Alien paradise

Chapter 363 Psalms

"Are you Chaoyang?" It took Elodie half a minute to accept this fact. There is a mirror in the room. As long as they take a look, they can see that they have become completely different people. "Where is the contract between us?"

"No more. Just wait for me..." Chaoyang forced himself to calm down and check the condition of his body. If he didn't check, he wouldn't know. Now that he saw it, his heart sank to the bottom. All the white silk threads that continuously provided him with will power were gone, and even the will power that originally existed in his body was very little left. In terms of numbers, it was exactly one thousand and five, no more, no less.

One thousand and five... It has been a long time since he experienced the fear of exhaustion of his willpower!

This amount of willingness is almost what he had when he became a demon.

This cannot be said to be a return to pre-liberation overnight, it is simply a return to 1912 overnight!

"What's wrong with you?" Elodie noticed his ugly expression.

"The gone. No, don't worry about that now." He stretched out his right hand and concentrated on activating his ability. After a while, a contract appeared in his hand.

The devil's ability seems to be still there, but the reaction is much slower than before, as if there is a high delay in the transmission of his will.

"This...can prove my identity?"

"Let me ask first, how did you recognize me?"

"You wanted to hit me with the Storm Sword, right." Chaoyang sighed, "That determined expression and the gesture of raising the sword were just like the one when we first met at Dan's house."

"You still remember, I have already apologized." Elodie mumbled and took the contract, glanced at it a few times and pressed her fingerprint, "I'll try, do you have to hear it?"

"Yes, there is a sound."

The moment communication between consciousness was reestablished, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"What is going on now? What you did to me last night..."

"I just woke up, less than two minutes earlier than you!" Chaoyang glared, then quickly looked away, "Clothes!"

Elodie's face suddenly turned red.

Even though this body is completely different from hers.

"Help me find it!"

Chaoyang could only search around, but fortunately there was a lot of inventory in the wardrobe in the room. He casually took out a few sets of loose robes and shirts and threw them to the other party, not caring whether they were of the right style.

"Okay, you can go back." Elodie said after busying for a while.

It wasn't until this moment that he had time to look at the other party seriously. Angel's new body is about 20 years old, with tawny skin, plump figure, and facial features that are far inferior to her original appearance, which can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

"You're getting older." Elodie was also observing him. "You don't look like a good person at first glance. You look like a common villain in movies."

"I know it without you having to tell me." Chaoyang sighed. When he looked in the mirror just now, he noticed that his new body was about 35 to 40 years old. He was of medium height and thin, with a lot of stubble on his face and eye sockets. It was as deep as a hole, and he looked like a slovenly man. He also had a long history of alcoholism and suffered from severe lack of sleep on weekdays. "We have to quickly figure out who the owners of these two bodies are, and what is the relationship between you and me."

"There are too many things that need to be clarified." Elodie jumped off the bed and walked to the window, "But there is one thing we may be able to confirm. Come and take a look."

Chaoyang followed his words and came to the window and looked out at the world - the sun was so bright that he couldn't help but raise his hand to block his forehead. Under the sun, there is a vibrant city, with one- and two-story bungalows connected to each other for several miles. Pedestrians can be seen everywhere in the streets, and they are all dressed in different styles. The noises, business calls, and even the sounds of fighting are endless, creating a noisy reverberation above the city. Further away, the sea occupies the entire field of vision. The blue sea extends to the edge of the sky, wrapping the city within a square inch.

A city by the sea?

Chaoyang leaned out of the window again and tried to turn his head to look at the other two sides - one side was still the sea, while the other side could see a rolling forest.

"We are in...the Acropolis?"

"I think so too." Elodie nodded, "If it is really the Acropolis, it would be a bit amazing. Look... the noisy look below, is there any sign that it has been swallowed up by the mist?"

The Acropolis where the fog has not yet appeared...

Fifteen years ago…

They came to the past! ?

The two of them looked at each other and had the same answer in their minds - the evil god. The reason why the Acropolis collapsed was because it was shrouded in fog, but they all knew that the fog would only appear in places where the influence of the evil god was strongest. Before the green light of the obelisk appeared, Pickup also issued a warning of the aura of the ancestral god.

"We might as well speculate." Elodie said quickly, "Even after fifteen years, the power of the evil god has not completely dissipated. It has just been isolated by the fog, so it has not affected the outside world. But you dispelled it. The fog is equivalent to lifting the veil of the Acropolis, and the power of the evil god is also released. "

"I think you are right." Chaoyang could only admit, because he thought so in his heart. Because Miyin patted his chest and said that he could smell the scent of the same kind for the first time, he thought that the biggest obstacle could only come from the God of Hidden Mist. But who would have thought that even in the past ten years or so, the evil god is still affecting this place. A city? The Gray Hill Mine, where the God of Karma also visited, is now almost becoming a tourist attraction.

Another omission is that there is not even a second from the sound pickup to the green light. When facing the snake-shaped red light of the God of Cause and Effect, they at least had some time to think about countermeasures.

This is no longer a matter of carelessness... As long as he intends to dispel the fog of the Acropolis, he will definitely encounter such a situation.

"That angular obelisk should be the evil god..." Elodie thought, "I wanted to take you away at that time because I intuitively felt the strong danger. Looking back now, that creepy feeling Just like when the sky cracked in the Brilliant Castle.”

The cracked sky, the blood falling like a waterfall, the wriggling membrane... just a little bit away, the God of Cause and Effect can come to this world.

What about the obelisk? It gives people a completely different feeling - flat, smooth, and towering... as if it is declaring that it is not born by nature, but is an extremely precise work of art.

"I'm afraid this is a new evil god." Chaoyang murmured.

"Same feeling." Elodie nodded, "Aside from being equally weird, it is completely different from the evil spirit of Glory Castle. The question is, are we dead or alive? If all this is not an illusion, then why were we sent there? Come to the Acropolis that has not been swallowed up by the fog?"

When Chaoyang was about to speak, he suddenly saw a transparent character appear in his field of vision!

Then the second, the third...

He looked at Elodie in surprise, and found that the latter was also shocked. His eyes were focused on the place thirty centimeters in front of him - and there was nothing there at all.

Chaoyang realized that not only him, but Elodie also saw the same character.

He forced himself to concentrate and read these words one by one.

It turned out to be a Chinese "poem".

"What is a double image;"

"Why pity the world?"

“Hate arises from the heart;”

"Cause and effect cannot be heard."

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