Alien paradise

Chapter 356 Target: Acropolis

"The first-class wonder... is made from the remains of gods!?" Eliz was greatly surprised.

Others were equally stunned and stunned.

You must know that whether it is a strange structure company or a religious sect, they all regard strange structures as gifts from this world. They were either given by the gods or came from the excavation of ancient ruins. No one has ever connected these incredible creations with the bones of the gods.

Only Chaoyang remained silent.

In fact, he had made such a guess before - although the man-made building buried at the bottom of the Ash Hill Mine was blown to pieces, it can still be judged from the decorative patterns on many stone pillar fragments that it was once a temple and belonged to Meyer, the goddess of charity.

In addition, after conducting a thorough investigation of Gaotian Mining, he also read in some anonymous letters that the company attached great importance to secret underground excavations, and mentioned the term first-class wonders several times. According to Lovisya's memory and comprehensive judgment from various sources of intelligence, Meyer's temple was not built underground from the beginning. It was forcibly pulled underground by some force, and the things stored in the temple were very small. It may be a relic of the gods that was mined as a strange structure by Gaotian Mining.

Now with Coco Moqi's testimony, everything becomes clear.

The goal of Gaotian Company is to obtain Meyer's remains and make them into first-class wonders!

This is probably similar to having the grave dug up and the coffin opened after someone dies?

However, Chaoyang vaguely felt that this was not the reason why the Magic Goddess was so angry... because she did not show any obvious disgust when she mentioned Wanli Ji.

What she really resented was the actions of Duke Longjiu and the God of All Machines.

But whether it is the Academy or Duke Longjiu, possessing the Wanli Machine is tantamount to desecrating Ninata's remains. There is no essential difference between the two. Why is there such a big contrast in her reaction?

Chaoyang asked the doubts in his heart.

"Let's put it this way, Yu can't understand Ninata's actions, but I respect her decision." Coco Moqi said emotionally, "After all, each god has a different temperament, just like you humans... If Yu Knowing that I am about to die, I will definitely find a place where no one can touch me. I was born because of your prayers and has protected you for many years, but I don’t want to be called around by you after death, dug out and used as a machine. !”

Although she spoke a little incoherently in excitement, Chaoyang still understood what she meant - Ninata, the God of Knowledge, voluntarily gave her remains to humans for use!

Therefore, she would not direct her dissatisfaction towards Wanliji, because that would be equivalent to the other party's last wish.

But the God of All Machines’ approach is different.

It is more like a plunderer, not only devouring other gods, but also unwilling to let go of the remains of dead gods.

Moreover, first- and second-class strange structures have individual consciousness. Although we don’t know how much connection these consciousnesses have with gods, destroying these strange structures is equivalent to completely annihilating the corresponding consciousness. In the context that Chaoyang is familiar with, it is probably the same as breaking bones. Sweeping ashes and being destroyed forever are almost the same.

Coco Moqi obviously didn't want to see his kind being used as sacrifices to new gods by humans after dedicating their lives to mankind.

"How many first-class wonders are there in the world?" Chaoyang looked at Xue Quan.

The latter flipped through the booklet he carried with him, "There are a total of four included in Wanliji... In addition to the academy itself, the other three are the "Holy Grail" of the Church of Abundance, the "Ten Thousand Miles Map" of the Sea Frontier Development Company, and the "Ten Thousand Miles Map" of Endeavor City. "settlement". The first two are both in the west of the Old World. Endeavor City, like Brilliant Castle, is a pioneering city in the New World. "

"These are only what are recorded on the surface." Judy added positively, "There are also many families and large companies that are suspected of owning first-class strange structures. There are as many as twenty rumors about this part. Of course... listen... After Master Coco Moqi said this, most of them should be just rumors."

After all, a first-class strange structure corresponds to a fallen god, and the god must be willing to hand over the remains to the protected person. It is by no means an easy task to achieve this.

"Whether it's true or not, write them a letter to remind them of what happened in Xingwei City, in the name of Paradise Cult." Chaoyang said to Xue Quan, "As for the secret of the first-class strange structure, it's better not to leak it for the time being. , If any of them really owns a first-class wonder, they will definitely understand the meaning of the warning in the letter."

Coco Moqi glanced at him, a hint of relief flashed in his eyes.

"Speaking of this, there is another thing that makes Yu feel a little strange."

"Oh? What is it?"

"The Goddess of Fertility, she still exists." Coco Moqi said, "Yu can sense her aura with water divination, but she did not respond to Yu's inquiry. Now that the royal city has been breached, it means that the headquarters of the Fertility Sect has also fallen into the hands of the enemy. , the protector of the Yuegui family should have been killed and devoured by the God of All Opportunities.”

"You mean the other party spared the life of the goddess of fertility?"

Chaoyang thought for a while, and realized that Duke Long Jiu's approach was also very unusual. He did not choose to replace the Yuegui family, but regarded himself as the ruling minister. Although he could also control the political power, he would always give it to those who wanted to restore Yuegui's orthodoxy. I left a trace of thoughts. Is there some connection between the two?

"Cosmos didn't even let go of the dead Ninata, how could he let go of Clara who still has the body of a god?" The goddess of magic crossed her arms, "Anyway... I think this matter is a bit strange, if you If you have the ability to investigate, you might as well explore it.”

You can leave it to Dann.

However, he is also in danger now, and it is too difficult for him to spy on the secrets that Duke Longjiu has deliberately hidden. Chaoyang thought for a while and decided to simply mention it to the reporter. It’s best if you can find out. If you can’t find out, don’t force yourself.

Five days later, the "exploration team" sent by Star Reaching City arrived as promised.

Different from the menacing 20,000-strong army last time, this small team not only carried the diplomatic documents signed by the Duke, but also informed the Paradise Cult of the identities of all personnel as soon as they arrived at Qianlimbao. At least they acted sincerely.

Among this team of one hundred people, 90% are experts of various types, such as architects, locksmiths, blacksmiths... and even tomb robbers. Among the six leaders, there were three royal guards, two executive priests in red robes, and the general of Star City, Sir Hollis.

Chaoyang took Coco Moqi, Eliz, Xue Quan and others to receive them.

Even though the two sides had "little friction" before because of the control of Qianlimbao, now they have become close "allies". Just looking at the lively scene of them toasting and chatting at the dinner, one could not tell that there was any difference between the Alliance Army and the Paradise Cult.

In Xue Quan's words, the superficial political literacy of these people has at least reached a qualified level.

But Chaoyang did not ignore a single detail - even though the expedition team only had a hundred people, its leaders still divided into three factions, and no matter whether they were members of the Royal Guards, Execution Priests or Sir Hollis, there was no one Have absolute say in this team.

Fortunately, this march into the Acropolis was entirely focused on the Paradise Cult, and Chaoyang didn't take them too seriously.

In his opinion, he alone can achieve the goal of this mission.

After two days of rest and preparation, all members of the expedition boarded the special train modified by the logging company and officially set off for the east coast.

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