Alien paradise

Chapter 366 Development is the most important thing

Chaoyang's hand shook and he almost dropped the tea cup to the ground!

"Hey, wake up!"

He quickly held up the other person's head, first listened to her breathing and heartbeat, and then pinched her, but there was no improvement. What is this...sickness? Poisoned? No, the contract is still connected stably, and she is not failing due to external forces.

Chaoyang thought about his situation and suddenly thought of something.

Isn't it because of...the power of the will?

Thinking of this, he bit his finger and put the fingertip into the angel's mouth. The latter subconsciously licked it and then sucked it.

After spending a third of her willpower, Elodie slowly opened her eyes, and her face returned to rosy.

"What are you doing?" she asked in surprise, holding out her fingers.

"What else can you do? You are so weak that you are about to die. Why don't you tell me?" Chaoyang frowned.

"You misunderstood." Elodie was stunned for a moment, then glared at him, "Didn't I tell you before that angels will not die even if they have no will power, at most they are just like ordinary people. I didn't just After the transformation, I still maintain the same activity pattern as Qian Limbao. I only think of this when my will power is exhausted. Even if I fall into a coma, it will be almost like sleeping. I will wake up after my physical strength is restored. "

"It's good for you now. You don't have much willpower in the first place, so you gave me a lot. Devils are not angels. If you don't have willpower, you will die!"

Although it sounded like blaming, her tone was soft and there was no blame at all.

Chaoyang immediately understood the reason why she had exhausted her will power - it was probably because she had been using abilities like telepathic vision or summoning storms. When her will power was abundant, she could naturally use it as a passive skill, but she had to be cautious during periods when resources were scarce. .

"Don't angels have much willpower when they awaken?"

"That's right. When I woke up, except for knowing my own identity, I was almost no different from ordinary people. That bit of power was accumulated bit by bit in my daily life."

So when both of them returned to the initial state, Chaoyang still had a starting capital, while Elodie hit the bottom.

"It doesn't matter if you share so much of my willpower, right?" the angel asked with concern.

"About five hundred. I keep one thousand. If I don't use my power, I can live for more than twenty days. But whether I give you the power or not, such a small amount of chips is far from enough."

The enemy is the First God, and currently the most effective way to attack it is to use the power of the Rotten God, which is a thermonuclear weapon. Fifteen hundred wishes cannot be used to change it. In addition, creating clones, dreaming, and telepathic vision also require willing power. Whether this is a realistic illusion or time travel, he must save enough chips before the enemy reveals his real fangs.

Without willingness, there is no room for error, let alone actively intervene in the situation to change the predetermined outcome of the Acropolis' destruction or to protect oneself when disaster strikes.

Chaoyang has realized that development is the most important thing at the moment.

"Do you have any ideas?" Elodie asked.

"Well, the questions you collected are indeed very important, but we have to get familiar with the environment first. It is best to sign a few contracts and quickly collect some will power." Chaoyang glanced at the sky. It was probably just after noon now. Outside The sun is quite bright. "Go to the coast again at four or five in the afternoon to see what the Phlogiston Company is up to."

"Go to the bar to collect information at night?" She grinned, "And drink some wine to calm down the shock?"

"No problem, just follow this itinerary!"

After the two left their residence, Chaoyang opened his spiritual vision and stood on the suspension bridge between buildings to look at the entire city. Their location is at the west end of the Acropolis, and their status is probably equivalent to that of wealthy areas in other cities. This can be seen from the intact condition of the surrounding houses and the clothing of pedestrians.

The beams of faith here are also quite weak, mostly purple and blue. Such believers who already have a Lord are not within Chaoyang's consideration. He just wants to make quick money now.

The south and east sides are all areas where bungalows and shanties are mixed, and you can indeed see a few ownerless rays of wish power. The problem is that these lights are quite weak and looming in the sky. This shows that the holders of the wish power are ordinary people and cannot bring him much reward.

But does he have a choice now?

No. Just like when he first arrived at Brilliant Castle.

"Go to the south." Chaoyang said decisively.

Fortunately, he is no longer the ignorant rookie he was at the beginning, he is the King of Demons.

"You said... could the double images of those lines of text refer to us?" Elodie murmured as she walked.

"Angels and demons? This is the concept of the earth..."

"But the other party is an ancient god, so it's not surprising that he can transcend all worlds."

"Well... what you said is not unreasonable. But you and I are double shadows, what does it mean?" This is what troubles Chaoyang the most about the four lines. It is like some kind of guide, but also like a puzzle. But no matter what it is, there must be a place for people to respond!

"It doesn't mean anything, maybe it just sounds easy?" Elodie smiled, "I just feel more and more that angels and demons may be two sides of the same body, and they can have the greatest effect when combined together."

"What about pity the world?"

"It's me." She said without giving in. "Angels pity the suffering people in the world. It's very appropriate."

Chaoyang shrugged, "Hate starts from the heart?"

"It's a devil. Devils other than you have done countless bad things. They must hate the world in their hearts."

"What about cause and effect being inaudible?"

"Hmm... The reason why angels and demons have been fighting each other for thousands of years has been lost in the long river of history?"

"So these four sentences are about you and me." Chaoyang curled his lips, "It seems like he said it or not."

Elodie chuckled, "It's just a guess, maybe the god is waiting to see us having fun."

"No... the ancestors cannot understand human beings, nor can they empathize with us." The warning of Pick Up could not help but appear in his mind.

——Listen carefully, only the God of Cause and Effect will protect you... It is the honor of mankind to accept the Unification!

Suddenly without this annoying slime, he actually missed it a little.

Where is it now? Still alive?

"Hey, Chaoyang, the atmosphere is a bit strange..." Elodie suddenly pulled down his sleeve, and the conversation changed to voice transmission.

The latter was slightly startled. They had now left the "rich area" and had just entered the shanty town. In the dark corners of the house and the house, you can occasionally see a few people lying down to enjoy the cool air. These people have thin bodies and yellow eyes. Their eyes move with their steps, and their expressions are filled with hatred and hostility. Even without communicating, Chaoyang realized that these people did not welcome him.

Is it because you come from a wealthy area?

Or are your clothes too clean and tidy?

"Don't panic, these people are weak and don't pose much of a threat."

Chaoyang raised his head and glanced at the sky. The first light of wish was about five hundred meters ahead.

This level of prayer... combined with the surrounding environment, is probably a desire for food or healing from injuries. Both of these can be alleviated with money. They belong to the type of low investment and quick return. The contract can be completed quickly - apart from other things, Barif is not a penniless person. On the contrary, he has a lot of money in his wardrobe and desk drawer. There were a lot of coins placed there, as well as several jewelry rings that looked very valuable. For demons, exchanging money for willpower is a good deal at any time.

After walking through a dark alley, the two met an unkempt boy. He squatted in a damp corner, holding a girl smaller than him in his arms.

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