Alien paradise

Chapter 359 Oracle

Half an hour later, there were twenty-two bodies covered with white cloth beside the train. Seeing this scene, Zhang Zhiyuan had a real feeling of death: players will not usher in real death, but these people do not have the same abilities. For them, death is death, their souls return to nothingness, and they will never open their eyes again.

"Hey, come and take a look at this!" Anthony suddenly shouted to them from the roof of Car No. 9.

"Can you be quiet at this time?" Naruko Asahara glared at him.

"I'll tell you if it's not important? Come up quickly!" the Russian insisted.

Suddenly, several soldiers jumped up on the spot and jumped directly onto the three-meter-high roof of the car. Zhang Zhiyuan also grabbed the steel ladder outside the car and climbed up. Only when he reached the top did he see clearly what the Russians had discovered: something actually had a string of words written in blood on the top of the carriage! The blood comes from both parts of strange birds and human blood... The remaining feathers and human internal organs around it are proof.

The text is simple, just three characters.

"Leave quickly."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and there was more or less a chill in their hearts.

Who left such a line of words? And still in full view of the public?

Although the mist creatures are terrifying, they are still not beyond the category of beasts in nature, and it is impossible to talk to humans. And judging from the messy bloodstains and twisted bird carcasses, it was obvious that they were not smeared here voluntarily.

Sandra looked at the misty woods with no wind around her and whispered, "The forest is expelling us..."

The train did not proceed further.

Chaoyang, Coco Moqi, Elodie and others, as well as many representatives of the expedition team, all gathered in Car No. 1 to discuss what to do next.

Due to the large number of people attending the meeting, the car, which was not spacious, seemed quite crowded. In addition, everyone had different opinions, and the scene was quite noisy for a time.

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God, I think we should set off quickly, arrive at the edge of the Acropolis before dark, and then establish a station and build a defense line." Mekfa loudly insisted on his opinion, "The space on the train is small, and it is inconvenient for each carriage to interact with each other. "It's not good for us to stay in the car."

The Divine Envoy was naturally referring to Chaoyang - in order to move with the group, he had to create another clone. The avatar's realm of the Kingdom of God was only maintained within half a meter of its side. Even so, it still cost nearly 100,000 willpower.

If this body is damaged again, his huge will power inventory will become unable to make ends meet.

"What do you think?" Chaoyang looked at the others.

"I agree to move forward, but it should be after evacuating the wounded." Eliz objected, "And there is no need for all the expedition team to go. Most of them are ordinary people and lack basic combat experience. They can return outside the fog area first. It’s not too late to set up camp and wait until the Paradise Cult successfully dispels the fog before entering the Acropolis.”

"Let the expedition team go back? Their mission is to enter the Acropolis to find relics. How can the mission be achieved without them?" Mekfa immediately objected.

"Then we must send the injured back no matter what!" Elise argued, "There is no condition to treat the seriously injured here. If we let them follow us all the way, these people will die."

"You are still so naive." Flower Divine Sword shook his head, "This is a military mission, and death is inevitable. Will both sides of the war stop fighting because some soldiers are injured?"

"But they are not soldiers..."

"Then who do you think they are? Industry experts? The reason why Lord Rosha chose these people is because it doesn't matter if they lose money! They are either corrupt construction foremans or petty thieves in prison. "Mekfa said solemnly, "Their lives are nothing compared to what we are looking for. If you want to inherit your father's legacy, you'd better learn how to make choices."

Eliz opened her mouth, but failed to refute. It was obvious that these words pierced her heart.

"Aren't you going to express your opinion?" Chaoyang asked Coco Moqi using the sound transmission technique.

"I don't want to participate in human disputes. No matter which side you stand on, it will greatly increase the weight of that side. The problem is that the post-gods are not omniscient and omnipotent, and they will also make serious mistakes. There were seniors who were killed because of their wrong judgments. It would lead to the complete destruction of the shelter tribe, so not making a choice is actually the best choice." Coco Moqi replied calmly.

"I'm not unfamiliar with the fog, but this is the first time I've encountered a fog creature that can fly." Shantara said, "As far as I know, there are no similar records of the pioneering groups in the entire New World. Maybe this fog The area is extremely dangerous. Who can guarantee that if we continue to go deeper, we will not encounter more terrifying monsters? From this perspective, the ordinary people in the expedition team are a burden and will only slow down our progress, so it is better to let them return first. The most reasonable choice!”

"Sandra..." Eliz looked at her friend.

The latter gave her a firm look, "What's more, the envoy made two preparations before setting off. This train has two front and rear locomotives, both equipped with obsidian lamps to dispel the fog. As long as it is disconnected from the middle , can be used as two cars. Am I right, Your Excellency?”

"That's right." Chaoyang confirmed briefly.

"Then who will escort the wounded?" Moses, another royal guard, asked.

"My people can help." The man in red robe stood up.

"Master Yukel, you..."

"The little girl is right. The brand can only relieve the injuries, but it can't really cure them." The man stroked his chest and said, "Now let them return to the city, maybe they can survive. The God of Fire must not want to see it either. When we save people, we still force them to die.”

"I think... we should all return. It is definitely not a wise move to go deeper..." Reske, who had been standing next to Chaoyang, finally couldn't help but said, "I have a hunch that that warning was not a threat, but This is my Lord’s final warning.”

"My Lord? This is..." Mekfa narrowed his eyes.

"He is a believer of Paradise Cult and also my assistant." Chaoyang quickly covered it up, "He must have been frightened by the battle just now. Our Lord has not issued any oracle."

"What's going on? Have you sensed the call of the God of Hidden Mist?" He then asked through the player channel, "Be careful of exposing your identity, the people in Star Reaching City will not treat your god as a legitimate god."

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Resker also came to his senses. "Before the strange bird attacked, the fog horn once rotated half a circle...but in the past, the horn would only rotate when our Lord looked at the believers."

"So you think these human-faced birds are sent by the God of Mist?"

"No...the monster is just a monster and has nothing to do with my lord. Moreover, the rotation of the horn is also very abnormal. It only turns half a circle in total, as if it is being held back by something. So I can only say that this is a premonition, not a Confirmed judgment. After all, except for gods, the horn will never rotate!" He paused, his tone revealing excitement, "And the last time it rotated was eight years ago... I have reason to believe that this Then the bloody warning is its new oracle!"

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