth of believers. This is obviously abnormal now that you have been born, you will also become the target of Cosmos. , so moving to Star Reaching City is the only option - only there can we hope to block the attack of the God of All Machines. "

"No wonder several gods suddenly appeared in the land of mountains. That's what happened." Chaoyang muttered in his heart, "But can killing other gods also make one's own strength stronger? It sounds like swallowing all things. Like Kun..."

"You are Kun!" Mianyin sneezed, "I have never heard of this saying. The powers of gods even have different concepts and cores. How can they transform into each other? According to this logic, wouldn't it be corruption? Can the body of a god be transformed into a seed of cause and effect? ​​Then the world would have been in chaos!"

In my opinion, the world is already chaotic enough... Chaoyang curled his lips, "Listen to what you said, it seems that it's not enough if I don't go?"

"That's true." Coco Moqi said frankly, "If you are killed by the God of All Machines, it will only further enhance his power."

"Then what if I refuse?"

The other party's attitude has not changed at all... It seems that he has seen this situation before, "Then I can only use force to force you to go. This is also the way to resolve any disputes since ancient times... I believe Yu, you have no chance of winning. .

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